Any hints on where to look for silver coins? I know they can wash up on my beaches, but I didn't manage to find any after last storms big cut so I missed my chance on that.

I as thinking maybe going to the older parks but I'm guessing the older stuff is pretty deep?

Any hints on where to look for silver coins? I know they can wash up on my beaches, but I didn't manage to find any after last storms big cut so I missed my chance on that.

I as thinking maybe going to the older parks but I'm guessing the older stuff is pretty deep?
Not always. I've dug a couple hundred from parks, and most are in the 3 - 6" range.

Gotta keep at it. I had a bit of a draught then pulled 3 in close succession. I'm in a ring draught that I need to break!

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I haven't either, but I have found other good things indians shields l/c. I figured if I'm finding that stuff I'm still having fun,

Coin shooting is the art of finding stuff that people drop// So the more people using the place you are detecting, the more you can expect to find. I hunt a large dailey used winter parking lot-- the finds (400+) taper from front to rear with most finds from the first 3 rows of cars (these always fill first) and the satalite (overfill lots) give up the least ( least used) A park will be the same// Also if folks are changing shoes or other the spills go up// I have a little trail head parking lot that is crazy// 15 + hits off 75ft yrly. every once in a while I'll get a silver// just a bonus.

The biggest mistake anyone who is looking for old coins makes is not looking for them in either the right PLACE or looking TOO LONG in a place that might have produced in the past. Just because you HAVE found them in a certain place doesn't guarantee that you'll find some more. Once they're gone they're gone, don't beat yourself over the head about it. Everyone at one time or another gets suckered in to going to the same tired place, hoping for different results. When that doesn't happen, the operator gets to thinking that their machine isn't right, their coil is bad, there's stray EMI from the ice cream truck...there MUST still be coins here! While that is probably true, you should move on to somewhere else, if for nothing more than a change of scenery. Whatever it takes to get the old coins flowing again is what needs to be done, come HELL or high water. For ME, the cure has always been seeking a "better" LOCATION.
Glad to see the fires are started captain...carry on!

In my area there were many MDers over the decades from the 1970's thru today. The block in town that held the big school back in the mid 1800's was added onto numerous times and just last year was demolished. I have gridded that place numerous times over the the past 3 years and was lucky to snag a Walker, my only keeper coin dug there. The majority of my great finds come from old properties in town, not the ones on the main streets, since those were pounded by everyone, but the smaller ones or the ones on the side streets. Even the neighboring yard to an 1800's house can hold treasure since it was part of the bigger houses yard at one time. You'll have more luck on those sites if they are slab homes and do not have a basement. Any home built before 1960 will have great potential for giving up a silver coin.

In my area there were many MDers over the decades from the 1970's thru today. The block in town that held the big school back in the mid 1800's was added onto numerous times and just last year was demolished. I have gridded that place numerous times over the the past 3 years and was lucky to snag a Walker, my only keeper coin dug there. The majority of my great finds come from old properties in town, not the ones on the main streets, since those were pounded by everyone, but the smaller ones or the ones on the side streets. Even the neighboring yard to an 1800's house can hold treasure since it was part of the bigger houses yard at one time. You'll have more luck on those sites if they are slab homes and do not have a basement. Any home built before 1960 will have great potential for giving up a silver coin.

You always give great advice Loco

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Got a bit of clad today from the oldest park in Irvine CA lol... I didn't dig a lot, still learning how to quickly pull good targets. Got to use my Hori Hori for the first time today which was fun.


That's all I have to say. My MXT was going crazy multi chirps and signals from all the targets.

Got a bit of clad today from the oldest park in Irvine CA lol... I didn't dig a lot, still learning how to quickly pull good targets. Got to use my Hori Hori for the first time today which was fun.


That's all I have to say. My MXT was going crazy multi chirps and signals from all the targets.

Welcome to modern urban park hunting! Unless they're old enough for Indian cents, I cherry pick them by using some serious discrimination. I use what I call my "sex sounds" program.........just screamers and moaners. I keep nickel sounds and a couple of numbers each way, but, that's it on the low tones. On the high end, it's copper cent and above. Everything in between is a waste of time in my book. Sure. there will be some gold in that range, but, look at all the crap you'll have to dig to find one. You have better luck at the beach and easier recoveries.

Out here in Utah, unless I actually go down to Salt Lake City area silver is hard for me to find. I've mostly hunted parks and schools. Most of which are all modern (from the 70's on up), so I haven't found any silver at all. It's out there though. I know it is... somewhere!

Not always. I've dug a couple hundred from parks, and most are in the 3 - 6" range.

