I have found the Lost Adams Diggings Sno-Ta-hay Canyon

Sounds an awful lot like the carre-shinob stories in utah. ive spent ALOT of time on that and found some interesting stuff up in the utah kills....this just sounds too copycat to me.

:blob1:OK Im only gonna come on one Condition..... If the Indians shoot at me with their bows and arrows and i get one of those magical Flying Unicorns I heard about. :violent1: :violent1: :violent1: :newbie:

When you coming backkkkk Dammmmit did alot of grid work the last few days found alot of interesting stuff we can hit, where there use to be Old Stores and Post Offices and a few Houses but there isnt anything there anymore..... not even a Brick or Two..
Anywayz im heading out in the Morning if you get a chance to get down here and if you past my house and go to the stop sign you should see me in the field to your right coming down the Hill.... ill Pm this to you as Welllll

Jack Straw said:
Sounds an awful lot like the carre-shinob stories in utah. ive spent ALOT of time on that and found some interesting stuff up in the utah kills....this just sounds too copycat to me.

so is this Ron Jenson a real author or some guy that has made this up?
I know he had some articles in those gold magazines. but the website below has not been updated since 2001. what happened to him. has he not searched anymore, died, or what....


that website has not been updated since 2002. i said 2001 but double checked and it was 2002 last time written about. i googled this guy but no author came up. who wrote the gold magazine articles then....

Hi All,

It's amazing to see all these great people who have read and posted since I was here last. : ) Way cool!

This is an amazing story to me. As I mentioned before, I've researched this as well for many years. I had a good inkling that Mr. Jensen would find the place and then saw the web site a few years ago and did my own research then found the same canyon. Only it's a real mystery alright and to me rather fascinating in that we have the initial story of Adams, then the over three hundred gold claims that dropped off for whatever reason listed with BLM and the county I researched and worked with a really great assistant with BLM who gave the information.

The canyon has filled in by ten to forty feet due to earthquakes and the main walls falling, besides all the digging that has gone on over the last ten years or less. There's a new road going into the canyon since Jensen seems to have fallen off the edge of the earth so to speak. In his website, he writes about other people he went on the expeditions with who he deemed as suspicious and actually caught trying to take over the entire lost Adams site he purposely lied about to see if they would betray him and Mr. Jensen hasn't been seen or heard from since 2003. You can go to the sites he mentioned he wrote about and find information that is not as forthcoming as this site, however the story just gets more and more interesting. There really was a naval academy located nearby where I remember seeing on TV on a show similar to In Search Of where a cadet found several large gold nuggets and was suspected of being the Lost Adams which it turned out to most likely have been and then that show disappeared or at least the one episode.

The gold has been recovered and there is the most interesting hieroglyphs and what appears to be ancient burial mounds and even artwork that can only be seen from the air that indicates a burial site. Why Hollywood hasn’t made a movie about this place other than the movie McKenna's Gold, is beyond me. This is like the most horrifying story and even more so in that it really happened during or around the start of the Apache Wars. The site was in fact under the control of Chief Nana at the time. It’s also amazing how Adams walked through the most unforgiving country after the attack for over a hundred miles over fourteen or thirteen days where any weaker man would have never survived considering the areas.

The canyon perfectly matches the map drawn and everything comes together perfectly as far as Adam's descriptions. There can be no other place considering the map Adams drew was from memory.

I wrote a script for a movie but will take a little ore tome to finish.

I'll put together some more information and am thinking of revealing the location since the gold is now gone that Jensen found and then vanished now that so many great responses are forthcoming. Thanks everyone for checking this out. : ) I can also post my Facebook page as well when I come back. I have so many things to do today so I'll try to get back this evening with more information.

Phil A

First, I apologize for being away for a while. I had to take care of my health and go through physical rehab elsewhere away from my computer. I also thought there was little interest and it seemed so odd to me myself after reading others posts and doubts, but now I see a lot more interest by those who posted their interests.

I’ll be happy to show the area if everyone interested can understand, that the main treasure could still be there, but it’s doubtful after reading Jensen’s posts since 2003 where the site was last updated as Tommy I believe mentioned. That’s nearly eight years and I can’t find one single article regarding the place. If there are those still interested, please post so. I wrote earlier and haven’t seen anyone return since but then it’s coming into the holidays so everyone is busy I’m sure. Besides, it may be better to wait until early Spring weather permitting to go there in person to the LAD. Helicopter service would be the best bet, besides, this area is a very good representation of how gold forms over many hundreds of thousands if not millions of years. There are other claims of the LAD being found, but then, where’s the gold? Nobody, including Jensen has posted photos, video or whatever of the gold. The area I believe may be protected by those hoping to preserve the area. The area is on BLM land as I am sure those who are privy to the location will find if they check after I post the locations or if we can still come to some sort of agreement to go there as a team, would be the best way. I’m worried about going into the canyon by the main normal way.

