BioProfessor said:Looks like a coin or a token. If it is silver and solid, it was probably a coin. With all the damage, the chances of a solid ID is pretty slim. Swallow it and 2 aspirin and "forget about it."
I'm not 100% sure of it's metal content. I did scratch a piece on the backside? and it looks like copper.IronSpike said:Are you sure it copper?
I think you're right on it being a lion's tail. I would guess British token similar to this one:
johnnyi said:I agree with Orablanco that there is a slim possibly this may be an early Dutch or German coin, as the lion apprears rampant from what we can see of his haunches and position of his tail, coupled with the two concentric rings. The rings alone show this to be more along the lines of a coin than a token if you're going to play the odds. My books on foreign coins only go back to 1800, but here is a scan of a coin design from the web (different denomination and metal) somewhat similar to what we can see of yours, with the tail pointing outward, and the word "confidence" between the two concentric lines. (I believe this example is fromthe early 1600's.
johnnyi said:AU24K, close also, but we still have the problem with the fur halfway up the lion's tail (on my example also) and the absense of any open letter such as an O or D on the Netherland coin.