HELP on drawing


Jr. Member
Sep 18, 2004
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Golden Thread
Hi guys!!Anyone can give me a lead on this sketch which is based on the original map.It is 99.9 % identical to the original
please any kind of help would be greatly appreciated!!!

edit --> i removed the sketch since there's nothing left to say here and i think there's been much of attention drawn to it

Thank you all for your help and assistance

Yep! Your right I guess that is one thing I thought of myself, about looking at it backwards,just did not say that to him..I would also look at it upside down as if it was turned a different way...all the math and triangular stuff is out of my league, A metal detector is one item I would not be without and I would run those caves with a fine tooth comb looking every inch. He talked about the cross that stumps me..... it may be part of the mapping system on the map.....Or maybe it was some kind of a prayer chamber like that in a church.I would look at the cross and see if there is not any more markings on it somewhere...Anyway, who knows.... it is fascinating and a great story anyway and I also Thank him for bringing to our attention for our pleasure and responses.

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Rangler about the depth i've searched the net and i didn't found anything about brassa but one think i know for sure is that the treasure is covered with a big rock plate (which it has been removed from the rocky mountain side , i mean they took a part of stone plate or something from the mountains - i can see the "print" of the plate on the mountain side) so the treasure makes sure its not get wet.What is your conclusion concernig these clues?

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Wel that's it!!!The lies are over!!!In 4 or 5 Days the weather will be the appropriate to make another visit to the digsite!!Any last comments and/or suggestions and last notices so this visit to become a succesfull one!!!

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Tuesday 23/11 is the day that we'll see if all this research proves to be right or wrong!!!!
Any last comments or suggestions will be much appreciated

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Hi guys!!! It's been a while since my last post but so many things happened and I THINK we might be on to something.Lets take it from the start!!!We dig up at the place past tuesday but nothing came up since we ONLY dug 1.5 m deep but a downsing rod device points to the spot we are digging.My question is:Can this type of equipment be trusted?Our next visit will be on Thursday 2/12 to dig more!!PLease give me any clues that might help me see if this method of tracking is reliable in any way,because i can tell for sure that its not scientifically accepted

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Hi, I don't know about the dowsing rod idea, I'll let you know in April as I have a target from one and will check it then. My thought is, check other trees. THey called them witness trees because what ever was around would "witness" what the guys or gals were burying or doing. Check trees or other items.... I am no expert by any means, but just an old idea from a biography I have read. Gayle

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Re: HELP on drawing slashes

Well this may not help...but when I traveled in the arabian area... the slashes //// were sybols used on the roadways to indicate distance to the indicated roadway.. It comes from their hand sign slash they use to do the same... as you got closer to the intersection say a 1000 meters closer the slashes would decrease by one slash .. and soon there would be none..

Fun thinking of it all.. heh.

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THanks bassasasin!!Any kind of help is welcome and appreciated.Tommorow 3/3 is our next visit and more info will be added soon!!!
Thanks all of you for your replies

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Well here's the update !!!Inside the right cave (cave no2 ) we found on the roof a triangle with all the sides equal and a cross next to it!!!We also found 1 more cross similar to the ones mentioned in previous posts!!!Any clues or ideas?Wrangler your knowledge is more than needed on this one :)

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WELL chriistmas is coming up and all the work on the subject is stopped.Can anyone suggest a good book or site (except for study in Christmas vacation?We need to study the drawing from scatch and also i'll provide to you an updated drawing with all the new symbols discovered in the last visits.All this time i have the feeling that we're all in this one ,not only my partners and i just need to say thank you 2 all of you guys!!!
Merry christmas ,have a nice holidays and may the new year be filled with new discoveries and success in all of your projects!!! :D

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Here's my two cents.

Find the center of the big rock it should be marked then look at the trees find the one identifeid on the map on right side.

Two triangles one up one down.

The cross marks the spot!

Look at the lines fonnd in the cave they match the map to the trees what your looking for is near the trees on the right side of the big rock the x marks the spot.

Take the sign from the cave and over lay it on the map starting from the cross on the first map.

It's not in the cave it's near the trees!


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i'm sorry onionhead but i dont get it!!!What do you mean by x marks the spot?Can you specify your thoughts a little more so i can fully understand?Do you mean triangulation between trees?What has the big rock to do with this?

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The map reads to me as there is something near the tree's.

I don't have a picture to work with so it's a little vauge sorry.

The cross on the first map is the key IMHO.

The location is marked if you look you might have just over looked it.

Take the drawing from the caves and put it on tracing paper line up the horizonal lines move the curve of the line to the cross on original the cross will line up on the right side of the big rock and in between the trees the x will mark the spot.

The big rock is shown on the upper right of the original map also it tells me that it is on the right side by the mark on it.

I don't know the scale of this map so I'm guessing that you can see all these locations from the x if you can't I could be wrong.

Question, are there lots of tree in this location or are there just a few?

How big is this rock?


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The rock(center rock) is about 80cm to 1m tall and theres a lot of trees in the area BUT NOT inside the treasure area,i mean that the area has the trees that is shown on the drawing.The trees around the area are marked on their body with a line for each one the trees and that line if you follow the trees is going lower and lower on the trees body if you understand!!!I think the trees are telling us that we are closing to something and of course we found a reversed G sign which means that we are close to treasure.It's been more than 50 years since the treasure was buried and i'm afraid that maybe some symbols are withered and lost :'( .I believe though that the treasure is there cause we're tallking for an area about 70 - 80 degrees of angle which has never been digged by man (or so it seems).We tried 2 months ago a downsing rod device and got something on the area, but when we digged in we found nothing.Could this piece of instrument be in any way reliable?We also used a white's eagle spectrum and a garret hunter CXIII (if i remembers correctly the second one) without any results!!!Do you think a magnetometer could help?We've tried by all means to reach to a specific point (or X marks the spot as you say it ;) ) but somewhere we keep confusing ourselves and we end out with nothing!!!Please if you may tell me WHERE should i DIG?

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Did you do what I suggested with the paper?

If you did the x marks the spot!

Above the (A) IS A HORIZONAL LINE match the cave drawings up so the horizonal lines are on top of each other move the the curve to the cross on the original map. look where the x is on the cave drawings dig there!

If you want i will call you just send me a private message with your phone number.

This is only a theroy based on what you have shown on this web site.


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One more thing have you taken measurment to get the scale? if not start at the big rock how many paces the the cave's then you will know where to dig.

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Hi guys!!!How are you?I hope all fine.I know its been a while since my last post but nothing new happened regarding the drawing and the digsite because the site is still covered with snow.I believe in a couple of weeks we'll be able to pay a visit.Just a short brief of the situation and nothing more!!!If you want to make suggestions of where the treasure is hidden you can repost my drawing with your opinion marked on it.That will be VERY helpfull!!!


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Just a thought, but the triangle on the roof of the cave with a cross next to it got my attention. Are there 2 more crosses in the area? or 3 more? Seems to me that the picture in the cave is telling you to triangulate 3 cross symbols. Probably not that simple, but worth a try maybe. It might lead you to another sign.

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THanks cheese!!!this thought never occured to me!!i'l check it out!!!As soon as the weather gets fine we'll check all of your suggestion and who knows?

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