I once searched for a gold and diamond ring for a fellow worker. He had me search through leaves over a foot deep in his yard and the pull tabs were pockets of them. Needless to say I did not find his ring but I had pockets full of beer tabs. I went to work the next morning. As my brother and I sat there I said to myself the ring could have been lost here at work instead of at his home eight miles away. I went and looked where he had parked the day before, another vehicle was there then and next to his driver's front tire lay the ring I had searched for with a metal detector tirelessly. Simply lying there on the asphalt like it was waiting to be found. He offered a reward but I did not except any. Later I bought the ring from him for $20 when he needed money till payday. I then gave it to my older brother for a birthday present. He had the ring resized and still has it. The point being treasure is not where you believe it to be sometimes it just takes LUCK.

I once lost my keys and looking in the place someone had said they seen them, they were not there. Good thing that was easy.

They are always in the last place you look! LOL

The only way to prove you deciphered the ciphers is to show the world how you did it. Then everyone will know you are the King of the Beale Papers!

Or that you've so lost in your own manufactured fantasy solve that nobody will ever take you seriously.

Or that you've so lost in your own manufactured fantasy solve that nobody will ever take you seriously.

Concerned, I have noticed that there's a thread that has a newspaper article talking about the Beale Papers in 1893. Why I find this concerning is the fact that the date of publishing of the pamphlet and the date of the article is about eight years gapped.

This 1893 article states that no one has found the treasurer from the ciphers at that time. Many people have been looking it said! Again eight years latter there is no reason to call it fictional!

It would seem this article dispels all of the fictional Hoaxes opinions in one clean cut!


It would seem this article dispels all of the fictional Hoaxes opinions in one clean cut!
It would seem that it was a rehash of the Beale Papers provided by John William Sherman's wife who worked at the ROANOKE TIMES and nothing more than a treasure story which was popular in newspapers of that time period.
It is NOT confirmation that the Beale treasure story is real.

Concerned, I have noticed that there's a thread that has a newspaper article talking about the Beale Papers in 1893. Why I find this concerning is the fact that the date of publishing of the pamphlet and the date of the article is about eight years gapped.

This 1893 article states that no one has found the treasurer from the ciphers at that time. Many people have been looking it said! Again eight years latter there is no reason to call it fictional!

It would seem this article dispels all of the fictional Hoaxes opinions in one clean cut!

Are you listening to your own sense of reason, at all? You just keep building a stronger case against the tale with your every post. Today we still have many-many fictional treasure tales where "the treasure still hasn't been recovered" and you think it odd that these alleged missing treasures haven't been found? One day later, eight years later, two hundred years later, time lapse has absolutely no relevance at all......:laughing7:

Your issue is lack of provenance to any of it. This will always be the obvious defeat that you will never escape no matter how you guys try to twist and turn things in the manufacturing of those alternate remedies. You can't create facts for something that you can't even prove to be real. :icon_thumleft:

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It would seem that it was a rehash of the Beale Papers provided by John William Sherman's wife who worked at the ROANOKE TIMES and nothing more than a treasure story which was popular in newspapers of that time period.
It is NOT confirmation that the Beale treasure story is real.

Nor does it mean it was " real" at the time article was written ( not a hoax) simply because people were still alleged to be looking for the " treasure".

Nor does the article explain to Poe's satisfaction how the code was deciphered correctly.

Debunking possible hoax by pointing at people looking for treasure does not confirm the Beale papers are a treasure map.

Concerned, I have noticed that there's a thread that has a newspaper article talking about the Beale Papers in 1893. Why I find this concerning is the fact that the date of publishing of the pamphlet and the date of the article is about eight years gapped.

This 1893 article states that no one has found the treasurer from the ciphers at that time. Many people have been looking it said! Again eight years latter there is no reason to call it fictional!

It would seem this article dispels all of the fictional Hoaxes opinions in one clean cut!

And that would be why they have come out in force against you. The local Lynchburg pamphlet has made its way around the state within the 8 years it would seem. You have tipped there apple carts with this one statement. So were was the place to buy a pamphlet in 1893. We know they say it was one store in Lynchburg, but 50 miles away?

