First, I apologize for being away for a while. I had to take care of my health and go through physical rehab elsewhere away from my computer. I also thought there was little interest and it seemed so odd to me myself after reading others posts and doubts, but now I see a lot more interest by those who posted their interests.
I’ll be happy to show the area if everyone interested can understand, that the main treasure could still be there, but it’s doubtful after reading Jensen’s posts since 2003 where the site was last updated as Tommy I believe mentioned. That’s nearly eight years and I can’t find one single article regarding the place. If there are those still interested, please post so. I wrote earlier and haven’t seen anyone return since but then it’s coming into the holidays so everyone is busy I’m sure. Besides, it may be better to wait until early Spring weather permitting to go there in person to the LAD. Helicopter service would be the best bet, besides, this area is a very good representation of how gold forms over many hundreds of thousands if not millions of years. There are other claims of the LAD being found, but then, where’s the gold? Nobody, including Jensen has posted photos, video or whatever of the gold. The area I believe may be protected by those hoping to preserve the area. The area is on BLM land as I am sure those who are privy to the location will find if they check after I post the locations or if we can still come to some sort of agreement to go there as a team, would be the best way. I’m worried about going into the canyon by the main normal way.
Please read the book, you can find it online or at the library or whatever, it’s cheap but gives a great view of the true story of the original party of twenty two men of whom twenty were slaughtered by the Apache after wearing out their welcome and going against Chief Nana’s directions and orders. Instead of leaving the following day, these men chose to stay and if need be fight the entire Apache and Yaqui nations for the gold, which like the saying goes about fools and gold fever. I am seriously on the side of believing even Mr. Jensen met with ill fate now after looking even harder over the last month or so since I posted before seeing all the great responses again recently. In the mean time, planning is good, but it would be best to plan on actually going to work during our spare time to recover the gold that may lay much deeper in the canyon, below the floor, where the water flows down into a very prominent faults where there is obvious volcanic activity deeper down where the gold should be and in very large amounts considering it’s a natural gold catch besides natural area where gold would form over time.
The main thing is to keep in mind that the area as far as any burial mounds should be preserved and I want to work with the University to help determine just what ancient history is obviously in the area. I have no doubt personally it was in fact an ancient burial site for Apache Chiefs. There is a good reason, by looking at the canyon from the top of the highest peak where Adams hid after the attack above the pumpkin patch why he named the nugget he kept from the canyon, The Goose Egg nugget. The nugget itself didn’t resemble an egg of any nature, but was about the size.
If everyone is in agreement as to using the gold found into preserving the area for future generations to know and understand. I personally would like to use profits of mine to shoot a movie telling the original story of the Adams party to the writer by the name of Ron Jensen who seems to have vanished there, to the Spanish who obviously found the place, but were also most likely slaughtered and whatever remaining parties were never able to locate again, which there is a very good reason why this happened to Adams, the Spanish and whoever the other survivors were besides Adams and the other man who died shortly after being rescued by the Calvary.
I am sure, that this will be a fascinating expedition for anyone involved and if I am correct, there is more gold deeper down under the canyon floor, however the rest of the surface gold was most likely finally pinched out by Jensen who claimed to find the cache hidden by the Adams party.
I’ll keep checking back again this week to see if anyone is still interested. I feel this would make a great newspaper story or TV news or documentary. Please, if anyone has time, keep trying to find Jensen. I am sure by now after all these years, he was met with ill fate by those maybe he wrote about on his website:
There is plenty of time to plan this I'm sure.