I am spending 1000 dollars tomorrow on a gold detector! please help! tesoro,or whites

If you buy a metal detector for gold nuggets, buy from a dealer if you can. That way they can physically show you the operation and what it can do. The GMT basic operation is pretty easy, all you do is set the knobs with the little white triangle in the scale to the little white triangle. Hold the detector coil away from the the ground, then set the "Threshhold" knob low so the sound is like a mosquito. Make sure the "Ground Balance" switch is "Fast Auto Trac", put the coil to the ground, pump it a few times, your done.

JRIVER20, nuggethunting is the most difficult form of metal detecting. Here are the three things you must do to be a successful nugget hunter:

1) Get a metal detector that is primarily for gold.

2) Learn it like the back of your hand (Buy a card or a poker chip with a small nugget glued to it so you can practice with a real gold nugget.)

3) Read at least one book on the subject, the more the better.

4) Go where gold nuggets can be found and put in your hours, days, weeks, years.

At this point, your hooked. Sorry, no 12 step program for nugget hunting. You'll probley sell your boat, all your ice fishing stuff, maybe a few guns from your collection to buy more detectors and equipment. :laughing7:

I had a change of mind at the last minute and purchased a gold bug pro today from american prospectors in temecula ca. owners are very nice people! I will be learning the machine and cant wait till this weekend!

I had a change of mind at the last minute and purchased a gold bug pro today from american prospectors in temecula ca. owners are very nice people! I will be learning the machine and cant wait till this weekend!

Pray GAWD,ya dont have any problems with it!!

I had a change of mind at the last minute and purchased a gold bug pro today from american prospectors in temecula ca. owners are very nice people! I will be learning the machine and cant wait till this weekend!

Think about this at least, you already have two good discriminating detectors, why buy another? If you get the Gold Bug 2 it's a more proven design, and your less likley to have to deal with "Evil Customer No Service". You probably already bought your GB Pro, I only bring this up in case someone else is trying to make the same decision.

Think about this at least, you already have two good discriminating detectors, why buy another? If you get the Gold Bug 2 it's a more proven design, and your less likley to have to deal with "Evil Customer No Service". You probably already bought your GB Pro, I only bring this up in case someone else is trying to make the same decision.

The "shoddy service",was with a GBPro

Not surprising.

I have to stand with Dave on this subject or the subject many keep alluding to. I have used Fisher products since the onset of the Gold Bug and currently use the GB Pro. I do not sell anything for Fisher. I have reccommended Fisher products over the years to many and they have been very satisfied with the products and the service. I have run into several people who have talked bad about Fisher service and when everything was out in the open Fisher had nothing to do with any of the problems. Some people just like to talk. I have had many units sent back to Fisher for myself and friends with zero problems. When a person will not give up the actual facts it makes others wonder. Fisher is in the business of making money and they dont do it by treating people bad. Dave works for Fisher. Dave asked for the actual facts. Did Dave get any actual facts? Did Dave even get a order number so he can check it out? Dave is trying to help. At this point I would actually like to see all the correspondence/e-mails and responses so I can try and understand. Did anyone talk to Mike or Yollie at Fisher. These people are very customer oriented and would see that any and all problems are resolved. However, they also have to have all the facts. This is also a family oriented forum and everyone here should treat it as such. If you cannot or you are unwilling to provide all the facts then keep it to yourself. These are my opinions. TRINITYAU/RAYMILLS

Ray,those FACTS will be coming....as I said,It wasnt my deal,but I recommended the detector to a friend whom on my word bought it....it didnt work...he sent it in,had it returned saying it was a bad coil,it was not....actually I will let him get on here and clarify.....What really ticks me is they were rude and then DAVE gets on here and right off wants to tell me,I had too high of expectations?Really?Then goes on to further make it out as my fault?Real nice!This forum is about helping.....and I am helping by saving some poor sole that saves for two years for a detector having to go through what my friend just did....sorry if that offends you!

More Kuger spam.

Great company!!!Keep talkin!!!You are makin my case
My friend is sleeping right now(works night shift)
I expect an apology as well WOOF,you have made a real azz of you and your two bit company

JRIVER20, nuggethunting is the most difficult form of metal detecting. Here are the three things you must do to be a successful nugget hunter:

1) Get a metal detector that is primarily for gold.

2) Learn it like the back of your hand (Buy a card or a poker chip with a small nugget glued to it so you can practice with a real gold nugget.)

