HELP on drawing


Jr. Member
Sep 18, 2004
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Golden Thread
Hi guys!!Anyone can give me a lead on this sketch which is based on the original map.It is 99.9 % identical to the original
please any kind of help would be greatly appreciated!!!

edit --> i removed the sketch since there's nothing left to say here and i think there's been much of attention drawn to it

Thank you all for your help and assistance

Consider the time that the signs were made(what year). The lack of mechanical clocks for example would mean that one would use a sundial for time of day and an immovable object for direction. The spanish were also known for time-of-day clues. Lets say the "clock" representation were a sundial. What time would it show? My guess would be mid morning to mid afternoon assuming you are in the hills. That narrows it down a bit. What are the unchanging features represented on the map? The boulders and gaps between them were used as well. The best clue that I can see may be the hardest to locate. Upper right sect. of the drawing marked "sign on map" is a wonderfull example of a sunrise or sunset against a large rock. The apex of your search will undoubtedly be a confuence of many of the signs on the map at once. It's both very exciting and terribly frustating. Good luck & HH! Chris

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Ypu think so?Maybe i should try it on and see if it works.For the moment i intend to use a good metal detector such as gemini 3 to see if i catch anything

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That would be great. Knock some of the work out of it.The map and interpritation are surely fun, but finding the treasure would be even better! Good luck HH and keep us posted! Chris

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can you please do an update drawing of the map and add the new symbols in retrospect to the location on the map
and each time you find a new clue update the map accordingly


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yes i'll do that.For now the search is discontinued cause the weather here in Greece is very very bad.The last signs we found is inside the cave and i think they seem to say something about an angle or something.The last sign is look like this
P D L 15

Any suggestions ?

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ANother sign we found in the left cave is this one!!Could this be something important?

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I think all of these signs are classic spanish (jesuit) treasure signs- this is basically an "alpha monument.and it is telling you were the "omega" monuments is located, i dont know the lay of the land there at your site,but usually the alpha mearly points the way to the? omega,the signs are trying to telll the following
? ? ? a.direction to the omega monument
? ? ? b.distance to the omega
? ? ? c.pattern to follow once at the omega, ie, triangle,square,ect
Most of the signs will be in reverse-you really need to stand back and take good photos of all rocks and symbols,then take the pics to your pc and blow them up (enlarge) the sutble signs carved in to rocks will give you much needed info but impossible to see these with the naked eye,

plot your finding precisely on a large topo map look for patterns that might give direction
the small case "f" is standard marking for the Jesuits,(yea they were everywhere) and the cross means confirmation of church treasure, try taking a compass reading in the direction of where the F is pointing, note the bearing number, it might show up, again to confirm the degree, when you magnify the pics taken of the rocks, (note-best chance to get the best pics of the carvings on the rocks as well as the shadow signs is from ll:00am unil 1:00pm) pay carefull attention to the shadow signs, look for "pointers" animal and human faces, look for the eyes, or noses and look in that direction

the "A" you speak of is correct in that it means incryption, but you want to look in the direction of the long leg of the "A" see what it is pointing to,,,take note of the compass bearing number too , as above, dont forget that if that large rock is as high as it appears in the drawing, that the shadow during the late afternoon might acutually "point" to something as well,

a very interesting mark is the circle with the clock looking hands, seen to say 9 o'clock but snice most signs are reveresed, this would now mean,3 o'clock so look at the shadow of the big rock at 3pm and see what you see,,also remeber, if vara dont work for you, the slash marks can mean "rods"

i have lot more for you, but this will keep you busy for a while, remember, you will always find "confirmation" of each sign, if you look hard enough, they wanted this to be found, but they wanted the right people (church, king ect) to find it, and remember if you read the signs correctly you will not need a metal detector to find it, the minumum depth allowed by the King of Spain , to bury his treasure was 6' and no convention metal detector will go that far.

good luck, dont rush it, if the site is out of the way , you have time, after all it has been in the ground since at least 1760's

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Thanks for all your help.Do you know anything about how to calculate the distance to the omega?What do you mean by pattern to follow once at omega (triangle, square).Does it have to do anything with triangulation methods?
Also a sign that i didn't mention before:There is a tree with its flesh peeled off squarelike and replaced by another tree flesh which is different kind of tree than the one is placed on.And the new flesh has a sign that look like this

where I is lines attached to the center line
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance

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Here's an updated version of the cross (which is inside the cave no3)
Do you think you can make something out of it?

