How is AMRA Spending Your Donations?

Terry Soloman

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May 28, 2010
White Plains, New York
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"Divided We Fall" There is definitely division, no wonder we're falling. All I read these days are miners arguing with miners. When is enough??????

"Divided We Fall" There is definitely division, no wonder we're falling. All I read these days are miners arguing with miners. When is enough??????

No one has UNITED us yet QNCrazy. Gold miners argue with each other, that's what they do. Stubborn, cheaper than a Scotsman, and tough as nails. :occasion14:

Russ, are you still in St. Louis? If so, none of these groups were EVER fighting for YOUR rights. As far as I can tell, anyone outside a couple of Western states has never benefited from anything any of these orgs have done. Well, now that they blew the dredging case in Cali, it's just a matter of time before lawsuits and new state regs affect ALL of us. So I guess PLP, AMRA and MMAC really HAVE screwed us all. Thanks for all the hard work. :skullflag:

I'm confused. I really didn't want to add to all this silly madness because it seems everyone has a different opinion. Odd. But I wanted to be clear on something. Are you telling me that because I don't live in a couple particular western states that I DONT and will NEVER have the rights as an American citizen to move and become a miner? Again I am just confused and would like you to clarify for me. I see you dislike the "organizations" and maybe I am interpreting your words incorrectly. I thought everyone shared the same rights and it seems like if they are fighting for people out there then they are fighting for everyone. Maybe there is just too much hostility in this thread and it's getting to me.

I'm confused. I really didn't want to add to all this silly madness because it seems everyone has a different opinion. Odd. But I wanted to be clear on something. Are you telling me that because I don't live in a couple particular western states that I DONT and will NEVER have the rights as an American citizen to move and become a miner? Again I am just confused and would like you to clarify for me. I see you dislike the "organizations" and maybe I am interpreting your words incorrectly. I thought everyone shared the same rights and it seems like if they are fighting for people out there then they are fighting for everyone. Maybe there is just too much hostility in this thread and it's getting to me.

That is NOT what I said. I wrote "Russ, are you still in St. Louis? If so, none of these groups were EVER fighting for YOUR rights. As far as I can tell, anyone outside a couple of Western states has never benefited from anything any of these orgs have done. Well, now that they blew the dredging case in Cali, it's just a matter of time before lawsuits and new state regs affect ALL of us. So I guess PLP, AMRA and MMAC really HAVE screwed us all. Thanks for all the hard work."

So yes, you are confused.:skullflag:

I believe the wrap was donated, at least wash your feet before you stick them in your mouth:laughing7:

I wonder how much was spent on the vehicle, trailer, and paint scheme? Wouldn't magnetic signs accomplish the same thing for a lot less donated money?


i don't see that gift reflected on the IRS non profit transparant 990 form lol!

is that part of the 2014 $2000 worth of gifts received? need to itemize that one

where is that board member again to clear this up?:) lol

wow...............lots of *****es here. Your small donation does not give you the right to destroy an organization for trying to point the obvious. And that is our government is taking our rights away. All these organizations are doing a small part for the cause, if you disagree, don't give them money.

I believe the wrap was donated, at least wash your feet before you stick them in your mouth:laughing7:

Let me know when you know for a fact Oak! I'll wash -your- feet if AMRA ever accomplishes anything important or helpful to small miners. :occasion14:

wow...............lots of *****es here. Your small donation does not give you the right to destroy an organization for trying to point the obvious. And that is our government is taking our rights away. All these organizations are doing a small part for the cause, if you disagree, don't give them money.

What cause? Who's cause? What has AMRA done for YOU Relichunter? Educate me. :occasion14:

Maybe the small miners didn't know that thier small donation was going twords $6000 gas bill (where did they drive 70,000 miles at 3$ per gallon) I hope the gas wasnt to haul gear in the bubble wrape gas guzzler;)

and $1,000 bank card fees, the real bank fees are on another line! Board member of tnet accountant- what is bank card fee? I've never deducted that on my business.. Have any of you racked up $1000 in bank card fees? What if your spouse did that with your money?

If its ATM extra fees that should be a crime for non profits. They should use check w no fee. Where is the Amra credit card points? Spending all Thea donations at least get some flying miles so u dont have to jack members for gas money !
Who explained that they had no money after expenses and donations to PLP?
Shouldn't a non profit have a fund that grows?

No one opened the books before asking hand outs? Where is the video breaking down the funds? Amra sure does good videos no?

Churches are way more open about collections and expenses so lets be real. Every month there should be accounting in the newsletter? On web site? Facebook? I can't find anything

Here is my yearly 200$ fee, please full it up with 87 sir, thanks for the free raffel ticket too!

