How safe do you feel when detecting?

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That was an in home invasion...gone wrong for the bad guys! Lol!

I've told this before.
Several years back out detecting once I have had a guy walk across a field toward me carting a double barrel shot gun across his arms.
First I was ticked off because I have every right to be there and my detecting time is limited.
Second I'm figuring out what options I have available, running is not one, can't out run bullets.
I stood my ground fully prepared to use the detector as a club if necessary. My best option was to remain calm, let him get close enough to see what he wanted or defend myself.

He thought I was a drug dealer he was wrong. Would he have shot me, I don't know. From the body language the gun carried across and not pointed at me, it didn't think he would, I was right. Did he know what I was prepared to do if I thought he was going to shoot me, probably not.

He was not a crazed nut just a person trying to defend his neighborhood.

I never told my family, I wanted to keep detecting, lol! I still go detecting alone.
My daughter & husband are getting their concealed to carry permits. At some point I may need to get one.

I have respect for those that carry, they may make the difference in an out come, it comes with a heavy responsibility, which they are well aware of.
But It is an individual choice depending on all factors, it is all relevant, there are no right or wrong answers. It 's what is right for you in your circumstances, only you can decide that.

You blame the mods huh?
Ever not have someone telling you what to do, or not to do? Or simply avoid causing issues? Yet you're allowed online.
A sitter quality issue perhaps.
Thanks for playin though.
I gotta run. If I'm not to the detectin park by noon my buddy gets too drunk.
Last time when we were shootin beer cans off each others heads he went and wasted a gol durn full one settin it on his noggin, and it spewed all over some kids..

RC, please be careful...and keep in mind a shotgun is not the proper "weapon of choice" for shooting cans offa people's heads!! rofl.gif


Glad cooler heads prevailed....and I agree deciding to be armed gives you added protection but also a higher level of responsibility.

Regards + HH


That was an in home invasion...gone wrong for the bad guys! Lol!

I've told this before.
Several years back out detecting once I have had a guy walk across a field toward me carting a double barrel shot gun across his arms.
First I was ticked off because I have every right to be there and my detecting time is limited.
Second I'm figuring out what options I have available, running is not one, can't out run bullets.
I stood my ground fully prepared to use the detector as a club if necessary. My best option was to remain calm, let him get close enough to see what he wanted or defend myself.

He thought I was a drug dealer he was wrong. Would he have shot me, I don't know. From the body language the gun carried across and not pointed at me, it didn't think he would, I was right. Did he know what I was prepared to do if I thought he was going to shoot me, probably not.

He was not a crazed nut just a person trying to defend his neighborhood.

I never told my family, I wanted to keep detecting, lol! I still go detecting alone.
My daughter & husband are getting their concealed to carry permits. At some point I may need to get one.

I have respect for those that carry, they may make the difference in an out come, it comes with a heavy responsibility, which they are well aware of.
But It is an individual choice depending on all factors, it is all relevant, there are no right or wrong answers. It 's what is right for you in your circumstances, only you can decide that.

OK.. I will try to be serious, this time.:laughing7:

Like I said in another post.. I've been around firearms most of my life. This coming October I will be 67, good Lord willing.
I have shot handguns in competition both military and when I got out of service. For several years I was a licensed gunsmith and have a good idea what works for me.

I have arthritis in my right shoulder.. so I use a cross draw holster which makes drawing the handgun a straight pull without bending my arm... which is a problem when using a holster on my strong side. The holster has been modified, it is worn at the 10:00 or 11:00 position, just in front of my left pocket. The holster was originally a thumb-break, this part was removed to increase draw speed and the holster has enough tension to retain the gun even under physical activity.

I wanted a handgun that was light weight and at the same time I wanted it to have enough firepower! If a carry gun is to heavy, many get lazy and stop using it as much.. and at my age, this was the case.
The gun I use is a Bond Arms derringer.. yeah, I know, don't say it.:laughing7:
It was totally disassembled.. all wear points polished.. sear engagement checked.. hammer spring shorten 10%.. and lubricated with a special oil I use. This gun is the later version that has the wider hammer spur and improved trigger. The pistol now has a hammer that is about 40% easier to cock and the trigger pull is set at 3 3/4 pounds.. which is light for a pistol of this type!
The lubricant is a blend of synthetic oil and TS-70 moly grease. It's hard to lube a stainless firearm because stainless is prone to metal galling, the moly grease is a paste and contains 70% molybdenum disulfide.

