How many believe the moon landing was...

JoeMoto said:
I always wonder why people would believe that the period of some of the greatest advances in science was faked, instead of accomplishing something great! :dontknow:

Do they also believe the ISS is not really overhead, or that the LRO is not really orbiting the moon? What about the Mars Landers, Mariner, Voyager and other missions? :read2:

I'll bet those guys figured on people saying that very thing. If it's done in the name of science, it HAS to be right, and all who don't accept it are just not progressive. In fact, they are backward. No body wants to be labeled that, now do they?

As far as the orbiters, probes and landers, there's a huge differene in sending a piece of machinery up there, and sending people.

Montana Jim said:
I agree that there is NO way THAT many science types would have kept their collective mouths shut about a production for 40 years.

Americans love conspiracies...

How many scientists would it take? Once the theory was proved, it would only have taken a handfull of people to carry it out. The rest would have no reason to doubt something that had been proved theoretically possible.
How many would have to have known? It's my guess that 95% of those involved didn't know what was really going on, even most of the guys in the control room.

BuckleBoy said:
Of course it was fake. Same with the theory of gravity. :D

This thread is about which you believe and why. Let's stay on topic, please.

fmerg said:
i can not say if it was real or fake
but i also cant understand what Neil Armstrong said "the moon smells rike wet firepalce ash"
or how about Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin who said "the moon has a metalic smell"
if the suits were air tight how could they smell any thing outside the suits

Actually, Neil Armstrong has said very little, then and now. The first man to "walk on the moon" just fades into memory.

Treasure_Hunter said:
As many people who were involved, NASA, from flight directors, the astronauts, and so on, and for so many missions, never once has a single person involved come forward even on their death bed and said it was faked.

Some of the guys who have come forward were involved with Nasa at the time. But, as always, they are now made to look like drunkards and fools. Now, why would that be? If you think that's because they ARE drunkards and fools, why do you think that?

And, most of those fellas haven't yet seen their death bed.

Montana Jim said:
Kentucky Kache said:
Montana Jim said:
I agree that there is NO way THAT many science types would have kept their collective mouths shut about a production for 40 years.

Americans love conspiracies...

How many scientists would it take? Once the theory was proved, it would only have taken a handfull of people to carry it out. The rest would have no reason to doubt something that had been proved theoretically possible.
How many would have to have known? It's my guess that 95% of those involved didn't know what was really going on, even most of the guys in the control room.

Okay - I'm contemplating that.

But it would take more than a few mad scientists... it would take an army of folks to build a plan - build - set, maintain, creat space for and stage, build, move and destroy models, landscape... the full gamet. Camera dudes, support, lighting... it's a big operation.

I'm not convinced it's fake... thats why conspiracies work, nobody can prove it DIDNT happen.

It would take more than a couple of people, but it wouldn't necessarily take an army. Camera dudes? Would a real Camera dude and support team let a movie prop get by them? It's not a big operation, it's a HUGE operation, and Hollywood does it every day.

mcgearhead said:
Even if they do have some awesome agenda for thier reasons to go into space, it does not effect my life in the least one way or the other. I still have to get up in the morning and go to work, life still goes on the same as it ever does !

And this discussion hasn't changed that. :wink:

61 years old
U.S. Airforce 1967-1971
Airforce Intelligence Division
Security Clearance Top Secret, SIOP (Sensitive Information Operational Plans), ESI (Extra Sensitive Information)

Not a glimpse of a doubt in my mind we walked on the moon.


Kentucky Kache said:
BuckleBoy said:
Of course it was fake. Same with the theory of gravity. :D

This thread is about which you believe and why. Let's stay on topic, please.

You gonna tell Jeff of PA that he needs to stay on topic too? :D

My replies made it clear what my answer is to your question. It's called irony. :wink:

Have a Blessed Day!

