Historic Shipwrecks of The Dominican Republic and Haiti Lubos Kordac Book Review

My dear friends,
Thank you all so much for your trust and nice words. A person, who has no wits to show face and can only stab in the back with fake name and fake internet address is worth nothing, but, unfortunately, he can cause huge damage. @seznam.cz is indeed Czech Internet provider, but you can register and use this email address wherever in the world.

Best regards and thanks to all,

My name is Wilf Blum.....I am the founder of Deep Blue Marine and as such I have been both lied about and praised......but let me say this about Lubos kordac. I know him personally, I have worked the sites he speaks about in his book, the coin wreck, is there, I have found coins on it....The first time I met Lubos I showed him several hundred artifacts my company has found and here is the best part.....his book talks about the areas we found them in...

Now let me say this.....Lubos is a good friend, we have worked together, planned together and I have met his family,his wife and his children...He is not prefect, but he is a good man and friend I trust.

Anyone can throw dirt at any other person and some of it may stick....Is Lubos perfect, no he is not...Is he honest and a good friend who will be there when you need him and long before you need him, yes he is....He can be trusted and he is one of the best men I know....when someone who hides behind an assumed name attacks another person it is truly the act of a coward. I post in my own name and always will...am I perfect, no far from it....But when cowards attack a good mans work and family, those of us who know Lubos have a responsibility to stand up in the defense of our friend.

I have said more than enough today, but let me say this one more time.....Lubos Kordac is a great friend and a good man. Anyone who attacks him and hides behind a made up internet name is a coward and a bully who should be taken out to the woodshed and dealt with.

Lubos, ignore the idiot, and if this guy ever gets brave enough to stand toe to toe let me know when and I will stand beside you.

Can't wait to dive with you and work with you again....You are the best in the business.

Wilf Blum

One more thing Lubos;;;;;;

Your picture is way to good.....I know you way to well to know you are that handsome.....Also I did a presentation last month to a group of about 40 and used your book as a sort of guide to the recovery work we have done.....the people loved it....great book and even better when I was able to turn to pages in your book and show 5 different wrecks you have there and then showed them artifacts we brought up from the wrecks.....oh and by the way, we found those artifacts long before you and I met....so way to go...GREAT BOOK

Wilf Blum

My name is Wilf Blum.....I am the founder of Deep Blue Marine and as such I have been both lied about and praised......but let me say this about Lubos kordac. I know him personally, I have worked the sites he speaks about in his book, the coin wreck, is there, I have found coins on it....The first time I met Lubos I showed him several hundred artifacts my company has found and here is the best part.....his book talks about the areas we found them in...

Now let me say this.....Lubos is a good friend, we have worked together, planned together and I have met his family,his wife and his children...He is not prefect, but he is a good man and friend I trust.

Anyone can throw dirt at any other person and some of it may stick....Is Lubos perfect, no he is not...Is he honest and a good friend who will be there when you need him and long before you need him, yes he is....He can be trusted and he is one of the best men I know....when someone who hides behind an assumed name attacks another person it is truly the act of a coward. I post in my own name and always will...am I perfect, no far from it....But when cowards attack a good mans work and family, those of us who know Lubos have a responsibility to stand up in the defense of our friend.

I have said more than enough today, but let me say this one more time.....Lubos Kordac is a great friend and a good man. Anyone who attacks him and hides behind a made up internet name is a coward and a bully who should be taken out to the woodshed and dealt with.

Lubos, ignore the idiot, and if this guy ever gets brave enough to stand toe to toe let me know when and I will stand beside you.

Can't wait to dive with you and work with you again....You are the best in the business.

Wilf Blum

Wilf :icon_thumright::occasion14::hello2:

So Lubos....Is it true you are now working in the DR with Will Blum and Deep Blue Marine?

I have kown and visited Dr Kordac . We had put together a business plan for teh DR that unfortunately the Government green lighted but it remains mired in red tape. He is as honest as the day is long. I am pleased to be able to call him my friend.

I have known and visited Dr Kordac . We had put together a business plan for teh DR that was green lighted but it remains mired in red tape at the higher levels. He is as honest as the day is long. I am pleased to be able to call him my friend.

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