Please read the book, you can find it online or at the library or whatever, it’s cheap but gives a great view of the true story of the original party of twenty two men of whom twenty were slaughtered by the Apache after wearing out their welcome and going against Chief Nana’s directions and orders. Instead of leaving the following day, these men chose to stay and if need be fight the entire Apache and Yaqui nations for the gold, which like the saying goes about fools and gold fever. I am seriously on the side of believing even Mr. Jensen met with ill fate now after looking even harder over the last month or so since I posted before seeing all the great responses again recently. In the mean time, planning is good, but it would be best to plan on actually going to work during our spare time to recover the gold that may lay much deeper in the canyon, below the floor, where the water flows down into a very prominent faults where there is obvious volcanic activity deeper down where the gold should be and in very large amounts considering it’s a natural gold catch besides natural area where gold would form over time.

The main thing is to keep in mind that the area as far as any burial mounds should be preserved and I want to work with the University to help determine just what ancient history is obviously in the area. I have no doubt personally it was in fact an ancient burial site for Apache Chiefs. There is a good reason, by looking at the canyon from the top of the highest peak where Adams hid after the attack above the pumpkin patch why he named the nugget he kept from the canyon, The Goose Egg nugget. The nugget itself didn’t resemble an egg of any nature, but was about the size.

If everyone is in agreement as to using the gold found into preserving the area for future generations to know and understand. I personally would like to use profits of mine to shoot a movie telling the original story of the Adams party to the writer by the name of Ron Jensen who seems to have vanished there, to the Spanish who obviously found the place, but were also most likely slaughtered and whatever remaining parties were never able to locate again, which there is a very good reason why this happened to Adams, the Spanish and whoever the other survivors were besides Adams and the other man who died shortly after being rescued by the Calvary.

I am sure, that this will be a fascinating expedition for anyone involved and if I am correct, there is more gold deeper down under the canyon floor, however the rest of the surface gold was most likely finally pinched out by Jensen who claimed to find the cache hidden by the Adams party.

I’ll keep checking back again this week to see if anyone is still interested. I feel this would make a great newspaper story or TV news or documentary. Please, if anyone has time, keep trying to find Jensen. I am sure by now after all these years, he was met with ill fate by those maybe he wrote about on his website: lostadams.com
There is plenty of time to plan this I'm sure.


Also, I just want to mention:

After reading the books and realizing the events and history of this place while being a man of concience, I litterally had to go off in my own place and cried realizing the horror that happened in this place. Litterally, I just fell into tears. This was a very beautiful untarnished area where people lived for over a thousand years and celebrated as a place of peace and ancient burial ground as well for Apache Chiefs. Sno Ta Hay means using variations of the language spoken at the time of Chief Nana, Sno: Sub Chief or Under Chief, while Ta Hay, meaning: This place or together, Chiefs under this place or another variation: The chiefs laying under this place. I'm positive it is in fact a burial site as well.


Has anyone noticed he just keeps telling a story. I offered help as well as others but he will not contact anyone. ::)

Yeah there seems to be a pattern.
I wish I'd read that indeed he has accepted help from someone on here.
It's an interesting story and intriguing and at times very entertaining.

OK, so, how can you help? Do you mean to help preserve the area? To find the gold viens? If the stories are correct, Jensen found the gold under the fireplace hearth, then hasn't been seen since. If anyone goes to this place and gets hurt, then who is to blame? Even though it's BLM land, this area could be considered hostile or at least there may be those there who don't want others to find the place either. I checked with BLM as I said, started to file a claim, and have a certain time left to finish the claim, but if I do, then what if the area has a lot of buried gold, treasures or even artifacts and if it is sacred ground, then what? I would like help finding Jensen, and nobody has been able to find him thus far, but help in getting this place help in preserving would be the best way to go. Maybe if you can let me know how you can help? Maybe with filing the claims and then doing the prospecting? If there is any gold left, it's deep down where the fault lines are, and one fault goes right through the burial mound, if it hasn't been completely ransacked. From the air, it looks as though whatever burial chambers there were are completely exposed and only empty dirt marks and trails between them remain however, the goose mound may have ancient artifacts remaining.

You can email me at lovefishn@hotmail.com if you want to help preserve the area by helping to get the right people involved, helping to file the claims with all our names then we can meet in the spring?. There is no doubt this is the site of the lost Adams. Where do we start first? Hey, I'm game if we can help to preserve this area. Im sure that there still may be gold to be found. I'm working on a map to the location now to make it as easy as possible.


Any help would be great, however, we need goals.

Here are some ideas:

Form a LAD club or group of sorts, nonprofit, profit, a corp., company etc, with a chairperson.

Set up a treasury with a treasurer to keep track of profits, what or how we pay for whatever fees, permits, preservation, to bring in archeologists if we make a big find or sorts. We can keep half and split between us equally, then use twenty five percent for costs of tools etc, and twenty five percent for preserving the area costs. Whatever we can agree on.

