My answers did not seem adequate for you, so I assume they are all wrong.
I really don't understand why the condescending tone - especially since you know you don't really assume they are all wrong.
DD had pointed out a number of his theories as to where he thinks Julia and Rhiney first searched the mountains. Since his posts are gone now, I can't go back and quote any of them, but one of your responses was...
On their first attempt to enter the mountains, Julia and Rhiney tried to drive a wagon up Hog Canyon. Needless to say, that did not work out well for them.
It's stated as a fact, not a theory or a generally accepted belief, but a fact. I remember seeing other people mention it as a fact in the other 2 forums we've been involved in as well but my little bit of searching hasn't come up with anything more than circumstantial evidence, and I think it's misleading to state it as a fact unless there is legitimate proof - I was asking if there was real proof that I hadn't seen is all. For example, Bark saw them camped near one of the wells used by his rance - I wondered if maybe through your sources you knew where this well was actually located.
I know you and your brother saw monuments and I have no doubt you did, but did the destroyed monuments lead down into Heiroglyphic Canyon, Monument Canyon, "No Name" Canyon? Hog Canyon? Carney Springs area?
I had never seen anything about Monte Edwards finding a monumented path leading down Hog Canyon, and was also hoping you had the source for that information.
Something else occured to me early today too. If you believe the pit mine in Roger's Canyon was the LDM, how does that jive with Julia and Rhiney taking Hog Canyon up and over along the monumented trail into the mountains that way? Why in the world would they have tried to make their first trip up any of the canyons on the S face of the main mountain unless they completely misunderstood Waltz's directions. At one point I thought when he was sicker that he planned to ride with them to the board house (QCU ranch?) and then give them directions from there while he waited - that definitely could lead towards Roger's Canyon, but would make absolutely no sense for him to direct them back 6 miles from the direction they came to go up and over the main mountain.
I'm getting more and more confused the more I think about it

Anyways Joe - you know me well enough to know that I don't have ulterior motives and don't try to put people "on the spot" or anything. I feel as though the tone in your responses to me was not neccessary and I took them as being condescending and "dismissive" - if that's not the way you meant them, then I misread the intent and apologize.