The ammo I use after many rounds of testing is a hot .45 Colt and lighter bullet than normal. This gives better speed from the 4 1/4" barrel and better bullet expansion from the short barrel. Hornady Critical Defense has proven to be a good factory load and a few of my hand loads has prefomed well in my test too.

One very important thing about a carry gun is.. it must be used! I practice every week either using empty cases in the pistol or live fire. I will draw.. cock.. point.. and fire the pistol. Notice I said "point" and not aim... I draw with one hand and fire instinct, I don't bring it to eye level using both hands before I fire.
Most handguns used in self defense is use at 10 feet or less, and a large percentage is in your "personal zone".. less than 5 feet. This is my primary practice distance.
I never switch guns or holsters.. this makes it easier and becomes a habit without thought.

Yes.. only two shots! I'm told the average number of shots used in self defense is 2.5 shots... I guess if I need the extra .5, I'll throw the pistol at them!

Just found a video supporting your argument 100%.

Guys who carry, ALL OF US WE WRONG!

Watch the video below, just look how TWO REVOLVERS attract all that trouble! GUNS ARE SOOOO BAD:

I can carry but seldom do ..Don't feel the need .. But if some one broke into my house i would be doing the same thing that girl was doing ..I would be firing shots at them ... Just that in the house if you would hit one you would have a real mess to clean up..

Ya know, maybe that is what sets MD'ers apart from a lot of the general public, responsibility/choice.

Keppy , in your home you have EVERY right to defend!

#9 that's ok! I haven't even practiced swinging my detector. I'm guessing the range is th length of the detector, I'll have to measure that.

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True! That's one of the reasons I didn't run! I'm not THAT fast!

After reading most all of the posts here, I know almost all is well. We have some problems in our grate land but I think if ever one keeps there power dry and guns holstered as much as possible, and stays alert, we will be ok. I carry 1911's it is amazing how small, and light, some folks are making them now.

I wonder where that home invasion was? state? city or suburb or rural? it is terrifying to see especially with the lack of respect these young people have today for life. One thing armed or not made NO affect on the outcome with the guy, if it wasn't for the female waking they both could be dead or whatever. Luck maybe? The invaders looked skiddish and I wonder the affect a scream would have gotten them to run too, but personally I would rather have the gun and screamed at them. Might have saved damage to the home, I wonder if home owners insurance would cover the damage?

Oh sure, P.A. had to steal the limelight from us! My great aunt sold her farm and moved into P.A. I pity the fool who messes with that 89 year-old hellcat!
Well, Canadians would still be scared to step foot in Winnipeg even though we're not the murder capital anymore.
Been all over this city my whole life and never had one problem. They probably find me unsavory like BigWaveDave. :laughing7:
I would carry a gun while traveling in northern Manitoba. Take all those bad criminals and compare them to a polar bear! Ha ha!

Actually Dave, it"s Regina. I find the city core to be rougher than P.A. But it does cough up enough baubles to keep me interested.

Oh, I think Prince Albert was the murder capital last year.
Everyone has such wonderful things to say about Regina! :laughing7:
I spent some time in Victoria park a few years ago (Folk Festival) and met some real interesting characters. Lol.
Ran into a few gang-bangers (by the mall) and they acted all tough until I told them I was from Winnipeg!
They patted me on the back, said "Later Bro" and walked away.
The only problems I experienced was from Saskabush football fans.....especially if I say where I'm from!
Made sure they humiliated me even if I tell them I'm not a Bomber fan. :laughing9:

A big German Shepard with attitude will resolve almost my problem, I love dogs!

If you feel the need to carry, then carry. It is your right as a citizen of this country. Better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it. Just dont make it obvious you have one. They may comeback with back up and take it from you, ambush you. Id leave the headphone off and detect without them so you can hear anything come up behind you. Especially if you alone in the park.

Chances of getting hit in a drive by is slim to none, You could probably sit and have lunch and not get hit. The way they hold guns sideways and upside down, Id be more worried about them hitting a transformer up a poll and the power going out...Hard to shoot straight with one hand while the other is holding up their pants around there knees.


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