Costs may include permits; claim fees, $180.00 per twenty acres, can be paid with whatever gold is found as we go along. If we find artifacts, we then contact the state. We will also need to form a group to explore and find the artifacts left behind by the original Adams party such as the skeletal remains, remains from supplies and saddles etc hidden in the gulch as described by books and in the legend. We can meet and work the area as we go along then on an honor system with a written contract, split whatever treasures we can in a way so everyone wins. I would love to go to the area with others there. We can bring tents, RV’s etc. The area will need to be explored and there are other smaller canyons around the area that may contain more gold if not more artifacts. May is the word and If is the subject, however I believe it is worth exploring, most definitely or at least we can find enough evidence to get the state involved to help preserve the area, and we can still mine underground without destroying the area and leaving it as we find it, but we will need to use whatever gold we find first to pay the costs. If we can figure this out, which should be fairly simple, I have all the phone numbers, addresses and help from BLM waiting to file anything we need to file. We also have to file with the county by law.

I’m game if you are. Seriously, lets maybe do something that can benefit everyone, especially those who are related to whoever Chiefs may be buried there. We would need to start somewhere and trust will be our backbone to the start of this thing. Also, safety is the number one issue, always. There has to be artifacts all over the place that are not yet considered protected but we can set up some sort of museum etc or work with another museum who may be interested, that sort of thing.


Glad to see the reply and I await all further comments and or suggestions from those more experienced and knowledgeable than myself.
Sounds like a plan could be possible.

All the other hurdles aside, The possibility/probability of running into problems with archaeological sites that are considered "Sensitive" are monumental.
The (NAGPRA) Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act provides for some serious penalties for disturbing and or removing burial finds.
Numerous persons and or companies have been halted by inadvertently disturbing such finds.
It will be a slippery slope, where qualified persons with experience in dealing with all the entities involved will be needed, and this will become costly.
Again...just in my humble opinion.
If anything ever does take shape from all of this..Please keep me informed.


Sounds more like a guy who wants to make money off his own land by selling the 'rights' to prospect it for some vague story about gold in 'them thar hills'. If this guy was even close to real he would have taken a shovel and a band of his own merry friends and collected the ore for himself. People going in and never coming back...sounds like the story of that guy taking his old dog for a walk in the woods.

He doesn't read the posts here and keeps pushing the nonsense. Good luck for him. He can put his own back into the job and we can read about his exploits later...if there are any.

Oh, and make certain you continue to besmirch the Indian tribes in the area..I know they must really appreciate it.

DMN said:
Oh, and make certain you continue to besmirch the Indian tribes in the area..I know they must really appreciate it.

Just to clarify..I myself have the utmost respect and appreciation for such "sensitive sites" Having worked alongside Native American monitors on many Archaeological digs, I was pointing out some real issues.

CMDiamonddawg and CG and everyone else interested. I really want to thank you and I sincerely appreciate you all see my dilemma. I feel so bad, knowing where it is and feeling so afraid of just giving the location for fear I personally am afraid to go there without a small army myself and the last thing I want or need is a violant confrontation of any type. I don't blame any culture for defending sacred grounds which is the idea of using the gold to also preserve the area and benefit everyone would be my ultimate goal personally, I don't really even care much for the money unless everyone benefits, especially something like this where everyone can learn from the events that happened there. It's sad some people at gold nearing fifteen hundred dollars an ounce only care about benefiting thierselves. The money doesn't matter to me, I would rather just see it pay off the entire national dept or feed people who are hungry, need medical help etc. I only need a little to pa my meager bills and want to work for my future options in life in other ways.

I wrote the governor after going over the details as well as with the BLM representatives I spoke with who said she told her supervisors and especially the one I spoke with most recently for nearly two hours to work on the details and I went over everything I've written here besides the location of course to file the claims. I wrote various archeology departments, universities, the governor, and spoke with law enforcement with the later telling me they don't have the time or funds to keep looking for Mr. Jensen more than what they did, apparently they couldn't find him either besides maybe no official missing person's report being filed, was Mr. Jensen a loner, no family then maybe only distant relatives? Besides the fact the LAD is the most reported lost mine in history with claims at least once a week coming in from various people. However, this is different, considering it is in fact the “Sno Ta Hay“ canyon and can only be according to the map especially even though drawn from memory proves it can only be the LAD. I feel better knowing there are those who understand.

So we can all start here right now. I would sure appreciate more ideas and work together on this. I believe personally that sacred sites should be respected while at the same time, Chief Nana even allowed the Adams party to dig, but as long as they left the following day and only enough to fill their saddle bags and stay away from the burial sites higher up the canyon and on the burial mounds across the stream from the location where the cabin burned down. There is definitely a sign of even the Spanish Conquistadores creating a consolles of a Jesuit Priest which is very apparent. What's odd is the image has a beard like an Egyptian style so could this area have had even more historical significance at one time as in maybe being another site like the Burrow's cave or the Grand Canyon where it appears there were ancient Old World explorers here over a thousand years ago which they did have ships well capable of crossing any oceans.

Maybe if we can all write a letter to someone important enough who can take a closer look? I'm thinking of writing the show on PBS called the History Detectives. Again, any ideas are appreciated, then I can just show everyone where it is without fear of anyone's safety. Ask thiose whose ancient relatives may be buried there what they thingk or believe without starting a violant confrontation in a peaceful way would be the best thing to do in my opinion?

Thanks again, serious I appreciate the input, just to mention I do have a pen name for writing and a screen name for acting, so please don't be suspicious of surprised if you find this out in the future.

Phil Anderson

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