You did just take note that you have indeed just supported what I've been saying all along, yes? :laughing7: You just pointed out the difference between a tan and a "complexion." :thumbsup:
Your writer/author is speaking in terms of "complexion" or "natural skin tone" as you just so well confirmed. So very-very clearly, he was not referencing "tan" but rather he was referencing just what he said he was referencing, "complexion!" I knew you'd finally do a bit of research on the subject and draw upon this same fact. Well done! :thumbsup:

Beal had 4 week he could have been dark as night. About the time he was there!

Beal had 4 week he could have been dark as night. About the time he was there!

Why can't you just accept what the author wrote in regards to Beale's identity? That Beale was allegedly a man of, "dark and swarthy complexion." Does this naturally dark and swarthy complexion identify/feature not fit so well with a suspect you and others have selected? Why must he be a Caucasian man? Why must the author be wrong in his identifying of the man especially when the only Thomas J. Beale of record for that era was indeed a freeman of color, who also happened to live in Richmond, "near where they lived." :laughing7: Seems to me that all the stars and dots and TJB's line up pretty darn well VS a Caucasian Thomas Beall/Beal/Beale/etc., who lived in multiple other places, have no "J", and couldn't possibly your man.....:laughing7: So why must TJB be a Caucasion male? Inquiring minds want to know why you're so stuck on something that just can't be, and for multiple reasons already quite conclusively expounded upon in these threads?

Masterpoe, respectfully, I don't get it. :icon_scratch: All of you certain solvers follow exactly the same pattern, this being that you have dismantled and discredited and rewritten just about everything in the narration except for one thing, that being the existence of treasure. This is about the only detail you guys have left in tact with all of your proposed solves. This is why anyone with any knowledge at all about this mystery will never take any of these solves seriously, because they are all so manufactured and fabricated to the point that you have basically rendered the entire tale, with the exception of treasure, to be an utter and complete work of fiction, or a writing containing nothing but a pack of lies. And yet despite all of this you guys still insist that a real treasure exist. Really, a narration that contains nothing but fabrications is your supporting evidence that, and here it comes, the author was only telling the truth about a treasure? Surely you guys recognize the obvious quandary you have manufactured for yourselves, yes? How could you not recognize this? Every time you take up a position, such as with the complexion debate, you just end up either posting something that corrects yourself or simply post more manufacture that only further supports that the narration is full of everything but the truth. Surely you guys understand this, yes? :dontknow:

Why can't you just accept what the author wrote in regards to Beale's identity? That Beale was allegedly a man of, "dark and swarthy complexion." Does this naturally dark and swarthy complexion identify/feature not fit so well with a suspect you and others have selected? Why must he be a Caucasian man? Why must the author be wrong in his identifying of the man especially when the only Thomas J. Beale of record for that era was indeed a freeman of color, who also happened to live in Richmond, "near where they lived." :laughing7: Seems to me that all the stars and dots and TJB's line up pretty darn well VS a Caucasian Thomas Beall/Beal/Beale/etc., who lived in multiple other places, have no "J", and couldn't possibly your man.....:laughing7: So why must TJB be a Caucasion male? Inquiring minds want to know why you're so stuck on something that just can't be, and for multiple reasons already quite conclusively expounded upon in these threads?

I don't think so! That is just one bad opinion.

I don't think so! That is just one bad opinion.

But you didn't answer the question? Why must TJB be a man of Caucasian with a washable tan despite what the author tells you? That's not bad opinion, that's in obvious direct conflict.

And, yes, each time you guys rewrite the narration with your own alternate/contrary detail you are rendering that only source material as being inaccurate, slighted, and ultimately fictional in nature. So if all of that other detail isn't accurate then why on earth would you still take the author's word in regards to the existence of a real treasure? Why must that still be true/accurate when apparently little else the author claimed was? This is the corner you guys have manufactured yourselves into. And that's not an opinion, that's just cold hard fact from your own hands and minds and your extended manipulation and twisting of the original narration due to lack of any true provenance in support of the original source details.

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Are YOU calling US, a bunch of CROOKS...? Are YOU back on YOUR "BULLYING TRACK"...?

But you didn't answer the question? Why must TJB be a man of Caucasian with a washable tan despite what the author tells you? That's not bad opinion, that's in obvious direct conflict.

And, yes, each time you guys rewrite the narration with your own alternate/contrary detail you are rendering that only source material as being inaccurate, slighted, and ultimately fictional in nature. So if all of that other detail isn't accurate then why on earth would you still take the author's word in regards to the existence of a real treasure? Why must that still be true/accurate when apparently little else the author claimed was? This is the corner you guys have manufactured yourselves into. And that's not an opinion, that's just cold hard fact from your own hands and minds and your extended manipulation and twisting of the original narration due to lack of any true provenance in support of the original source details.

but his distinguishing feature was a dark and swarthy complexion, as if much exposure to the sun and weather had thoroughly tanned and discolored him;

Sometimes working outside can do that to you!

but his distinguishing feature was a dark and swarthy complexion, as if much exposure to the sun and weather had thoroughly tanned and discolored him;

Sometimes working outside can do that to you!

