Plantain in my yard is volunteer stock.
As long as small leaves are chosen they are quite tolerable ,kinda young green bean flavored.
I let some go to seed ,stripped them and tossed bagged seed in the freezer to stratify/ overwinter.
Hand broadcasted this spring.
We see sub zero Fahrenheit a couple to few days a winter on a wild average. Frost this year held off in June but has hit the second week of June before.
Oct. around the third week maybe ,frost again.
Tough acidic sandy soil here in the oak woods. Disturbed sites from winter plowing of snow are being tried and it's growing , but due to being left to it's own devices more often than not, partial shade under less acidic soiled areas near maples seems the happier habitat.
Anywhere out of full day sun ,say half day, it does good. Anywhere else just gets too dry. Plants grow conservatively and leaves roll up when dry.
Probably a survival trait similar to corn.
Plantain leaves selected for choice size and condition, rinsed clean if need be ,then can be dried. Or blanched then frozen.
Volunteers get established in niches...corners sort of and run off sites during rains, and get real big faster than the more slow tender "plot". Those bigguns are my seed stock.
White mans foot it has been called , a tough and potentially invasive weed more than a delicate plant. I can grow weeds alright it seems. Or more realistically ,they can grow themselves.
I have broadleaf type.
Broadleaf Plantain: Pictures, Flowers, Leaves and Identification