OP mentioned you have a F75. Counter intuative I know but try this strange tip. Turn your sensitivity DOWN to 4 or 5..... I know how bizzare that sounds. I have been night hunting alot over the same ground that I have hunted over and over. Im a fussy sweeper always overlapping. There are alot of concerts regularly on this particular spot. I am just looking for surface things, recent drops in the grass....
I cant tell you how strange it is but I have been finding amazing things at 4 -6 inches! Im still trying to understand it?? Was my high gain looking past the targets?? ( i know that sounds impossible)
The F75 does like a fast sweep to find deeper targets but I found slowing it down a tad and turning the sensitivity down really has produced for me lately.

also if you hunt with zero scrim when you hear a high silver tone that sounds awsome listen for just the slightest grunt. If you get the grunt amongst the silver tone 99/100 its iron. Do the old ground upset trick if you have to confirm it. as in put the digging tool in. break the halo. re sweep. hear grunt. walk off to next tatget....

Got a bit of clad today from the oldest park in Irvine CA lol... I didn't dig a lot, still learning how to quickly pull good targets. Got to use my Hori Hori for the first time today which was fun.


That's all I have to say. My MXT was going crazy multi chirps and signals from all the targets.

Hope you have a small coil. They are the ticket to hear the good targets between the trash.

Welcome to modern urban park hunting! Unless they're old enough for Indian cents, I cherry pick them by using some serious discrimination. I use what I call my "sex sounds" program.........just screamers and moaners. I keep nickel sounds and a couple of numbers each way, but, that's it on the low tones. On the high end, it's copper cent and above. Everything in between is a waste of time in my book. Sure. there will be some gold in that range, but, look at all the crap you'll have to dig to find one. You have better luck at the beach and easier recoveries.

This is EXACTLY what I do Cuda,the FBS machines excel with just what you're doing,and I run my EX2 and CTX precisely as you have your eTrac set up. I CANNOT buy into the whole "really high FE numbers on deep coins" because guess what? I've never seen it. Maybe in some crazy soil or with super high sensitivity but I find really high sensitivity to be counter productive. In areas with a lot of trash you need PRECISION, and the FBS machines are certainly that.

OP mentioned you have a F75. Counter intuative I know but try this strange tip. Turn your sensitivity DOWN to 4 or 5..... I know how bizzare that sounds. I have been night hunting alot over the same ground that I have hunted over and over. Im a fussy sweeper always overlapping. There are alot of concerts regularly on this particular spot. I am just looking for surface things, recent drops in the grass....
I cant tell you how strange it is but I have been finding amazing things at 4 -6 inches! Im still trying to understand it?? Was my high gain looking past the targets?? ( i know that sounds impossible)
The F75 does like a fast sweep to find deeper targets but I found slowing it down a tad and turning the sensitivity down really has produced for me lately.

I have the F75 myself when you say turn it down to 4 or 5 do you mean 40 or 50? I'm only had it 4 months coming off my ATP.

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also if you hunt with zero scrim when you hear a high silver tone that sounds awsome listen for just the slightest grunt. If you get the grunt amongst the silver tone 99/100 its iron. Do the old ground upset trick if you have to confirm it. as in put the digging tool in. break the halo. re sweep. hear grunt. walk off to next tatget....

That's a great tip

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Welcome to modern urban park hunting! Unless they're old enough for Indian cents, I cherry pick them by using some serious discrimination. I use what I call my "sex sounds" program.........just screamers and moaners. I keep nickel sounds and a couple of numbers each way, but, that's it on the low tones. On the high end, it's copper cent and above. Everything in between is a waste of time in my book. Sure. there will be some gold in that range, but, look at all the crap you'll have to dig to find one. You have better luck at the beach and easier recoveries.

The park is old, became a park in 1897 so it has some age to it. But it's also a very heavily used park, so it's littered with trash. Pulltabs and Canslaw galore. I'm sure i'll come back at some point once I get my Park/Beach pass. Saw a few places I wanted to detect, but until then I'll skip paying $5.00 to park there.

And yeah I agree with you about limiting what you dig and looking for dimes/quaters, that's what I ended up doing after I got tired of pull tabs. I know you HAVE to dig tabs in order to find gold at the parks, but there is no way to quickly dig tabs/trash without making a serious mess detecting imho. And every time I find a nickel signal that's screaming at me, it ends up just another tab.

I've seen guys on the web digging plugs and then cutting the plug in half and then in half again and then breaking up the rest of the plug to quickly find the target and then just dumping that whole mess back into the ground and leaving a circle of dirt/roots/mashed grass. That's just not my style, but in order to take your time and carefully remove a target you have to spend a little more time on them.

I wish it was as easy as beach detecting and a quick scoop and go. But the small coin spill of pocket change from some guy probably sitting in a lawn chair last summer was fun. First time I've had multiple coins in one dig.

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