The easiest explanation for us, is where we live. In order to get title for the land so many trees had to be planted and maintained for x number of years.

Most families, neighbors and kin came this way in numbers and settled surrounding sections when the territories opened...Many lied about their age, creating more land for immediate family, neighbors and kin. Saplings were obtained and it stands to reason the saplings or acorns in this case, sent west had the same markers.

As far as following the same compass heading...If I were you I'd disregard all Younger trees and focus on the oldest and most similar in size. If you need wood, cut a couple down that appear to be the same age and size and date them. Then use that wood for heat or building. Keep a couple samples. Then you will know if they lead somewhere.

Keep in mind, squirrels, birds, mice and other animals carrying acorns to nests, dropping some and other animals stealing their stash and carrying those off too. They easily can end up farther apart. When those trees start producing, more acorns carried off even farther.

Are you in hilly areas with a lot of draws?


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Yes it’s steep with lots of hollows and bluffs cliffs rocks everywhere

Gravity and rains...If these are near a river, that will carry seed and spores too

I don't know if you hunt Morels but I tried for years to get SWMO morel spores to take in the Jackson Co area. Never worked. Then about 6Yrs ago I tried Ohio Morel spores in SWMO, JCMO and JOCO KS...They only took in JOCOKS! First year after that I had two...One was bent in a rounded L shape...One was straight...Now I have more and more coming up every year. My neighbors have them now too...They don't like them, but save them for me to get. Some are straight and some have the same rounded L shape.

Have you researched the original community of the land you hunt to see what skilled trades they had?


I know those aren't trees, but the Spores have the same markers creating the shape.

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I haven’t seen any saplings growing like this. All the ones I see are fairly old. I find some that I know didn’t grow but where made. ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1511590480.596697.webp this tree ain’t natural it got cut and bent. I don’t discredit your idea on generics. But there’s a lot that add up to nature

I don't doubt for a second that some were manipulated into shapes, by grafting, tying over or twisting of young trees.

Have you ever used a stethoscope on a tree? You can hear water running through the main trunk easily. The larger natural tree branches pretty easy and grafted limbs...that's harder to hear. Those limbs are usually smaller in diameter, like your pic.

That tree in the photo...I'd like to know what you hear on the part coming out of the ground, the right turn part and the skyward part. At each elbow on both sides of the tree too. If you get the chance to check it.

To me, that last pic you posted the tree looks grafted and manipulated....That's just my opinion by the photo.


Kace I’ll do that have to scratch me up stethoscope. That’s interesting that you can hear that going on in the tree.

The trees and the rocks are all clues even the cemeteries! Fullfill your destiny and find them! I want to see a picture of the treasures! It would be awesome!

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