May I insert one thing. do you think for one momemt that if it were staged, that the Russians, with their extremely efficient intelligence set up, wouldn't have discovered it and gleefully exposed it to the world ? Incidentally they tracked it to the moon and back with their devices also. I personally watched it going and coming.. Nuf said.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Montana Jim said:
As a side note... one of my best friends' father is a professional (read Hollywood) cinematographer. He is absolutely certain that the moon footage is fake.

I've read a lot about why folks think it's fake and a lot of data debunking the claims.

As a layman, I do think it's real because of the inability of humans to keep their mouths shut. SOMEONE would have talked for cash... that's all - IMO.

It's actually more FUN to think it's a hoax than to think it was real... conspiracy.

It's actually more FUN to think it's a hoax than to think it was real... conspiracy.

That's true to an extent, but in some ways it's harder to believe the conspiracy. I was 7 years old in '69 and I remember watching it on TV. I grew up believing it was true...I had no reason not to believe it, along with the rest of the world. It was easy going, because you didn't have too many people siding against you. Now I'm swimming up stream in a long river. ;D I don't think it's a hoax because it's fun to believe that, but because I have good reason to believe that.

As a layman, I do think it's real because of the inability of humans to keep their mouths shut. SOMEONE would have talked for cash... that's all - IMO.

More than a few people, you would be right. That's why I think it was only a handful. Of course it took the work of many people, but I believe the truth was known by few.

As a side note... one of my best friends' father is a professional (read Hollywood) cinematographer. He is absolutely certain that the moon footage is fake.

There you go. A professional opinion. ;D

Real de Tayopa said:
May I insert one thing. do you think for one momemt that if it were staged, that the Russians, with their extremely efficient intelligence set up, wouldn't have discovered it and gleefully exposed it to the world ? Incidentally they tracked it to the moon and back with their devices also. I personally watched it going and coming.. Nuf said.

Don Jose de La Mancha

I watched Val Kilmer walk on Mars....seen it with my own eyes.

I've heard the argument that the Russians would have known. I don't say they didn't send SOMETHING to the moon. I think they probably sent some kind of lander that could be tracked. If they could fool their own country, why couldn't they fool Russia?

Treasure_Hunter said:
61 years old
U.S. Airforce 1967-1971
Airforce Intelligence Division
Security Clearance Top Secret, SIOP (Sensitive Information Operational Plans), ESI (Extra Sensitive Information)

Not a glimpse of a doubt in my mind we walked on the moon.

I respect you and your service record, but you would not have been told anything about this.

Mythbusters aired an episode the other night where they blew a few of the main conspiracy theories right out of the water. None held up.

The coup de gras was firing a laser at the landing site where a reflector was set up and receiving a signal back. No reflector, no return signal. How did it get there? :icon_scratch: we put it there!

It' sickening to me to see how many of my fellow Americans believe that govenment is trustworthy. You are the sheep of this world, despicably apathetic toward all the signs telling you otherwise. There are a ton of reasons for KNOWING that supposed landing was faked. I recall Gus Grisson's tearful widow stating that she hopes the truth will come out some day. Grissom was killed because he would not go along with the hoax. As you may recall they were pumping pure oxygen into the capsule when that fatal fire occurred. When grease comes in contact with pure oxygen it spontaneously ignites. NASA changed to an oxygen mixture after that fire. A little smear of grease inside that capsule resulted in the perfect crime, with the evidence burned up. Some think that meticulously reciting the propaganda that has been shoved down your throat makes you seem intelligent. An intelligent person might think otherwise. You sheep will have what you seek, and what our founding fathers feared most, a govenment to tell you what to think and believe. Some of you are practicing right here.

GaBnn3 said:
It' sickening to me to see how many of my fellow Americans believe that govenment is trustworthy. You are the sheep of this world, despicably apathetic toward all the signs telling you otherwise. There are a ton of reasons for KNOWING that supposed landing was faked. I recall Gus Grisson's tearful widow stating that she hopes the truth will come out some day. Grissom was killed because he would not go along with the hoax. As you may recall they were pumping pure oxygen into the capsule when that fatal fire occurred. When grease comes in contact with pure oxygen it spontaneously ignites. NASA changed to an oxygen mixture after that fire. A little smear of grease inside that capsule resulted in the perfect crime, with the evidence burned up. Some think that meticulously reciting the propaganda that has been shoved down your throat makes you seem intelligent. An intelligent person might think otherwise. You sheep will have what you seek, and what our founding fathers feared most, a govenment to tell you what to think and believe. Some of you are practicing right here.

