histroy of the cave /tunnel

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel


Really surprised to see you posting here. What will your friends think? :D

I assume this is one of the posts you are talking about:


"slepp walking in theshadows walkers world


i am sliping in and out of a dream state , i am a shadow walker and i am sleepwalking ,,i hear them and see them ,i am in two worlds at the same time i chant and walk threw the pionted ones with a feeling the needles i am aspirit of of great shamen i chant shhhame shama shampa shame shama shapa i am walking bare foot and the oils run down to my ft as i walk . i am coverd in oils this is to help them see me and i see them if i touch them shame shamta shame shhhma i see him he under the rock hang over , he is just boy the chain around his neck is to heavey and he can not brake frr ,he looks up tt at me and ask can you help me great spirit can you help me shhhame can you help shhhhta zza , he has called me buy my real name shhhtazza i am shocked he knows me ..his name is jimmy long ...something longwore ,, he has a chain around his neck .its a ships chain .heavey and it holds him ... he is so week he can only move his fingers he looks up at me shhhtata dont go i need you . can you help jimmy .. i teelll him i will not forget him and i will return and free him . but now is the walk and i must go ,i feel the sand moveing under my feet and i hear him as i walk .he is crying and beging me not to forget him ...now i am crying i feel his spirit and his pain ....a last word to let i know he and i will walk again , dont worry jimmy ill come back and free you ..plaease free shhhtazza you are the only one i have seen that can in many passings ... he is talking about the sun rise and sets .. he sees them as he lays under the rock looking out he has seen so many he has lost count and they just come and go now htiw the wind .....i leave him crying softly now , i stood and herd him crying out of controll . when i awake remain me to help him i start to walk to the secert cave , i was right it is with in walking steps from jimmy's stone hanatay hanata hanatay i came i came this way hanatee hanatee here i come just mee...

there is great evil here it is in the dakness i see its eyes looking out at me .shhaanaza shanazzaw nazaw nazaw back from mee back away from meaaaa shanzzza shhhatazzaw i am the great shaanatazzaw back away or i ll vanish theea back into your grave evil one backa shhhazzzzzz sleep evil one shhhazzzzzzthe dark cat hides deep into the caves i have faced him many times he is my cat my evil one ....my pawssama .... sleep dark one sleep .....the oil is in the jars i cover my self in the oils ... why i do not remember now but i must shhaniii shhhnaiiiii they slleep as i walk by them . there faces are as skullls the black ones fly threm me on their way out .. it is like the wind touching my spirit /flick flick they fly past ..the cave is open and must be closed again soon ...
i am back &%$# ...

wait for the flash again its the torch i am wipeing oil from my skin to put on the torch . the flicking of the flames is bright the light is on the rosks .....i am someone else who am i now . i am a young boy with dress ,indains dress i am gernamo come it will take shhaatazza i will show you the evil below ...... where the dead are awake ...come and we will have to go fast into the darkness .....why do they call you dark feather ...... the dust on you body when you came back from the cave ,i under stand you ....come shhatazza i need your help as welll

i can not cross it . can you . it is black water oil to me he keeps calling it blackwaeter water no its some kind of oil pool of weat and riii rye .... its danerous dont touch it germo dont touch it it has payota in it and you will lose your self in the pool and drown .. dont touch it we will find away around it .....it is a pond of 30ft and it runs to the left and deeper into asw ide as the creek near my home away .... it d=sihines .it shines of darkness and death if you touch it you will sure to die ..or go crazy germo i have to go i will come back and we will find away past the pool of darkwater .. i am sorry i have to go now .shhhhamaaa a germo shhammma

i am stoping the spining dream now it slows and the worlds are as they were ...i am back for now ....i will correct this it is as it is . the winds and shadowws have spoken threw me and i have herd them speck to me i cant forget jimmy ...... if i start to fade he specks a word i do not know from his lad before ... a life in his past ...

i must rest now shhhhh shhhhh ........
__________________ slepp walking in theshadows walkers world


wow i wrote that ...../

this morning there is a note on my deck .. it says dont forget the sandals and then lower down on the paper its say one word chheeeta.....

i am not going to correct this page ,i will leave it as it was written ...

i thaught he was saying chheeee taa cheeeee taa . the word is cheeta
" have i lost my way ? or am i just a being of lost ways !


the witch of lost sorrows


Looks like the "nephew" story can be called up to fit any forum or situation. ::)

Hope you have reconsidered about posting here. There are crazies in every forum. There are also serious Dutch Hunters and serious researchers. Can't imagine a good reason for you to not share your knowledge and experiences with them.

I can't imagne anyone takes bowman seriously. It's been a joke from his first post.

I would say the secret here is......IGNORE!

Take care,


Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

cactusjumper said:

Really surprised to see you posting here. What will your friends think? :D


Now Joe, that's the kinda thing that gets you in trouble. Those needless stabs/jokes/etc :)

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel


Yes, I know. That's what friends are for. ;)

Really thought I balanced it out with this at the bottom:

"Hope you have reconsidered about posting here. There are crazies in every forum. There are also serious Dutch Hunters and serious researchers. Can't imagine a good reason for you to not share your knowledge and experiences with them."


Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

you could not answer any of my questions .not even the easyist question cj , what makes you think you can answer any of them now ....LOL

if you want to play , frist you must answer a question correctly.....

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

I'm tired of your lack of sense.
I am tired of your attacks on friends of mine.

