
Squatters rights were done away with in my state. With the property owner next to me unseen in a decade I could have aggressively moved a fence farther each year, then claimed it if there was no protest.
Homesteading could at one time, not sure today, be filed on land not in a survey through environmental change (an island filling in around with silt or waterway dry possible examples)or probably errors too.. A land broker might have info on how to claim if not by homesteading if a parcel exists between surveys unclaimed.(?)

Always remember;don't plant the neighbors, don't plant the neighbors...

There is another way to rid yourself of pests, rodents, etc., but only as a last resort.

Ouch! Yeah, I'd say that is last resort!

But, it is what it is, and it's me against them....

A land broker might have info on how to claim if not by homesteading if a parcel exists between surveys unclaimed.

I'll be watching that...

Back in the early 80's, there was a guy who moved a trailer to a little speck of land beside the state road. Behind him was a very short yard, drops 10 feet to the creek, and then his land ended a bit up the ridge above the ancestral driveway (which actually used to be a county road dating back a very long time). The county would not approve him a septic tank - way less than enough for a drain field. So, he pulled out, and the land remained unclaimed and it is not currently on record. This was the information I gave the surveyor.

If I claimed it, it wouldn't add much to me except a hike in property taxes. Right now I see no value in this property.

I have little children popping up in the beds, 3 on the potatoes I planted on the 7th, and a few coming up in the beds I planted on the 10th. Those may be weeds in the later beds, and I'll be watching.

It's been raining all day here, love it!

On that bed of live plants the guru gave me, I still have no idea what is growing in 13 of the 16 squares. I should have written them down when he told me but I was feeling a bit shy, told him I didn't come there for freebies.

There's some yellowing bottom leaves on several of those plants. It's supposed to rain all day tomorrow as well. I'll wait for that to end and see how they're doing. My children! Gotta take care of them!


Left to right across bottom A, B, C, & D

Up to top, 1, 2, 3, & 4

I know that square B-1 is Kohlrabi, C-2 is Cauliflower, and C-4 is Basil.

The others I've been guessing at. I figure an identity, and then see something which is different from the picture. Like the far right, I'm convinced they are Purple Lettuce, but in the book, purple lettuce has green stems. And these are purple to below the soil line....

A puzzle for solving!

The rain comes in spells, mostly when I walk out to look at my little green children. I'd put out a dry glass cup as the rain was approaching, looks like about 1 1/2".

Looks like almost all of my radishes are up, looks like maybe 50 of my 56 sewed location. It is a nice sight to see.

We finally got some sunshine yesterday. The radishes are going very well :) The turnips popped out, as many as the radishes! ALL the raspberries are alive now and saying hello. 10 of the 16 potato plants are up, and it's pretty cool seeing all this!

My buddy e-mailed me yesterday, said today is the last day for compost at the city, so I'll be heading down for one more truckload.

Supposed to have heavy rain tomorrow per the Weather Channel, but I looked at the glass I set outside, and we're at 2" already for the past week. Good gracious, when I get a chance to mow the lawn it is going to be a jungle.. I haven't been outside yet this morning, just maybe more of the sowed seeds will have sprouted. I hope we don't have to live on turnips and radishes!!!

Just kinda goes to show you, in gardening no matter how badly you figure you've screwed things up, you're still going to eat :)

Imagine what I'll have when I know what I'm doing!

I got my lawn mowed yesterday. It was a jungle all around the house.

I got my lawn mowed yesterday. It was a jungle all around the house.

We've severe flood warnings around here. My little creek down below the garden is raging. I go through long periods up here in my room with the rain pounding on the tin roof above. It is as I type this. I pray the little creek isn't over its' banks.

I guess the California rains have to go somewhere!

Accuweather says we received 1 1/2" of rain yesterday, but that is only "localized" as I'm between two towns. That glass I put out is full to the brim, and that would mean that on this slope of the mountain we received around 3" yesterday. I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee, and then I'm going to take a look and see if there's any damage to the garden. I know that what I could see out the living room window at dusk yesterday that creek was right at the top of the banks and raging. If no damage, won't need watering for a couple of days for sure. If there is damage, well I'll just repair and adjust.

I just surveyed the area, no apparent damage to the garden, but the creek is certainly cleaned out. My wheelbarrow is full to overflowing with just a tap. There's essentially water geysers in the yard, and my basement is completely flooded. My brother is coming up and will see if my road is passable. When he left yesterday the bridge was under water, but he made it across.