The key here being "as if"....this is not the same thing as saying, "was due to", etc. And not only this, but how many Caucasian males do you know with jet black eyes and hair? If your TJB had been exposed to that much direct sunlight then how do you explain jet black hair? :laughing7:

Masterpoe, all of those people associated with Oak Island are investors and they are doing everything they can possibly do to keep people investing, this including viewers who provide enough interest which serves as a selling point to the network investors who are in need of investing sponsors, etc.

Now then, as for your archeologist, I have just one question for you;"did that archaeologist provide provenance in support of an actual treasure having been placed in that pit at one time?" The answer, the fact of the matter, is "No!" This is part of all the clutter that is spoken of in this spot-on article that you should probably read: :icon_thumright:


Why have you been constantly promoting your blog?

Isn't that a rule violation?

And what is the name of your other Avatar here?

You admitted earlier a few days ago that you have been posting here off and on since '09 using two different names....

So what's the other one?

...I have some videos on my Youtube channel that have that much, and way more, and nobody even knows I'm alive on that enormous format. Add to this, any click still counts as a view even if the viewer quickly changed his mind and exited the video shortly after it started playing. As administrators we have access to a lot more data then you're obviously aware of....
...can even tell you where all of our traffic is coming from and how long that traffic viewed our content, etc., etc.

And as for facts, as you claim that they relate to Beale, we're still waiting for you drop all of the props, creative sketches, and manipulated word and number play so you can show us your actual direct connection, or provenance that makes all of your props, creative sketches, and manipulated word and number play relevant? Still nothing, of course.

What you, and others, fail to realize is that every time you post all of this other alternate material you're actually further establishing that in reality, there are no direct connections at all and that the story itself holds no true provenance at all. So, we're still waiting on it and you either have it or you don't. Pretty darn simple when all we care about is the actual truth/reality behind the tale. All else is just more unconnected chatter and completely unsupported theory, at best.....

And you, claiming to be an administrator, are coming here to assert your opinion?

Looks pretty obvious that you are really not playing by the rules?

Who are you claiming to be speaking for Bigscoop?

Establishing rules by which you and ECS are claiming to be enforcing through numerous larps and manipulation of posts unrelated to the topics is something of a strategy and tactic that is well known....

You joined July, 2014,
.....I've been here under two different user names since the 90's.
See, this is what you have no knowledge of

And I have no knowledge, because I use one name to post ALL my work....wherever I go on the net......?

Sounds like you are really trying to sit in on the adventure.....and offer NOTHING in almost 20 years?

You have found NOTHING in that long?

Been a defender of the truth since the 90's?

Using two names?



And you, claiming to be an administrator, are coming here to assert your opinion?

Looks pretty obvious that you are really not playing by the rules?

Who are you claiming to be speaking for Bigscoop?

Establishing rules by which you and ECS are claiming to be enforcing through numerous larps and manipulation of posts unrelated to the topics is something of a strategy and tactic that is well known....

Yet again you read and manifest it into something else. I said "having been an administrator"....I did not say that I was an administrator of this site...:laughing9:

Establishing rules by which you and ECS are claiming to be enforcing through numerous larps and manipulation of posts unrelated to the topics is something of a strategy and tactic that is well known....
:icon_scratch: What? ???

End the sniping at each other or a mod will end it for you. This applies to all threads, if it continues dont be surprised when several find they lost the ability to post all at the same time.

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Why can't you just accept what the author wrote in regards to Beale's identity? That Beale was allegedly a man of, "dark and swarthy complexion." Does this naturally dark and swarthy complexion identify/feature not fit so well with a suspect you and others have selected? Why must he be a Caucasian man? Why must the author be wrong in his identifying of the man especially when the only Thomas J. Beale of record for that era was indeed a freeman of color, who also happened to live in Richmond, "near where they lived." :laughing7: Seems to me that all the stars and dots and TJB's line up pretty darn well VS a Caucasian Thomas Beall/Beal/Beale/etc., who lived in multiple other places, have no "J", and couldn't possibly your man.....:laughing7: So why must TJB be a Caucasion male? Inquiring minds want to know why you're so stuck on something that just can't be, and for multiple reasons already quite conclusively expounded upon in these threads?

How can you talk about something you don't accept? Seems you just make up stuff as you go along and have no idea what you are talking about.

Not uncommon for people to talk about what they don't accept.
You may find that with political and social issues for starters.

Complexion has been discussed.....and the description is interesting. Debatable as much as other topics in the papers.
Not necessarily a mahogany sailor ,or a tan freak, though possible.
Complexion when used in an i.d. form was not uncommon at one time. Not unlike eye color it meant a sense of permanence.
The man could have been described as weathered ,or sun worn,or olive complected, or sea and wind burned just as easily....if he was.

My non backed take is that he was not a Swede or Dane . At least not full blooded ,due to hair and eye color.....


Complexion has been discussed.....and the description is interesting...
"It was in the month of January,1820 while keeping the Washington Hotel, that I first saw and became acquainted with Beale"
"In person he was about six feet in height, with jet black eyes and hair the same color...but his distinguishing feature was a dark and swarthy complexion, as if much exposure to the sun and weather had discolored him...He was a model of manly beauty favored by the ladies..." THE BEALE PAPERS

It is apparent from the above "authentic statements" description that this "distinguishing feature" was permanent and not a temporary condition like a sunburn.
...and the "unknown author" strongly pointed out this "distinguishing feature" for purposeful reason.

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