Clovis, with Tools I would have to agree that prices have fallen. I had a close friend that used to deal in them in his shop. He even had original Indian Motorcycle sets, and he would be low balled all day. He finally had to sell them at a discount just to open up space and clear his overhead. THIS is what is killing markets. The flippers buying from flippers and collectors not ever seeing these items that they may want in their collections.
The majority of tools that I sell are common user grade tools.
What killed better mechanics tools like Snap-0n, Mac, S-K? In my opinion, it was the closing of all the car dealerships in '09. There were tons of car dealerships that closed in my area.
There was a major drop off with machinist's tools too. Since we don't manufacture anything in the US anymore...there have been hoards of machinist's tools dumped onto the market. We had a local manufacturer close in our town that employed 1,000 people. There were literally full yard sales here of nothing but machinist's tools. And sadly, I've been to plenty of "we've-closed-shop-and-moved-production-to-China" auctions. I've watched expensive and nice presses sold for scrap, and the tools in the plant were almost given away.
And the last time I saw a new house being built here...I wanted to stop and take a picture. They were actually stick framing it, and not setting wall units made in a factory 300 miles from here.
Don't forget about all the cheap imported tools, either. Those have flooded the markets, and destroyed the values of a bunch of tools.