I need some help with coin prices please...

Coin prices fluctuate from day to day. I don't know if anyone will want to stick their neck out and say a certain coin is worth an certain amount. Get a "Red Book" of coin values and it will give you a decent ball park figure. Monty

I just need the basic gist of the price.. I hope someone does stick their neck out and tell me because I need to know. Preferably someone with a redbook.. ;D

barber dime is $725, unless it's "S" mint then it's $1250
The seated is close to $100

I just bought a paperback "blue" book of coin values for seven bucks at the Homeland store. It shows an ms-65 Barber Dime at $700.00. The 1876 Seated doesn't show an au-53 but an au-55 is $150.00. It shows 1857 half dime running from $20.00 at the bottom of the scale to 400.00 graded ms-65. This is the "Coin World 2007 Edition'', but I cannot vouch for any price because I am simply quoting the book. Monty

Coins are worth what someone will pay for it ..
You have to really learn coins and be up on current trends if your going to be concerned
about coin prices. the hard books that you buy are just guidelines, like the red book. It is
only printed once a year, so are we to assume that the price will not change until the next
book comes out? Dealers get a weekly Grey sheet that updates prices and trends.
Trends is .. I bought a 3 coins silver eagle proof set from the mint, I received it in December.
I paid $100 for it. The mint sold out these sets .. now they are trending $250 - $300. A red book
will not reflect this trend.

Are you wanting someone to tell you what a coin is worth so you can make a good buy. with out
even looking at the coin? Let me tell you not all coins on E bay are graded correctly, i would sell all my
coins if I could put them on-line and sell them for what ever the listed price is and for the grade that i list

I am sure you really don't want to hear this ... but .. if your buying coins .. you should really learn before you buy.
them .... I would bump all my grades up one or two grades.

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