Some good news, now all 16 potato plants are out of the ground and I'm starting to see plants popping up in those slow beds, need more though! On the beds generally (with patience for the late risers), I'm seeing nearly 100% on the sown seeds. The only crops I've lost so far were the 4 strawberries.

Might be a good time to pan for gold :)

I had some free time yesterday, so I started making a feller's pouch. I said all winter that I was going to make one, but never did 'feel' like it.

A little further to go on it, but it's getting there.

Still need to add holders for my files and scrench, as well as a holder for my log vise.

I had some free time yesterday, so I started making a feller's pouch.

That is beautiful work my friend!

I just went down to my bridge, a big concrete thing I do not approve of, built for log trucks and not to suit the flow of the stream = small drainage pipes which get clogged every big rain. So, when we get those rains I have to clean out the culverts and fill in both entrance and exit with rocks. So, the water was flowing over and around it, one side with a larger gully. I just eased up to that side, and 4WD got over it. Tomorrow when the water has receded, I'll go back and finish cleaning the culverts and fill in both sides with rock - again.....

I had other plans for tomorrow.....

Talking about Heelers again and how long they live. I had one of my best friends for 18 and half yrs die yesterday. He was my oldest red Heeler named Rebel. He about has my 6 month old pair of Heelers ready to take the farm over. He was blind on one side and couldn't hear very good for the last 2 yrs but he still did his job.

I had one of my best friends for 18 and half yrs die yesterday.

I'm sorry to hear that. My kitty has been gone now for pushing 3 weeks, and I still miss her - as you will miss Rebel and remember him till the end. Somebody told me that the Bible said that animals do not have souls. I've never seen the verse and will not look for it. I can't believe that in the beyond we will not be in the company of all which we have loved. Some say we don't have souls either. It doesn't matter perhaps, I still try to do the right things and leave no harm behind me.

Back to the farm, went to work on the bridge this morning. Finished cleaning out the culverts, even found a busted up trash can stuck in one blocking it. Picked rocks up all over the place on the property, and hauled two loads to fill the exit end of the bridge where it had washed out. I set them like pavers. Need more rocks, but it is passable now. After I left it yesterday, that gully the water cut had deepened. Mom had to go to town for prescriptions, so I drove her. When we returned I mowed part of the lawn - push mower. I be tired now. That rain put me a bit behind, there's more gardening I need to do.

Condolences to you Bullet. Them agreeable critters stick with ya even after they're gone.
Deep, ya need something that eats grass....

Thanks everybody. I have had my garden ready to plant for a couple of weeks but the temp has been going up and down so much I only have a couple of things in. The ground temp hasn't warmed up yet. Its 35 degrees this morning. I only use animal manure for fertilizer. I don't use a raised plot, I still do it the old fashion way. I checked yesterday afternoon and the spring wild edible mushrooms haven't started popping up yet.

Trace of snow this morning. Gonna be flowers probably the only growin this year .
A few morels being picked on western side of state, roughly up to Baldwin. Not heavy or nothing but a start. Raisin sized then some inchers maybe.
Be after mothers day before they even think about popping up here in the woods that average two weeks behind the open areas for ground temps it seems.
Average is first tiny ones last week of April, sometimes a light frost or two the proceeding week. And blacks/smokies yielding to whites/yellows around mothersday with about a weeks difference between local locales, and later farther north.

We've a chill here too. The days are okay after about noon. The low tonight is 40, and tomorrow is 38. At least it shouldn't frost, but in the hollers & valleys, it's not out of the realm of possibilities.

All those holes I mentioned a bit ago, and concerns about gophers? We had so darned much rain here. Day before yesterday morning when I went out, and I had two new holes just above the fence. One was full of water, and the other was spitting up water. I remember when I was planting t-posts, I pushed one in to set it, and it broke through a level. With the notice of the coming of the rains, I'd dug two ditches branching into one to drain off the excess water, I knew there was a spring, but now it is apparent there is more than one - the mini-geyser I found. And voila! One of my boxed beds has a hole in it, dropped out from below.

This entire hillside is one big spring beneath. I'd mentioned also that my basement flooded that last night of the rain.

Maybe I have my beds in the wrong location....

Whatever, I'll deal with it....

Dang. Maybe some watercress or hydroponics in the future. Or fish, frogs, crayfish.....:laughing7:

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