It's all staked down now, went through one of my brush piles and cut up enough to do the entire fence.
By the way, just why am I growing hops? Homebrew! After I make the first batch (been putting it off) I can take the yeast and keep growing my own of that. Barley I'm not sure what to do about yet, but I'll figure that out later - when it matters
The barley needs to be malted. I know how they do that on a large scale, but I'm thinking maybe 10 lbs at a time. To be completely independent, I need that South bottom to become a field of barley... When I brewed my own in the 80's up to the mid 90's I'd throw in peaches or other fruit to give it a delicious flavor, and an added kick.
Back about '92 I'd made my best batch yet, the ABV was over 10%. I lived in Ohio, it was Summer, and my mother and stepfather were driving up. When I got home from work I went to the fridge and the last 6 beers I'd saved were gone. Went out to the deck, and my stepfather was leaned up in the corner, about passed out with a stream of drool reaching down to the deck. He thought it was normal potency and drank all six.
I have a jeweler's screw driver I use the clean the bar. I also found a jeweler's file so I can go at the rough spots.
Those chain saws will get a workout for next Winter, I want to be more than prepared. I went through the South bottom land and cut all the dead and diseased trees. Stacked lengths up and will carry up to the house later. Quite a bit of wood in that pile.
It's hot out in the sun, so with the fence staked down, I'm resting up to go back to the post to post wire.