How Long Will It Be Before The Deciphered Pages Are Made Public For Most To See.

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Yes, Franklin...your comment "a recovery of the treasure is made" is quite appropriate; it will be the definitive proof. Bigscoop, your writing above is quite good. Beale has been cracked...

With all due respect, mean to say, "it has been cracked yet again." This is simply an established repetitive theme with the Beale ciphers/mystery, even though it has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt that C1 "can't hold a grammatically correct solution in any language as it is presented." So what are the remaining choices? The answer here is obvious, simply fill in the blanks however one desires to get whatever they desire. "C2 is the bait of a fool's game."

Why would anyone ever make a claim he or she cannot prove? Attention?

Why would anyone ever make a claim he or she cannot prove? Attention?

It would seem according to all of us here there is only two ways to prove you deciphered the ciphers. Of course finding the a hole is not one of them. Most of these who say they have deciphered the ciphers in the last 40 years will not show you how they did it. While I do understand that some time is needed to organize you work over five years would be excessive.

It would seem according to all of us here there is only two ways to prove you deciphered the ciphers. Of course finding the a hole is not one of them...
If one found a 12 foot empty vault hole except for two "Beale" period silver coins, discarded Boone's 30 gal salt brine iron pots, and two empty bottles of champagne, is that proof that something was buried there and recovered in an area known for the Beale story?
...and if that vault hole location was found by a deciphered Beale code?

I can see how someone could decipher some codes (any codes, Beale or otherwise) and then find a treasure, but I also see how the person might keep all of it a secret (sometimes the government has a funny way of claiming things as antiquity, and other pirates start up lawsuits-- see Mel Fisher). But what could never make sense is someone saying they deciphered a code but had no proof or treasure.

Skepticism is very healthy. So no code has been cracked and no treasure has been recovered until proven publicly. Thems the facts.

Not to mention that anyone selling treasure maps (whether books, biographies, etc.) is collecting the treasure with each purchase made by the suckers who buy those books.

I watched a comedian (forget who) on TV who saw a piece of junk car with a big advertisement on the back that said "call this number to learn how to make $5k a week."

The comedian wrote down the phone number and gave it to the driver of that car.

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I can get you a copy of the deciphered Beale code right now if you like...

For a small fee of course via PayPal...

See I have people who know people that know even more people.... and those people know my people and I am a people...

AND... those people are on the internet. :P


If someone did decipher the two pages and post them up. Everyone would say find the treasurer. If someone deciphered them and showed how they did do it they would be King. If someone did this the Earth would shake from all of the people digging at the site were the ciphers told them!

First, over the years many have claimed to have deciphered the remaining codes, many even showing how they did it. Second, nobody is rushing to dig at these locations because folks can see right away that these proposed solutions have been the product of simple decoder desire and convenient manipulation. In fact there's been so much of it folks scarcely even pay attention, something that should be painfully obvious to all of the website and youtube creators who can hardly generate views or subscribers. This alone should provide a huge sense of the reality to the situation.

Yeah, MHO is that BC # 1 & BC # 3 are "RUSE(S)", showing NOTHING! BC # 2 (DOI) points to Thomas Jefferson; who, as PREZ, wanted an MILITARY INSTITUTE to train soldiers to protect the WESTERN Frontier of the Commonwealth of Virginia from "Indians", Brits, French, & lawlessness (in the WESTERN portion of our state). It became VMI, which became a "HOT-BED" of training future REBELS/CSA:VMI high-ranking officers. Yank General "Black Dave" Hunter burned VMI down (Lexington, Va., too), on his way to attack Lynchburg, Va., which later became the LAST state capital of VIRGINIA, April 7-10, 1865. The "Raid"/attack was in 1864... CSA Gen. Jubal Anderson Early (from Franklin County, Va.) kicked Hunter's arse back across the Peaks Otter and WEST past Roanoke, Va. to West Virginia. NO BC # 1 or # 3 for ME! Heh... :laughing7:

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The raven and three crows mentioned that the Northern Aggressors will be gathering again at the Peaks of Otter this June 24th.

The Northern Aggressors have already taken everything everyone has except our lives and they are going to take them next.

The Northern Aggressors have already taken everything everyone has except our lives and they are going to take them next.

Beale revelation will make all worries of your "Northern Aggressors" moot. If, in fact, your concern has merit (which I disagree), the immensity of the Beale revelation will make moot any worries, I'm quite sure. And Franklin, yes, some waiting is necessary for proper culmination of this venture. Very soon though...

Looking at a few years out from now. We shall see?
The GREATEST treasure of "CONFEDERATE WAR" Virginia; ORIGINALLY envisioned by President Thomas Jefferson for the Western portion of the Commonwealth of VIRGINIA... the VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE (aka VMI); "HOT-BED" of CSA Education & Readiness, with MANY VMI Grads connected to the "Beale Story" post CONFEDERATE WAR, until "Re-construction" with CONFEDERATE GREY uniforms, etc.; heh...

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HA! Where is my dang REBEL Grey Kepi...?
Keep your head down when in that kepi Reb.
Oh and if you ever make it up nawth , I' ll feed ya. Coffee too!


HA! Where is my dang REBEL Grey Kepi...?

Dang we get to do it again. We will get it right this time. Save your Reb money boys the South is going to rise again.

... Beale has been cracked...

Does this involve a "suspected" treasure allegedly hidden by Ben Franklin and a Captain John McPherson at an unknown location known as RED KNEE that may be in urns at a Pennsylvania mansion called Cliveden?
...and how is this related to James Beverly Ward and the Thomas J Beale character of the 1885 Beale Papers?

Does this involve a "suspected" treasure allegedly hidden by Ben Franklin and a Captain John McPherson at an unknown location known as RED KNEE that may be in urns at a Pennsylvania mansion called Cliveden?
...and how is this related to James Beverly Ward and the Thomas J Beale character of the 1885 Beale Papers?

"Beale has been cracked"...refers to the solution of the Beale Papers. You are quite demanding. This is understandable. It's been a long time for everyone who searches for conclusion. The answer to your first question is ...yes. The answer to your second question is: how it is related can only be revealed when legal and personal issues have been completed for all to revel in the solution...this is being done right. Your, and all other persons, demands will not speed this must be done right. To date, you know must be this way.

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