They are hopping mad and will try to spin this in their favor. LOL :icon_thumright:

And that would be why they have come out in force against you. The local Lynchburg pamphlet has made its way around the state within the 8 years it would seem. You have tipped there apple carts with this one statement. So were was the place to buy a pamphlet in 1893. We know they say it was one store in Lynchburg, but 50 miles away?

They are hopping mad and will try to spin this in their favor. LOL :icon_thumright:

Not sure of your point....
The papers have made their way around the world and you still have no solve.

Not sure of your point....
The papers have made their way around the world and you still have no solve.
Still not even a shred of provenance....:icon_thumleft: This is what they're not understanding, the difference between factual solve and hypothesis. Most of the rest of the world, however, understands the difference.

This 1893 article states that no one has found the treasurer from the ciphers at that time. Many people have been looking it said! Again eight years latter there is no reason to call it fictional!

It would seem this article dispels all of the fictional Hoaxes opinions in one clean cut!
Pauline Innis's article in ARGOSY magazine which gave new life to the Beale tale, also stated, like in the Beale Papers, that the treasure has never been found- doesn't serve as proof that the story is not fiction.
Just like that 1893 ROANOKE TIMES article you are attempting to claim as proof, this not evidence than confirms the Beale treasure tale.
Sorry, no Cohiba for you.

Pauline Innis's article in ARGOSY magazine which gave new life to the Beale tale, also stated, like in the Beale Papers, that the treasure has never been found- doesn't serve as proof that the story is not fiction.
Just like that 1893 ROANOKE TIMES article you are attempting to claim as proof, this not evidence than confirms the Beale treasure tale.
Sorry, no Cohiba for you.

Now we are back to the not real opinion by you and others. One and only thing that marks the people who actually research something and those who just complain about something twisting everything people say and maipulatin the fact for there evil plans. LoL

Now we are back to the not real opinion by you and others. One and only thing that marks the people who actually research something and those who just complain about something twisting everything people say and maipulatin the fact for there evil plans. LoL

No, sorry, you won't get too many to bite on the above attempted flip-flop. Masterpoe, most people, (and certainly any responsible researcher), really do understand the difference between true provenance/fact VS general hypothesis based on complete speculation, the later being what you're trying to sell. You can't blame your complete lack of provenance and fact on others, that is all your own doing. Again, all you have to do is produce any shred of actual provenance to any of it. It's really that simple. Either you have it or you don't. Very clearly you do not. Again, you can't blame that on others.....:icon_thumleft:

Still think it's a hoax; sorry.

And given that nobody can produce any provenance to establish otherwise that's completely understandable. This is what so many of these certain claimants fail to understand, "people are smarter then they give them credit for." Things can't be made to exist just because someone has talked themselves into believing that they do exist.

Please stop the arguing and backdoor insults or I will lock the thread. You can debate without arguing.

The continuing point of debate and argument seems to be the ever present, "what is true provenance VS general hypothesis." Nothing wrong with general hypothesis until attempts are made to turn it into actual provenance. This is, and always will be, the root cause of most of the arguing and debating. Front door and back door insults still won't change this lack of provenance that should be pointed out whenever such error has been made. If the truth is to ever be discovered then it will only be discovered by dealing in facts that are backed by actual provenance. All of these other false claims of provenance and true solve only serve to hinder and cloud the pursuit of truth.

Now we are back to the not real opinion by you and others. One and only thing that marks the people who actually research something and those who just complain about something twisting everything people say and maipulatin the fact for there evil plans. LoL

LOL, I think their not as interested in the topic, just the debate. We can post on here without talking to them!
And have a good learning experience.

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LOL, I think there not as interested in the topic, just the debate. We can post on here without talking to them!

Very interested in the topic, especially any "new factual discoveries" that might come along. I don't even mind discussing hypothesis and hashing out their true possibilities. But let's stick to just the facts as they really are and not continue to try to make them out be more then they really are. :icon_thumleft:

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