Do you ever stop to think that we don't want to answer your questions?
do you ever think that we AREN't the DUPES you think we are.
We have all seen your posts on all the other sites,....

You do the math pal,
This time it came back and bit you,
Why act so surprised?

I don't know if you can pull yourself out of this one.
Frankly, the way I feel right now, I could care less.

Don't bother to respond to this
By this time ....we all have you on ignore.


Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

lets get down to the real brass taxs !

answer the question .each of you all have one try to answer the question

i dare you all ...

come play the game you only need defeat a crazy old fool .

you all are so smart and wise .. lets see how smart and wise you really are ...

the other members can see for them selfs how smart and wise you all are in reality ...

they can use a good lol ....

one man vs you all if your so smart and wise you have nothing to fear right ...


try to answer the question ...i dare you all ...

CJ did not answer last time, he lost before he even tryed ...

now you all have let him leed you into deeper waters ... and i am the shark here ....

come out into the unknown if you can ....

one simple question to answer and i well be gone for ever from this site ....

" why is the word tunnel not spelled wrong ,...? "

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

i am in my own post .......if you do not want to answer then go to your own post ...dont reply a punch of BS .. answer or get !

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

BB - I for one humbly submit to your vastly superior & omnipotent intelligence. Forgive me for being a mere mortal - it should be no surprise that I am unable to comprehend the writings of a shaman capable of moving through time and space at will. I am no match for the brother of Christ and the living embodiment of an ancient templar priest with an IQ unmeasurable.

I fear your knowledge and guidance is being wasted on us - you should spread your wisdom amongst those more deserving.

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel


I for one humbly submit to your vastly superior & omnipotent intelligence. Forgive me for being a mere mortal - it should be no surprise that I am unable to comprehend the writings of a shaman capable of moving through time and space at will. I am no match for the brother of Christ and the living embodiment of an ancient templar priest with an IQ unmeasurable


Sheesh, Are you speaking of me? if so we are in agreement again heheheheeh

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

Real de Tayopa said:

I for one humbly submit to your vastly superior & omnipotent intelligence. Forgive me for being a mere mortal - it should be no surprise that I am unable to comprehend the writings of a shaman capable of moving through time and space at will. I am no match for the brother of Christ and the living embodiment of an ancient templar priest with an IQ unmeasurable


Sheesh, Are you speaking of me? if so we are in agreement again heheheheeh

Don Jose de La Mancha

Well....... I don't remember you making any of the above claims, but I'll put you down for vastly superior knowledge compared to me on many subjects I've seen you post on.

Put it this way.... if I had to make the choice of gambling $100K of my hard earned money on Real de Tayopa or Blindbowman as to who has a better shot at hitting "paydirt" with their finds, it would be an easy decision ;D

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

Jose and Cubfan,

Really hard to believe that bowman spawned this kind of exchange between you two. :)
Just goes to prove that old saying......every cloud......etc. ::)


Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

i hope you all find what you are looking for ..or at least enjoy the treasure hunting ..... stay out of sun and watch your 6 .... if you cant answer my question , i under stand ,, ...i got some things to do .....i will keep my clues to my self ......latter

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

BB - how much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Real de Tayopa - you're right - we needed some levity!! ;D

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel


Your riddle should have included a question about the color of a bear that ambles by.


Your question is a bit more sophisticated, as it requires knowledge of the Jesuit Alphabet Code. The question you asked was often used by the Jesuits in mapping the directions to their buried treasures.

The number of pieces of wood that a woodchuck could chuck was the key in determining how far the treasure was buried from the last known marker. One letter which was never revealed in this code, was "G". That omission was not by chance. For those in the know, "G" was equal to 7 which obviously represents the "seven caves".

It seems obvious, at this time, that bowman and your questions all have one answer.....670. That would be the number of paces that are required to walk, on the trail, from the First Water Trailhead. That would be where bowman found his caves.....etc.

While some believe that bowman never got farther than the sign where his picture was taken, the 670 paces would seem to be part of his overall experience. That picture was not destroyed by the "magnetic field" around the caves, because it was taken before the camera would be completely destroyed.

The Jesuit "code" is child's play to decipher as it was based on the best code that the Spanish
(of the time) could develop. That was also "child's play". :)

Take care,


Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

cactusjumper said:

Your riddle should have included a question about the color of a bear that ambles by.


Your question is a bit more sophisticated, as it requires knowledge of the Jesuit Alphabet Code. The question you asked was often used by the Jesuits in mapping the directions to their buried treasures.

The number of pieces of wood that a woodchuck could chuck was the key in determining how far the treasure was buried from the last known marker. One letter which was never revealed in this code, was "G". That omission was not by chance. For those in the know, "G" was equal to 7 which obviously represents the "seven caves".

It seems obvious, at this time, that bowman and your questions all have one answer.....670. That would be the number of paces that are required to walk, on the trail, from the First Water Trailhead. That would be where bowman found his caves.....etc.

While some believe that bowman never got farther than the sign where his picture was taken, the 670 paces would seem to be part of his overall experience. That picture was not destroyed by the "magnetic field" around the caves, because it was taken before the camera would be completely destroyed.

The Jesuit "code" is child's play to decipher as it was based on the best code that the Spanish
(of the time) could develop. That was also "child's play". :)

Take care,


OMG CJ!!!! Get out there and dig!!! ;)

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel


"OMG CJ!!!! Get out there and dig!!!"

How do you think I maintain the life style that I do??? :o ;D


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