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Hi guys!!!how is it going.Just another post to brief and to ask (as always :)) some directions concerning the compass usage at the site since the last post by rangler my research is directed to that way of deciphering!!!I think that the cross might mean 15 degrees azimuth or something to the left,but since rangler told me that the signs may be reversed i've confused somehow.I think that this may be the last
set of signs and i think we're very close to something!!!
Thanks in advance

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I would look at the trees,maybe the caves will lead you somewhere though I would dig by the trees also,They may be leading you away from the trees for this reason.Be careful in caves they can fall in and they may lead you to a hole that Will take you drop you far down a no end shaft.and bats and other creepy crawlers.Watch for the sun peaking through holes it may also be a way to the treasure,and you could be in a barreal area so watch for bones.You better have something so you don't get lost in a cave like markers or rope yourself together if you have someone who could get lost also with you.I would spray paint a line with shimmery paint that can be followed with a flash light...... You know what I mean.A survival kit if someone gets lost,food water at the top of the list.Caves are dangerous to visit and if you get caught in one it could be a long time before your found.... That is if you get found!Let people know where you are going to hunt and a time factor so they will go and look for you if you do not come back by that time.All items to save your life if something would happen Also! New hand held gadgets for locational sighting. Good luck!

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Thak you for your help and don't worry we're more than well equiped for this situations.

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Hi guys!!!Its a sunny november day in Greece (no the winter hasn't arrived yet) and i'm sitting in front of my Pc and try to think some better ways to decipher the drawing and so i decided to use air photographs of the area just to have another clue about what's going on
at the area.The "problem" is the scale ot the photographs ,its 1:42000!!!Do you think i could get anything from this?By this i mean that is it possible to get some good visual results?I'll upload the photo i soon as i get it!!!

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I don't know ,but if I was trying this I would spot match located spots that look like take a picture of the area every possible way, then put the picture on top and then see if anything matches in place?
Outline it on see through plastic and then check it on top of your ground pictures from the plane for matching spots. Did I see you say a tree with a sun spot HM! Maybe there tree with the sun shinning on it at a particular day has someting to do with this hidden item or whatever?
Ever try using a blacklight in the cave, you can pick up the strangest stuff on walls with it.
Maybe there is gold in them there rocks rather then treasure under the rocks ect...Investigate the history of this area.Did people way back then have a lot of gold items. You found bones?Hm!! Someone obviously lived,searched,the cave....Check the area around them with the detector...if any slight gold or minerals pickup there is a possible connection of gold.Might be an ancient mine that all the stuff was taken out already.
Could there be a cave under this cave..Treasure was said to be put in a cave up where i live under the cave? for hiding and someone was killed by going down there and it caved in.....I read this in a treasure book. Don't have a clue where this bluff cave is though! Someone who owns the property may be rich someday though.Lucky suckers!Maybe the four //// lines mean steps?Are you looking up/Down? above/ below for snakes ect though!Say! If you find gold, do we get one peice of gold or at least reconition for helping you find it?I would appreciate that.he!he!

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RE; might try scanning them and then printing them on clear film and putting them on a basic overhead projector..could really help by increasing the size for you..

hh--good luck!


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THank you all for your precious help.The thing in this case is the aerial photograph as you mentioned and yes i'm trying to compare with todays photos to spot differences.Of course i've never stopped looking for interpretations at the signs so if you have anything please feel free to inform me about it since my investigation goes in all possible ways!!!

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I was reading these posts...I was also thinking of how ..if i was a pirate... how i would distracted someone form finding the gold I barred..A cave ..A map?? How about if I thought I could put the gold somewhere above the cave in a really good hiding spot ..Knowing the cave is dangerous and the person trying to take the gold i found could get killed in there looking for it and not even getting near my gold .....Just a synopsis or thought...Many a meteorite has sat on the side!!! Of mountains that were not found because of there looking like the other rocks.Maybe it's a really good lets fool the hunter by making a misleading map?If you took a class with Police they will tell you that sometimes the story goes a totally different path and then you got the burglar. I know because I learned it in a related class with that profession!!Maybe if you have writing experience you can find someone who will be willing to help you write a mistery story or book with all this information and there you will have gotten the gold Because I would surely love to read that interesting story! ;D
Oh yes!! Have you gone to a Greek interpretor that may be able to decipher some of those symbols..or Greek ancient historical writing ..this could be found in a museum..but don't tell them what your up to..They will find the treasure before your back to the spot, So don't give them the spot your looking at!
I have got to say this is the most interesting stuff I have ever read and I am honored to have given my hopefully worth while ideas to help you.I am going to read all the Posts and your inserts and soak all of this stuff in. ;)I would also go with an A.B.C. way of dong my search as to within each cave for one identifying differences within each, maybe be it is not in one but all!I know you think I think weird .No I look at it differently and so the story goes if my ideas don't match up maybe there will be a hidden link in those drawings.Blind people can see more then we can and hear things we never could imagine.That puts a neither spin to this most intriguing story!
You Know!....This place is like area 51 in the U.S.A....and where all part of an experiment.HE HE ;D