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Why would you find a listing on a 2014 1040 EZ form for a wrap in done in 2016?????????????????? I guess that didn't fit your narrative. I am done anwering your STUPID accusations. Reminds me of a old saying, better to keep your mouth shut and remain a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt. PS, I am not a AMRA member but have been a very casual aquaintence of Shannon long before the AMRA was formed. He was just as passionate then, was a a origninal participant in the first dredge suit, and ponied up many thousands of dollars, 40k, to get it off the ground. Yall remind me of dogs who chase cars, you make a lot of noise, and attract some attention, but you don't last long. Keep barking,

i don't see that gift reflected on the IRS non profit transparant 990 form lol!

is that part of the 2014 $2000 worth of gifts received? need to itemize that one

where is that board member again to clear this up?:) lol

I would suggest warm water and a mild soap, make sure you rinse well I wouldn't want you to be washing your own mouth out with soap. Good health and good hunting.

Let me know when you know for a fact Oak! I'll wash -your- feet if AMRA ever accomplishes anything important or helpful to small miners. :occasion14:

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Well they have not provided the 2015 IRA forms yet, or any real updates for 2016

It's called transparency oak, man up and ask him for the 2015 forms so we can see, since u know him, lets get the details

The open books should be a asset to show how well your running things, but at is not the case

oak, answer me this- what is bank card fees of $1000?

Where did Shannon drive to use $6000 of gas?
6000$ is a major percentage of the money brought in!!! Can u do the math on that or is it too hard to handle the truth?

If he did pony up 40k it should be in the 990 form so keep your foot in your mouth until u can explain the expenses and donations!

If those were up we can go line by line as see who the real meatball is!

What does Amra have to lose? Oh wait small miners donations!

But there good people! Well look at PLP, it's a disgrace, small miners funds frozen, board members turn on another, is Amra going to keep donation to PLP? How much miner money did Amra give PLP this year?

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Ruff, ruff Todd

Well they have not provided the 2015 IRA forms yet, or any real updates for 2016

It's called transparency oak, man up and ask him for the 2015 forms so we can see, since u know him, lets get the details

The open books should be a asset to show how well your running things, but at is not the case

oak, answer me this- what is bank card fees of $1000?

Where did Shannon drive to use $6000 of gas?
6000$ is a major percentage of the money brought in!!! Can u do the math on that or is it too hard to handle the truth?

If he did pony up 40k it should be in the 990 form so keep your foot in your mouth until u can explain the expenses and donations!

If those were up we can go line by line as see who the real meatball is!

What does Amra have to lose? Oh wait small miners donations!

But there good people! Well look at PLP, it's a disgrace, small miners funds frozen, board members turn on another, is Amra going to keep donation to PLP? Is much miner money did Amra give PLP this year?

Well...regardless of organization the books should be open and transparent. Perhaps a different approach to protecting our rights starts at home....teaching, educating the public about the benefits of recreational mining to mental & physical health, being outdoors . I for one don't respect any club pillaging funds , that called embezzlement and is a crime. I try to see the good in people, and I think most clubs start out with good intentions. Perhaps all we need once in a while is a realignment and getting back on track. Life s to short to bicker ...

From what I can find on the interweb, Mr. Poe has been a huge backer of MMAC, and PLP. I wonder how tied up the organizations are financially, and what they have spent on educating organizations and individuals OUTSIDE the mining community. I can't find any evidence that these organizations have launched any type of informational or educational programs for local, state, or national politicians, teachers, civic or outdoor sports groups, or anyone outside mining.

Lot's of money spent "organizing miners." How's that working for us? All these groups want to "Fight for your rights," but they don't seem to have a clue as to how to do it. Are there no trained public and corporate relations executives on the boards of these orgs? :dontknow:

When I was a member of the Orange County 49ers we went to schools and taught them gold panning and the history of the Gold Rush. They have some nice claims I used and went to their group outings. For me that was money well spent, the gold I found more than paid the fees and you can't put a price on the friends and memories I made. AMRA is a club with claims, the 200 bucks in my opinion is also money well spent for use of the claims in some pretty good gold country. The outing s they have are nice I heard....anything else they do outside of being a club, like keeping gates open on trails and supporting miners is fine with me. All these organizations and clubs send a message, small as it is that we Americans don';t want our rights as Americans on our own soil trampled on. I do admit the fight against " City Hall" governemnt is a fight you cannot win. They will do what they want.....and will put a spin to their cause and the majority of public opinion will support them...the sheeple being the sheeple they are.

Terry, I respect your view. As an AMRA board member, I would disagree however. I have not received a dime from AMRA, yet have donated thousands in gold, dollars, and equipment to defending your rights. None of the board members have received any kind of compensation, including Shannon. I ask you to please prove your allegations or retract your claims.
We are supporting Brandon in his fight so that he has no out-of-pocket costs, as best we can, and so far have met his needs. We have represented several independent miners in cases where they have been denied access or had other issues with the Alphabet agencies.

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