How safe do you feel when detecting?

The right to carry is our God given constitutional right as an American citizen! They just arrested this week after 2 1/2 years 2 people who are suspected of murdering a co=worker of mine on his own porch when he surprised them in the act of burglarizing his house. He was shot to death. I refuse to be a victim. If one is carrying properly know one knows but you! If one chooses not to carry then that is also your right. Being prepared is not being paranoid!

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Some people choose to carry, some do not. One side is not likely to convince the other side.

Just the way it is...

The problem is that the people who don't like guns are constantly trying to take the guns away from those of us who choose to defend themselves.

The problem is that the people who don't like guns are constantly trying to take the guns away from those of us who choose to defend themselves.

Many only see the negative side if they have never shot or owned a gun. The media is the main reason, with gang-bangers shooting it up inside the big cities and only seeing the bad side.

I love to shoot targets and I have provided several meals using a handgun...

Shooting sports have been included at every Olympic Game since the birth of the modern Olympic movement at the 1896 Summer Olympics! Did you know shooters in England can't practice in their own country?

I don't think anybody is trying to take anything away, a few are nervous about the trending of semi automatics, I live like the generations of gun owners and users in my family and nothings changed except more political BS going around today. I think the AR is new to some and it scares them of the potential in the wrong hands, but it will pass. Enjoy, Glad I don't live in a gang banger neighborhood.

Like everything else in society the gang bangers are branching out too, and the economy behind it mostly is the illegal drug trade.
That's why I like my early Sunday time frame, less of them far.

Disarming the average citizens does not take the illegal guns off the street, guns would just flow in over our boarders. The people with illegal guns are not going to give them up or apply for a gun permit, just not gonna happen.

Being average citizens we have to use our wits, look out for ourselves, and do the best we can at staying safe while out pursuing our wonderful hobby.

If we have a gun ban and everyone is required to hand-over their guns...
then the convicted felon is protected by the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution from doing so!

Only a fool walks across the backs of alligators in a swamp when they are hungry... even if he is packing an Uzi and a box of ammo :thumbsup: gaters.jpg

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LuckyLarry your post was deleted as politics because of our rules even though I agreed with it.

So what about those with sigs that have political statements or views? I still see them posted..
Per admins signatures are acceptable, if they get extreme they can be edited by mods.

"The sky is falling" ? Is that your way of saying people are be alarmists? How many states is it now where you cant own a gun? Getting to be more rules and regs all the time. Next is going to be the ammo....and then just the components.

My aunt was like alot of you about guns until her house was broken into the second time and the guy/guys were going out the back door. Now they have ccw permits. They live far enough out that calling the PD is a joke.

Everyone had...and should always have the right to defend themselves. You people act like there are no monsters out there. I hope you never run into a situation where you need a weapon. Pretty sure only one of these monsters attacking you or one of your loved ones is all that will EVER change your minds about your rights and your obligation to your family.

I have been to a few places that make me uncomfortable. But when I go to those places I usually carry. I, like so many that have gone before and will go after me, have fought to protect those rights we all cherish. Therefore, I will exercise my right. its not out of fear, but more out of my rights and protection. I just remember there is always someone bigger and badder than you are no matter how tough you think you are. Sometimes the playing field has to be level.

I also do work as a process server part time. Carrying is a must in that situation! People can get crazy!! :laughing7:

you can own guns in all 50 states, if someone is telling you otherwise it isn't true. If you want to ccw go ahead nobody is stopping you unless you are a felon.

End the politics please.....Thread is about detecting and safety, discussion on carrying while detecting is allowed, not the politics on firearms.

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Not any problem TH, I was just responding to three political statements, and showed how one was correct and one was not.. The very first post was about firearms and safety because it mentioned a carry permit, and so were two others in response. However, guns and gun related items are always political issues. I was trained as a Small Arms Specialist in the US Army, so I do know the dangers and threats we now face, although many of us do not. Have a good day and there is no need to apologize, we all have a different bent on many different issues and many different discussions... :icon_thumleft:

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I feel pretty safe when I find something gold, silver, or coins of value. However I mainly hit fields where there are no nosy people trying to take a gander at what you found lol. Have been there though. Now in that situation j feel very uncomfortable.

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