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I was out visiting my grandparents last night discussing some of the local history and they turned me on to quite a few old home sites that a person would have never known were here. I asked all the regular questions i.e. any rich old codgers that didn't get out much etc. Which led to a conversation about an old whiskey still way out in the hills that I had a chance to visit when I was younger. Seems like there was still remnants of the operation visible then (maybe 15 years ago) My granddad told me that they horsed all of their supplies in there via a different trail each time to make it harder to track them to their still. So I imagine yall can figure out where I am going next weekend and also who's brain I will be picking for locations in the down time. My family has lived in this particular area for over 100 years, which is quite awhile in this part of Orygun. Anyway what do yall think will be found at the old still site, I am excited and can't wait to hear if anyone else has detected at an old still site.
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