I Guess she Doesn't like Halloween

So, was it alcohol, meth or is she just mental?

If it was my house, I can guarantee she wouldn't do it again.
If it was my house, she wouldn't have done it the first time. At least not very much of it.

If it was my house, I can guarantee she wouldn't do it again.
If it was my house, she wouldn't have done it the first time. At least not very much of it.

Gentlemen, it's some nutcase trashing a Halloween exhibit. T'was me, I'd call LEO and let them take care of it. If you confront her, she's going to get physical, and things could go sideways in a hurry.

Gentlemen, it's some nutcase trashing a Halloween exhibit. T'was me, I'd call LEO and let them take care of it. Confront her, and she's going to get physical, and things could go sideways in a hurry.
That's true, and in general I agree. But I think in the majority of cases, when a vandal knows they've been discovered, they run like the wind. That's probably all that's needed -- no physical altercation necessary.

And yeah, it's only Halloween decorations, but where's the line? What if she's busting up your mailbox? Or bashing your car in the driveway? Or breaking windows out of your house? Or spray painting all over everything? A lot of damage could be done while waiting for the law to arrive.

That's true, and in general I agree. But I think in the majority of cases, when a vandal knows they've been discovered, they run like the wind. That's probably all that's needed -- no physical altercation necessary.

That's probably accurate, and I believe I likely would confront her after calling 911, and only from a distance. I'd also be taking video of her face and what she was doing, as where I live the closest LEO could be 30 min. away.

And yeah, it's only Halloween decorations, but where's the line? What if she's busting up your mailbox? Or bashing your car in the driveway? Or breaking windows out of your house? Or spray painting all over everything? A lot of damage could be done while waiting for the law to arrive.

Indeed it could, and there are boundaries to my (or anyone's) patience. At some point they're going to hear the sound of my old Mossberg 12 ga. as I jack a shell into the chamber. I'm not going to point it at them, as hopefully they've now gotten the message and have bailed.

In that video, that lady is flat out losing it, meaning she could be flippin' out on Meth and is likely to do just about anything. If they didn't have a weapon, or threatened me, I'd probably just have LEO pick them up later. That's a better outcome than needlessly ending someone's life.

That's the Monday morning QB version. In truth, you need to have those boundaries set in your mind before you walk out the door with a weapon. Well prepared, cooler heads will always bring a more harmonious outcome.

Maybe at Trick-Or-Treat last year, they gave her kids a Salad
or a stick of sugar free gum
when they came to the door :coffee2:

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