Funny thing you would mention a Camelbak. Those too are vulnerable out here. I had a cactus blowing in the wind get between me and my camelbak and it ended up puncturing us both. The camelbak leaked its contents and I was on foot about a mile into the rough. Jonnie mine is still going strong. About a year ago I was south of their claim a few miles into rough desert on foot and I saw them launch a very nice completely white helicopter from their mine site and then they circled around me 4-5 times. There is also the precious minerals heliport that sits on top of the last chance range. It lights up every night. There are no roads there and it sits on top of a high cliff. Also, just west of Jonnie you can see where one man has been digging a series of holes all across a seam in the mountain. You can see this from the highway. The minecache data shows active and new claims all around there. I suppose sometimes gold is ignored in the hard to reach places.
I'm just a retired guy who likes to explore and prospect. I have detectors, pans, crusher, gold wheel and lots of drive. I don't have any kind of a budget. I am self funded and have invested personally more than $150k in gold getting gear. I hope it pays off here soon. I moved here from Fort Collins

a few years ago.