It's been a few days since I posted here, but then there's been nothing to post or crow about. It's hot again, and the rain we're getting is from nasty thunderstorms. Night before last we took a number of strikes very close to the house. And I went out yesterday morning and a whole lot of the higher reaching plants were plastered to the ground. My carrots are the size of my pinky, two taters per plant, and tomatoes plentiful, but just not ripening. I guess if you counted as stages, I'm likely in my third season of planting here.
I noticed yesterday that I have some cucumbers growing now
It's nice to see a positive here and there. My gardens are certainly "under performing", but then I was rather Pollyanna coming into this adventure. However, won't and can't stop now. Darned Japanese beetles! I've decided to dust the grapes, blackberries and everything else them disgusting varmits seem to like. Blackberries, Mom said you couldn't kill them. Those varmits must have heard her say that.
One of my raspberry plants died dead. So, I dug it up, and cut a larger hole and put in a mature container raspberry in its' place. I was wondering where to put it anyway, considered keeping it in the container - maybe I should have. Maybe I condemned it by planting it there.
And meanwhile the danged yellow jackets have invaded my upstairs suite beginning last night. More than 20 little yellow corpses litter the floor right now, time to sweep them up. Had a new one show up a few minutes ago, have no idea yet where they're coming in at. With the numbers I'd say they have a nest in the ceiling space above, but I don't hear any swarming, buzzing.
Thus another day of adventure.....
In contrast to all this, I'm still a farmer and will continue.
Keep the faith at all times, just adjust your method of travel!