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Thanks for your illuminating ideas and for your information i looked for greek ancient signs but from my research this kind of hiding technique is used by the spanish and i'ts been passed on to the greek rebels (which treasure is reffered to) and from what i know the technique is identical or least similar to my case.I think i've come close to the solution but the cross inside cave no3 part is what's been bugging me for the past few days.I feel honoured 2 that you feel that way about my story and i promise (cross my heart :) ) if i come to the end of this a book will be published :)

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Greek Lover,
you are getting close, but pictures of the stones and the marks on them will help you more than the photo from the air and the overlays ect,this site was put down without any aids of that kind,but they did use the technology of the time,and in the 17th century, a mirror, a magnifying glass,and a small telescope were the state of the art tools available at the time, along with the codes and their meanings, to this day these same tools will help you solve this puzzle.the mirror cause most signs are reversed.
first and formost, which i think i meantined in by past post,is to take photos,photos,photos, take these with high definition 35mm film or a digital camera with at least 2 or 3 pixels the higher you can afford,VERY IMPORTANT.
take your photos between 11am and 1pm,get close, have each rock fill your viewfinder,take notice of any shadows, the very remarkable ability to cut rock to throw shadows,that are actually icons of people,animals,or arrows or pointers,you have to learn to focus your eyes differently,cause the Jesuits were masters of hiding things critical in plain site!, Once you have a couple of rolls of film,get them developed on cd's or from digital camera, up load to your pc, in any event you want to open this pics in your "micro soft paint program" or similar,so you can manipulate the photos,--first enlarge the photos,and peruse them very very close, looking for faint pictures of faces or animals or people
--most signs are cut or cast as in shadows in reverse, so in your paint program, click "reverse image"
and at times i have had to also 'invert the color" to get a Negev image and reverse at the same time
what you are looking for is distance and direction,their code involves using the faces of humans and animals as symbols for direction.? other symbols like the heart mean a vault, a heart with a crack in it means a death trap,as well as a lighting bolt or a spider web sign, that is why is is critical that you take photos of the rocks at your site,

The other reason is that if this is a classic "alpha" monument,it will lead you to the "omega' which can be nearby or far away, in some cases, the alpha and omega are on the same spot,when you find some signs in rock or shadow,take note of the items they are representing, they will give you the clue at the alpha of what to look for at the omega, for instance, you may see a small triangle carved on a rock,at the alpha and at the omega, you would be looking for a triangle laid out on the ground using rocks or boulders,these two serve to confirm you are correct, remember each step of the way was confirmed,(withour this i would have given up 15 years ago) now this could be a square or rectangle or circle, i have also seen animal shapes used this way,in one case, i found an outline of a cat,literally a hole cut in to rock in the shape of the whole cat,you could see the sky thru this hole,later at the omega, i again found the cat as confirmation, but this time the cat was a black shadow, so remember they used black and white.

also look for any maps, that will be carved in miniature,remember they carried a high tech tool called a magnifying glass, rare in the 18th century, you will be able to find this map when you enlarge the photos,

i have not been there but i can bet that the caves are not deep,in fact they are probably small and don't go back very far, these are decoys, but they served their purpose in drawing you there to find the marks inside the cave,,remember that these things were laid down for the King of Spain and the Church of the Pope,and were mean to last hundreds of years,so the trees were only used as duplicate markers,at some sites i have seen the same instruction expressed 4 or 5 different ways to say the same thing,

make no mistake they wanted this vault to be found, that is why they have redundant marks and confirmation marks, they just wanted the RIGHT people to find them, the ones who sanctioned by the Kings recovery team.

take your time Greek Lover and rest your brain,take lots of notes,document every time you visit the site, overlook nothing,as time goes by,some things can fade from memory,and some little insignificant item can be the key to discovery. don't be in a hurry,some of the ones i am working on take years

the 1924 you found is not the date, but you probably guess that,i have an idea of where you need to dig, but i need to look at your photos to get the confirmation i need before i tell you.,

oh yea regarding one of your posts, about depth, a magnetometer will only pick up ferrous metal, not gold, so unless the gold is in a iron chest or one with iron bands, it will not show up and on the matter of depth, the Spanish use one Brasa (5'9") the height of the King of Spain, and if they treasure vault is big, then 2 brasas would be needed so almost 12 feet,then this would be the top of the vault which will have a cap stone that will take 5 or 6 men with? steels bars to pry off,

oh take a more careful measurement of the partial triangle,with the f, with a protractor,i think you will find that this closer to 18 degrees rather than 15 degrees,but check to be sure, again the need for photos of all marks.

one more item on this too lengthly post,the tools needed to recover this stash are usually buried nearby,if i was there i would run a detector or magnetometer over the spot next to cave number 3 near the area of the tree, the tools might be buried here, and not too deep, if they are still there.

good luck, keep a cool head,keep the location to your self,choose your partner carefully,gold coming out of the ground makes certain people change to ruthless greedy badguys

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