
These carvings are a few hundred yards off the old river bed. There is a small bluff on the bottom of a spur coming off the mountain. The spur is the only way to get wagons, carts, or an ATV up the mountain in this area. There are three major streams coming together here.

Thanks for the link l.c. baker. I do agree with the Indian trail signs, but not all of them. Even if some of them are Indian trail signs, what to say others didn't use them or add more? They were already there, why not use them to your advantage? I would if it was me. People wouldn't think nothing of it if they thought it was "normal". Didn't some of the kgc ally with the Indians? Especially around here? By the way, I ordered your book and got it a few days ago, looking forward to reading it.

I purchased it too. Look forward to reading it. I love research and the facts uncovered by others. I hope you continue to research. Thank you.

Thanks for the link l.c. baker. I do agree with the Indian trail signs, but not all of them. Even if some of them are Indian trail signs, what to say others didn't use them or add more? They were already there, why not use them to your advantage? I would if it was me. People wouldn't think nothing of it if they thought it was "normal". Didn't some of the kgc ally with the Indians? Especially around here? By the way, I ordered your book and got it a few days ago, looking forward to reading it.

I agree with your train of thought. Without further evidence there is no trail, so keep looking in the area you speak of until you have exhausted all reasonable efforts to find anything further.

Good Luck!

P.S. I am not an author by any means, but I tell the truth and present the facts to back it up in my book. If someone is looking for a novel or well written literature they should buy Stephen King. I hope my book satisfies your thirst for information and makes you thirsty enough to dig for more. Thanks for your interest in the K.G.C. and the pursuit of what they left to be used by a future generation as directed. Good Luck in you endeavors.


I agree with your train of thought. Without further evidence there is no trail, so keep looking in the area you speak of until you have exhausted all reasonable efforts to find anything further.

Good Luck!

P.S. I am not an author by any means, but I tell the truth and present the facts to back it up in my book. If someone is looking for a novel or well written literature they should buy Stephen King. I hope my book satisfies your thirst for information and makes you thirsty enough to dig for more. Thanks for your interest in the K.G.C. and the pursuit of what they left to be used by a future generation as directed. Good Luck in you endeavors.


Do you have anything on Levering Lawarson? His brother ran a Bank in Georgetown and it was the bank the United States Government used after the Revolutionary War. He moved to somewhere in Missouri and started up large businesses and they have now branched out to Dallas or Houston Texas. I have it in my research. They sold over 700 acres in my area and they were never living in this area yet he married his wife here?

Do you have anything on Levering Lawarson? His brother ran a Bank in Georgetown and it was the bank the United States Government used after the Revolutionary War. He moved to somewhere in Missouri and started up large businesses and they have now branched out to Dallas or Houston Texas. I have it in my research. They sold over 700 acres in my area and they were never living in this area yet he married his wife here?

If you will read this at #1. where it speaks of the will or lack of such, it says to me that the O.A.K. or K.G.C. was not involved in this firm. However, the man could have been a pawn for them as they had many. https://books.google.com/books?id=h...AEINDAC#v=onepage&q=Levering Lawarson&f=false

just my 2 cents

If you will read this at #1. where it speaks of the will or lack of such, it says to me that the O.A.K. or K.G.C. was not involved in this firm. However, the man could have been a pawn for them as they had many. https://books.google.com/books?id=h...AEINDAC#v=onepage&q=Levering Lawarson&f=false

just my 2 cents

Thanks L.C. Baker, Yes this man and his company were very much into the KGC or O.A.K. They sold over 700 acres here in Virginia to a huge landowner which I believe was a sentinel over millions of dollars of their funds today worth ober 3 Billion Dollars. They still run corporate offices under a new name in Texas

Thanks L.C. Baker, Yes this man and his company were very much into the KGC or O.A.K. They sold over 700 acres here in Virginia to a huge landowner which I believe was a sentinel over millions of dollars of their funds today worth ober 3 Billion Dollars. They still run corporate offices under a new name in Texas

Well that has O.A.K. written all over it. I would look for more litigation on the will I brought up to you in the link, it would also be worth while to look for later heirs to the above mentioned party. If you are lucky you may find a toe hold to lead you in the right direction on your quest for truth. Good Luck!

In my case after seeing hoot owl tree, going east i past a cemetery with markings on trees pointing me to go further. About 1 mile to a river go left about 2 miles, till train staion, you'll see signs be alert, look to your left, birch trees covered with poison ivy, big turtle rock pointing (pointer on left side of rock. His head will be in our out. If in your there at site! Small stream connected to river. Look for a hillside of rocks 30 degree angle. Look at bottom of the rocks for Egypt brick, silhouette of George Washington and another face. Dig to the rightside! The boobytrap is above silhouettes.

Don't lose faith you're closer than you think! Fullfill your destiny! This had nothing to do with being lucky, it will be skill!:headbang:

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L.C. I'm not saying that nature didn't cause some trees to grow malformed I'm saying that after you find 20 some odd trees in one general area and they're almost identical and they're following a giving path of least resistance leads one to believe it's man made.

Hi Orange..I'm just going to use Oak Trees for an example here although Any Tree Produces the same outcome.

Acorns from Oak trees carry the same 'Genetic' markers as the tree they fell from. Some grow straight and tall with very few low limbs, others are shorter and have many limbs. Still others look bent or deformed in some way.

When you see a concentration of them in an area, that's why. The cycle keeps going. When you see basically the same tree formation in a larger area that you hunt..squirrels and other animals are carrying acorns and some drop along the way, gravity going downhill or rains wash them to other areas and a within a few years the acorn starts growing into a tree that looks like the tree it fell from. Your average oak tree starts producing acorns at 20yrs old. Some don't produce til 50yrs old.

If an acorn is injured by weather or an animal bite and goes on to grow into a tree...there could be some damage to it that causes a deformed or bent shape.

I've seen pictures where what someone thought was a dying 'pointer' tree had what they thought was a younger 'pointer' tree planted very close to the dead or dying tree. That's not the case...it's the markers in the acorn that recreate the shape of the tree. Like humans...If parents are tall and thin, chances are, their children will be tall and thin.

I'm not at all saying that Indians, Outlaws or Settlers didn't bend a young tree for a trail or water landmark...But trees were never intended to be permanent markers. An odd shaped tree could of been used as a landmark to mark anything of value and people could of died before it was recovered...but if there are a lot of those similar shaped trees, that's unlikely that a tree like that would be used.

I could go into the grafting of trees and other ways to create 'community' or individual landmarks and markers in our part of the country but I don't think this is the thread for that. I just wanted to save you a little frustration and boot leather if I could. I hope this helped some.


Kace that is a compelling explanation you have. My trees will go for a mile or so. What mean by them lining up is they’re on the same compass heading. That is the tough hurdle to get over them being natural. I guess one trail could be wrote off as well it could happen then when you find a few more that follow a specific compass heading that gets hard to write off.

I’ve also found trees miles apart like 30 miles or so and they look really close to being the same. I’ve found another it’s about 5 miles away on top of a bluff. ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1511585196.331304.webp

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