Help with rockshelter dig.......

Yes out front is sometimes just as good if not better than in the rock shelter.

I have a spot I hunt this time of the yr that is under a ledge. Cant get to the ledge cause it is at least 30 ft up on a cliff. I am not climbing lol. I have found some good tools down at the bottom of it. I am looking forward to seeing your new finds, Good Luck

It is looking really good. I would get the reports on the digs they conducted at the others in the area. I would not want students digging my shelter for me as that would open it up to strangers on your land and ins liability. I am glad to see the shell and pottery on that site.That floor could go down a long ways maybe even 4 feet......

So how far back was the printed pottery made in your area? Here it says 3000 B.P. in my area. Then when you find out look at the points and tools used in that period so you will know what to look for. It should help. Looks like you will find some good ones in the future and I wouldnt contact anyone if it was my property but thats just me.

Looks real promising good luck and nice finds...

I have contacted some of the local schools and state looking for info. on the site and now I'm kinda pissed.. All they ever tell me is, we strongly encourage you to stop or what you are doing is wrong, but ultimately, its your land... They don't know me, my credentials, my anal perfectionism, my plan and most of them are not even from around here!!! In a perfect world, ya, I would leave them (shelters) alone and keep them "preserved", but I would rather see them dug by someone who actually cares and cherishes this land, rather than some looter/vandal. They have no clue how things roll here. Anyway, I'm kind of venting.....sorry. Without a P.H.D., I guess we are called "collectors" even though we spend more time out in the field than they do. Those that grew up here and live here, truely appreciate what is under the ground and don't collect a paycheck for it, we do it because we are passionate about our history.
Anyway, just had to vent a bit, feel a little better!!!!!
Thanks again you guys for all your help.

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Depending on who is against what you contemplate there are plenty of things you will be called and accused of.
Code of silence avoids most of it. But we learn. I have no doubt you care about what you found. While trying not to vent myself,if i had a site similar it would be a serious secret. Sharing info on a forum not revealing location possible for most but some laws and attitude can bring unwanted conflict else where.
With secure permission go ahead and whistle a happy tune while you dig.:thumbsup: to heck with critics.

Very interesting thread. Thanks for sharing your experiences, bc101tractors and everyone else who commented.

I can tell just by what you have photoed that you are doing a very good job. Best of luck! There should be lots more in there. Keep your eye out for hair and seeds too.

20 below sounds nasty. It was 30s here today and I wanted to get by the heater lol. I would wait till it gets warmer before you go back wouldnt want to get hurt in that weather. Yeah some just dont want history to be discovered unless they discover it. I believe that is why there are so many stupid laws about artifacts. They dont want you to have them but it seems they would rather them just stay in the ground and they arent looking for them either. Good Luck and do what you want on your OWN property. rock

I can tell just by what you have photoed that you are doing a very good job. Best of luck! There should be lots more in there. Keep your eye out for hair and seeds too.

Thanks, shep,
I appreciate that, it will be done, someone pointed out to me about the very narrow levels of occupation due in large to the shelters lack of organic matter deposited, thus making shallow digs and noting more difficult and relevant. Your hair and seeds comment is very interesting, I will look into that more.
Thanks for your input!!

20 below sounds nasty. It was 30s here today and I wanted to get by the heater lol. I would wait till it gets warmer before you go back wouldnt want to get hurt in that weather. Yeah some just dont want history to be discovered unless they discover it. I believe that is why there are so many stupid laws about artifacts. They dont want you to have them but it seems they would rather them just stay in the ground and they arent looking for them either. Good Luck and do what you want on your OWN property. rock
Thanks Rock,
No worries, its now a balmy 8 above as I write this. Looks like about 30 Sunday, If I make it over there, I'll let you know what we find. Really appreciate all the help.
Thanks for your reply!!!!

I have contacted some of the local schools and state looking for info. on the site and now I'm kinda pissed.. All they ever tell me is, we strongly encourage you to stop or what you are doing is wrong, but ultimately, its your land... They don't know me, my credentials, my anal perfectionism, my plan and most of them are not even from around here!!! In a perfect world, ya, I would leave them (shelters) alone and keep them "preserved", but I would rather see them dug by someone who actually cares and cherishes this land, rather than some looter/vandal. They have no clue how things roll here. Anyway, I'm kind of venting.....sorry. Without a P.H.D., I guess we are called "collectors" even though we spend more time out in the field than they do. Those that grew up here and live here, truely appreciate what is under the ground and don't collect a paycheck for it, we do it because we are passionate about our history.
Anyway, just had to vent a bit, feel a little better!!!!!
Thanks again you guys for all your help.

It is the response they are required to give. They did a site survey of "your" site and as they said "but ultimately, its your land." Keep this in mind not all archeologist are bad guys but sometimes academia can be a little snooty. Do not over think this by any means it is not rocket science and you have a good group here to help you along the way.The site surveys of the similar shelters they did in your area or even the tag you found should get you the reports. They are public and not top secret. Even with out the info I guarantee with your attitude you will do a fine job on your rock shelter. I am setting up a winch and block and tackle to move some large ceiling debri on one of mine. Yipee

hello bci,looks like a killer site and your doing a good job.sounds like you met the one i was worried about,reason for my university that i know you cant get in trouble with the law i feel good about what your doing another reason for the university post.i really do not think they are the only ones that can do it,someone like you could do it just as good ,if not better,i would really like for you to find examples of there artwork,not everyday items,though i like those too but artwork just for the sake of art.also music related items,signs of a happy culture.always put saftey first and if you need any custom tools made up i could help on the cheap as i always dig in the scrap bins at work

Finds from yesterday,any thoughts?

First of all, I want to thank all of you for the help, your input and guidance is deeply appreciated. As far as the locals schools I have contacted, my last response to there emails was basically "nevermind".

I'm ridin' solo on this project...I'm done with that avenue unless remains are found.
My wife and I made it out yesterday and sifted from what we dug last weekend. Didn't do any new digging. We are keeping anything and everything that doesn't look like it is natural. These are some pics. We also found a lot of broken bone, same as the last pics. We are still working out of our original hole.
The bone in the pics. might have been used for something?? Looks polished and it is very smooth. Any ideas??
The point is a quartzite point??? Not sure, its the only rock of that kind we have found there.
We found more potsherds, defininatly several different pots there.
And finally a very smooth rock that seemed like it doesn't belong?? Maybe it's nothing?? The pics. didn't really turn out well on this.
Thanks again!!!

Thanks Jamey!!!

The point is quartzite looks like the Hixton probably spelled it wrong. Ill see if I can look it up for you in my guide. If I find it I will tell you what type it is. You should take the pottery and put it in a frame with the print side out after you get some more colors. It will look real nice.

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