The TRUTH be known, this was to be a "Day of Resistance". It did not only mean to have a rally, it was to "celebrate" the right to own guns. Supporters were asked to attend a rally, go to the indoor gun ranges, go shooting outdoors, call your local sheriff and tell them you support gun ownership etc., etc.
One of my sons attended a rally in a nearby town carrying a sign that read, "I'm here today because I was able to return fire". He didn't attend the rally in our town because he didn't want the bad guy to know he has guns in his possesion. My other son went with some of his friends to an outdoor shooting area (not specifically a shooting range) and even he was amazed at how many people were out there. As they drove down the road they saw all types of folks; young, old, male, female, all shooting many types of guns. The National Park Service police vehicle just went up and down the road watching it all even though they were on BLM land (Bureau of Land Management) and not in a National Park. NOBODY WAS SHOT! Even the local news, and they are hardup for news around here, didn't cover all of that activity. Tell your BBC to get out of the newsroom and quit listening to CNN.