So we are sheep, despicably and apathetic because we KNOW the landing happened.

Do I believe every single word the Politicians tell us, no. Do I believe every thing they say is a lie, NO! Not a single person has come out and proven the landing was fake.... If it was fake the Russians would have poured millions of dollars in to spying and bribes to prove it, to discredit us in the early 70's. You think if they can steal some of our most guarded military secrets, they couldn't steal proof the landing were fake, or bribe someone who was there, or are they in the conspiracy too?

If you are so sure everything the government does is a lie, why do you continue to pay income tax? You want to believe it was faked, then believe it. There will always be a small percentage of people who see a conspiracy in everything the government does. Conspiracy theories are seldom supported by any conclusive evidence.

Your post with the tone and name calling has now taken this thread down a path i'm not going down.

Jeffro said:
Mythbusters aired an episode the other night where they blew a few of the main conspiracy theories right out of the water. None held up.

The coup de gras was firing a laser at the landing site where a reflector was set up and receiving a signal back. No reflector, no return signal. How did it get there? :icon_scratch: we put it there!

If we believe NASA, we have two rovers on mars right now. And they are not the first. How did they get there?

About Mythbusters. It's a TV show. Anything you go into with a determination to prove wrong, you will probably succeed. Besides, I don't say that everything the conspiracy theorist claim is true. But I will say that some of the shows which "prove" the conspiracy wrong are more ridiculous than the theories.

Montana Jim said:
Regardless, the argument is alive and well for this, a second shooter, UFOs, and a ton of other everyday events that humans can't wrap their minds around so we make up fantastical theories to explain the grand government cover-up.

I believe Oswald was the shooter. Was anyone else involved? Probably, but Oswald was the shooter.
I don't believe in aliens. I believe in the supernatural, and that is what people are seeing, at least some of the time.
I do believe in a few conspiracy theories, but I am not a professional. ;D
Just because something is called a conspiracy theory, doesn't make it right OR wrong. I'm interested in the truth.

Montana Jim said:
One guy with one idea with one buddy who will listen can start a theory that can never be proved or disproved and there it is... forever... just a living idea about nothing.

The same can be said about the other way around. How can anyone disprove the moon landing? It doesn't matter how many rocks we see with obvious letters on them, or how many times we watch the lander exit the moon as if being jerked up by a cable, or anything else, we want to believe it and we're gonna believe it. And anyone who doesn't believe it is living in the stone age. You see, we've built that kind of culture. If you go against anything that's scientifically accepted, you're made to look like a nut, and no one wants to look like that. I have to think that those in charge of this moon landing deception counted on that.
On the other hand, like you said, you can't prove the moon landing was real. So, if neither of us have irrefutable proof, then why are those of us who don't believe it called conspiracy theorist and a lot of other things? Why isn't everyone else called moon landing theorist?

Montana Jim said:
The cinematographer I spoke of did not reach his own conclusion - he watched a conspiracy program on TV and fell hook-line-sinker for it. Why? because it was more fun...

I don't know anything about your friend, but that was not the way it happened with me. I already didn't believe it before these guys came forward. And again, I don't think they're correct on every single thing they claim, but I do think they got a few of them right.

Treasure_Hunter said:
After Columbus discovered the New World, (don't thing the Indians knew they were lost), there were still those who refuse to believe it happened, and continued to believe the world was flat.

Proud to be an American, proud that America had the knowledge, skill, technology, and bravery to land a man on the moon and return.

These statements tell everything I've been saying. Proud Americans who will believe nothing but what their sacred government tells them, and those who don't are labeled. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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