3) Read at least one book on the subject, the more the better.

4) Go where gold nuggets can be found and put in your hours, days, weeks, years.

At this point, your hooked. Sorry, no 12 step program for nugget hunting. You'll probley sell your boat, all your ice fishing stuff, maybe a few guns from your collection to buy more detectors and equipment. :laughing7:

Let me add one more important step..........

5) Use Headphones!!!

More deep nuggets are found by learning to recognize the slightest tone change. (especially with the GMT)
That tone change is much easier to recognize with a good set of headphones.


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Wow, when Kuger contacted me about this thread and I looked at it and the other thread, I didn't want to get involved. First and foremost, if anyone knows me they know that I am an honest and conservative person and not a pot stirrer. With that said, it bothers me that a representative for a company would be so bold to communicate this way on a public forum.

First, I would like to say that though my friend Kuger may seem a little aggressive in his statements he really does have a great heart and does look out for "the other guy". He really sticks up for his friends and in this case our mutual friend got burned and it just rubbed him the wrong way.

First, a brief history of me and my knowledge of detectors to add credence to the "facts" printed below. I have been swinging a detector for 37 yrs. now and have been using a White's brand machine predominantly since 1985. I am pretty much a relic hunter but do nuggetshoot whenever I decide to switch it up. I live in the "West" and have numerous friends who relic hunt on the East coast who had great results with the GB Pro. With that said I decided it was time to branch out and try another brand even though my MXT was and is still performing fantastic. I bought a GB DP from a relic hunting dealer friend back East and immediately fell in love with it for it's simplicity to use and the way it grabbed positive signals out of iron infested areas. I then branched out and took it on a solo nugget hunt to an area I had only been to once back in the early 90's and had a great day finding 8 small nuggets in some very highly mineralized alkali ground.

You guys wanted facts, so here are the facts that Kuger might not know all about.

Kuger and I have a mutual friend who was impressed with what I shared with you above and other things that he read. He was so impressed that he called up Kellyco and ordered up the works, a Gold Bug Pro, 5" coil, pinpointer, carrying bag, digger, headphones, etc. Upon receiving his detector he proceeded to put it together and take it out for it's maiden voyage. He says he followed the instructions about ground balancing and noticed that after following the procedure that it still chattered. He thought nothing of it thinking maybe this was the way it was suppose to sound. After a few short outings trying to fight the noise and distinguish between good and bad signals he finally got frustrated and contacted Kuger. Kuger told him that I would be in the area in the next couple of months, to have me take a look at it. When I met up with these two for a relic hunt I tried balancing his GB Pro with no success. I tried the 5" coil and also my elliptical coil from my GB DP with no success either. We sent the detector off to the factory and had them ship it back to me at my address as our next hunt would be in my area and he would have a fresh machine to use when he got here. The factory sent the machine back stating on the service invoice that they changed out a capacitor, resealed the coil and shielded the coil. The detector was shipped back without the two rubber spacers for the coil and the plastic bolt was broken. Unfortunately the detector still wasn't working and was worse off now than when we sent it off the first time. It still would not balance and when you bumped the coil into anything it sounded off even with the gain turned down. So after another $23 spent on shipping and insurance off it goes again, this time with a letter from the owner of the machine with his not so impressed feelings about their service. He also stated that he did not want this machine back, he wrote down the serial # stating that he expected a new machine or the full price back that he paid Kellyco, sending them his copy of his receipt from them. At this point he is so mad (because of the machine still not performing like it is suppose to and his time and travel to hook up with me) He told me that he was done with them and wanted to turn them in to the Better Business Bureau. Being the compassionate person I am I told him that I would trade him a brand new MXT Pro that I had for his GB Pro and deal with the matter. He was hesitant but after my persuasion he went ahead and took the MXT Pro and feels relieved now and is a very devout White's hunter for sure and swares off Fisher. I however know that there has to be a reason this machine is not up to par because my GB DP has been making some phenomenal finds. In the meantime I get a call from Fisher and we discuss the problem in more depth. I will not get into the debates or conversations I had with them about this machine on this forum. Let me just say that they made me feel like I did not know what I was talking about and didn't know how to balance the machine. I assured them that I did and explained to them how I had been using my GB DP on a very consistent basis and no troubles whatsoever. The machine was sent back a second time this time however they replaced the elliptical loop stating that the other one was bad. Of course the added jab was the statement that they made note of the serial # of the loop just as my friend did with the serial # of the detector. Upon receiving the detector the second time back I immediately opened up the box and checked it out now that this was my machine. Well, wouldn't you know it, it still does not balance. I try the 5", I try my elliptical with the same results. I immediately call the factory explaining my concerns, especially this being the third time with no improvements. This time, I am however, turned over to a tech. and he has me try a number of things over the phone with still no positive results. He tells me that I need to send it back so he can look at it. This time I am sent a shipping label to send it back on their dime so I was happy about that after shelling out $46 the other two times. I did request a couple of rubber spacers, another plastic nut, and a lower rod for a spare, telling them to send me a bill when they shipped the detector back to me. The good news is after the 3rd time sending this back to the factory over a 6 month period I finally have a machine that is working perfectly now for a little over a month now. The fix...a bad circuit board! I didn't see a serial # written down beside that though? The bad news is, the factory only sent 1 spacer, no plastic nut or lower rod.

