Help with Fisher CZ 20


Sep 5, 2012
Detector(s) used
Fisher F2
Fisher F4
Fisher CZ 20
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
It will make the bell sound tone every time I get into the I am not over any large objects...It has never done this before..yes new batteries are installed...up on dry land it does fine...tried different beaches just to be sure..because of this I cannot search the wet sand area..I know this machine can do this easy without no problem until today....ahhhh..tried different settings to no avail..I hope the experts here can give some suggestions..I do not want to send it to fisher as they will want to upgrade it to fisher cz 21 and dont have the money to shell out..Thanks guys

woof! said:
That particular symptom probably means that the searchcoil has gone out of alignment.

--Dave J.

Is there anyway to fix...I know coil is attached for good on the fisher cz 20..thanks

Coils do not "go out of alignment", that is silly. Coils are hard potted with space age epoxy, they are just copper coils embedded in epoxy. Boards go out of alignment though, and fisher refuses to offer any support on the cz20, whether it be a simple coil replacement, or a board alignment check. It's gotta be a wallet blasting cz21 upgrade. Too bad.

well son of a gun..knew one day this would happen it just money to shell out..will have to stay on dry land for now..beaches are sanded in pretty bad any way in wet wait this really sucks..who im i for the reply

Coils do not "go out of alignment", that is silly. Coils are hard potted with space age epoxy, they are just copper coils embedded in epoxy. Boards go out of alignment though, and fisher refuses to offer any support on the cz20, whether it be a simple coil replacement, or a board alignment check. It's gotta be a wallet blasting cz21 upgrade. Too bad.

Gleaner, I've been doing this for over 30 years, it's not like I'm new to this. What's more, I designed the CZ platform including the searchcoil.

Coils can go out of alignment. It's true that boards can also go out of alignment, but the symptoms described are most consistent with a searchcoil out of alignment.

Someone wondered if the searchcoil is repairable. The answer is no. If that's what's wrong, it has to be replaced.

The "El Paso" Fisher doesn't like to "support" Cimino-Era CZ20's because during that era the folks in Los Banos forgot how to make the darn things, with bad calibration and many leakers. The rubber pinpoint switch can fail, and the things are no longer manufactured, we can't replace them. The CZ21 uses a new and different pushbutton switch, and incorporates design improvements which have pretty much put a stop to "leakers". When we figured out that the Los Banos calibration procedure was just plain wrong, I dredged the original calibration specifications out of the file and we went back to that.

What the customer decides to do in this situation is up to him. But in any case he's lucky there is no longer a Los Banos Fisher to send it to.

--Dave J.

Before you shell out money for the CZ-21 "upgrade?" Clean out the coil cover of any sand. I applied silicone sealant to the push button to save any leaks, but never have to use the pinpoint button.

Before you shell out money for the CZ-21 "upgrade?" Clean out the coil cover of any sand. I applied silicone sealant to the push button to save any leaks, but never have to use the pinpoint button.
I wish there was a coil cover then I could have checked it out..never really had the need for one.always so darn hard to take them off once they are on.never had a problem with the bottom splitting or cracking..always thought about spraying bottom with sealant..will do next time just to be on the safe side..thanks for sharing

Sell the lot and go with garrett or whites. Or minelab. This all coming from a fisher lover.
yea man I really love my fishers and it would be hard to let my fishers go as they have been loyal to wife is like you have 3 perfect MD's and why would you shell out to get it fixed..tried to explain how important the wet sand area of our local beaches are and just love that part of the beach...ahhhh..oh well...never was a fan of garrett..there sounds are just not me..a few of my friends love them..minelab I have heard and seen lots of good things about them...I would dif choose minelab if I had to choose..only bad is I have heard there costumer service is not up to par and very expensive

Gleaner, I've been doing this for over 30 years, it's not like I'm new to this. What's more, I designed the CZ platform including the searchcoil.

Coils can go out of alignment. It's true that boards can also go out of alignment, but the symptoms described are most consistent with a searchcoil out of alignment.

Someone wondered if the searchcoil is repairable. The answer is no. If that's what's wrong, it has to be replaced.

The "El Paso" Fisher doesn't like to "support" Cimino-Era CZ20's because during that era the folks in Los Banos forgot how to make the darn things, with bad calibration and many leakers. The rubber pinpoint switch can fail, and the things are no longer manufactured, we can't replace them. The CZ21 uses a new and different pushbutton switch, and incorporates design improvements which have pretty much put a stop to "leakers". When we figured out that the Los Banos calibration procedure was just plain wrong, I dredged the original calibration specifications out of the file and we went back to that.

What the customer decides to do in this situation is up to him. But in any case he's lucky there is no longer a Los Banos Fisher to send it to.

--Dave J.
if that is the only choice I have then I might just have to do that if my MD can come back as hot as it use to save some money first..will keep trying to figure it out..just so hard to part with and have to wait a month to get it back

well guys maybe it will just fix it self..wish full thinking..going to try and get out on friday on my day off and go at it again..well keep yall posted..fingers crossed

This is a CZ20 we're talking about, not a BH Tracker IV. Not a DIY job. It has to be done by someone who knows what the heck they're doing, and remember that for several years not even the Fisher factory knew what the heck they were doing. It's labor-intensive and it's gonna cost. Sorry, that's how it is. Unless of course the problem fixes itself-- maybe it will, those things do happen sometimes.

I know you intended well, Gleaner, can't fault you for that.

--Dave J.

I am going to send my cz20 in for service soon. I need the boards to be properly aligned, because after what you said, no customers can trust their cz20's factory alignment because for several years nobody at the factory really knew what the heck they were doing. What a kick in the nether regions, thanks for letting us know that! That is what I will put on the request for service notice, "Need boards aligned properly, not sure if the thousand dollars I spent was well spent, but it was well intended,thank you." I expect the boards to be aligned properly at not charge, because that is the right thing to do for the customer, agreed? Dave, do you advise against this simple request? Or do you think this is not well intended?

Soldering on a coil is not really hard, but even I would not attempt it as there is the preasure test for the water. You don't want a CZ-20 that can't hardly be used in the water like the AT Pro. Course I have used my CZ20 diving with no problems.

My CZ20 took a nap yesterday. It just stopped working , the only sound it would make is a slight crackeling noise when I turned it off.That really sucks too because I was in the process of digging a good sounding mid tone. I was down about a foot and water filled the hole when it went to sleep. I took it back to the truck to check the batties. They were full strength but were a lot warmer than they should have been. So I took the batteries out and took my Omega back to the hole I had started. The target was so deep it could'nt pick it up. Today I put the batteries back in and it works again. But now I don't trust it. Was going to take it to Fla. not now.

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