Ken (and Nuggetshooter323) After double checking my post(s), I need to respond to your reply to my post. Where did I mention that the LST does NOT work well on tailing piles? I have NEVER given a YES or NO or even MENTION the LST's abilities as I have never owned one and leave that machine to Terry Soloman, whom I consider our "resident Pro", when it comes to the Tesoro machines. I did say, though, the GMT needed to be in "Auto-mode" to be able to be used on a tailings pile. I WILL back-track on that statement, though. Late last night it hit me.... BAM...! Considering there are MANY ideas of what a tailings pile is, I will apologize because my idea of a tailings pile is FAR from inclusive. At the time that I did the post, I was thinking one of those piles made by a mine shaft pile.... large 3/5 pound pieces of rock, scanned individually for gold or silver. Then I thought of the piles left by drywashers that are very small.... and the piles along the Merced River, near Snelling, CA. Those piles are HUGE, 15 feet high and a hundred yards long, filled with river rock and dirt. I'm sure there are other types of tailings piles that will come to mind. In that context, YES, a GMT would probably be a good detector to use on such piles. I have only scanned 2 tailings piles with my GB2.... with negative finds, I might add. Yes, nuggetshooter, I back track on my statement about GMTs..... to the point made in my original post. But again, I cannot give comment on the LST as I don't own one. I will leave that to Terry S, which he has done. Incidently. my next VLF gold machine will be an LST, based on Terry S's expertise. Take care guys. TTC