I just want to say that our mutual friend will never purchase another Fisher product and he has been very boisterous in that fact to many many people in the relic hunting world. I however, though disappointed with the service and the way I was made to feel about not knowing what I was talking about or able to use a metal detector I took pretty personal. I know in the real world though, I will just suck it up and go on with life, as I know there will be a day that I will have to have one of these two machines that I now own, serviced again from Fisher.

The kicker here though is that I still acted positive with the factory even offering up some pics. and stories of the 1847 $2 1/2 gold coin, Confederate Officer button, Spanish coins, gold nuggets, etc. to promote the GB Pro. Why you ask, because I still believe in the machine even if some don't believe in me! I guess they weren't interested even after telling them of the problem with the GB Pro, yet while using the GB DP making some exceptional finds!


P.S. the referenced account above is F9360

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Thank you Ironman....sure that was what ya wanted to do,before you left for work?
As I see how Woof treated me on this thread,I wont expect an apology,but glad all is out here for him to see(if he even reads it)Maybe I will put Joe in contact with him?

Thanks, Ironman. (Finally, some some real information!)

I'll print your post out and deliver it to customer service dept. On the whole we have a good reputation for customer service, but from the specifics in your account it sounds like some things went wrong that deserve some corrective action. With the account number they'll be able to go back to the records and use the information there to gain a more complete picture of what went wrong and hopefully avoid similar mistakes in the future.

I also happen to own a GB Pro, which I purchased with my own money. And it worked just fine. Then about 3 weeks ago I was getting ready to go gold prospecting and discovered that it was very chatty and wouldn't ground balance, ferrite was coming in at about 30 on the ground balance scale, and there was a definite mechanical intermittent in the electronics enclosure. Swapping the searchcoil didn't change the situation. (Sound familiar?) So I went through customer service on it, RA and the whole bit, just like an outside customer would have, except in my case the transportation was hand carry. A week later I got it back with the report that it had been bench tested and also taken outdoors and swing tested, searchcoil checked, no problem found and therefore nothing fixed. I was a bit skeptical, took it back and tested it, it was working fine. I tried to re-activate the intermittent. No such luck, the machine works. For now anyhow. Most likely the problem won't come back, but if it does, I'll go through the whole thing again.

It's possible that part of what went wrong in your situation was an intermittent that couldn't be reproduced. There's no hard and fast rule regarding "no problem found" customer returns, but generally speaking if a machine comes back a second time with a customer complaint that sounds like there really was a problem but the problem can't be reproduced and doesn't have a recognizable cause, if the complaint is one that could theoretically be on the PC board they'll replace the PC board and hope that stops the problem from recurring.

--Dave J.

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Huh?Couldnt you have handled that a little better initially Dave,instead of making me out to be the bad guy?I will remember that,and thanks for the apology......as I thought!Also.......Ironman left out how rude he and Joe were both treated.I am not some Johnny come lately sir.......word will travel

Yea,Dave like your Company your actions speak loud and clear.....real Classy

Everyone needs to understand one thing with metal detectors - you don't need to have a broken new detector get repaired like a car - you can get a brand new one or a refund as long as you used a credit card.

Once the charge appears on your credit card statement you have 60 days FROM THE DATE OF THE STATEMENT to get either a replacement or refund for anything you purchased that does not work properly...no one should settle for repaired new electronic equipment...if you bought a TV from Best Buy and it was broken in the first 60 days - I'm sure all of you would haul that baby right back into Best Buy and get a refund.

Let the place you bought it from deal with the manufacturer.

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