Help Me Understand Why Yall Think The Government Is Wanting To Do TO Yall???

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Help Me Understand Why Y'all Think The Government Is Wanting To Do TO Y'all???

Please lay it down for me on how Y'all think "Big Brother" is gunna get ya in relation to infringing on dem guns. This applies to everyone and every Country that "anyone" does so choose to elaborate on. Let's have a free discussion here with no convenient deletions in regards to the subject at hand? Let's keep any racism out of it please? Who would like to take the first bite?

Let have some "background music", while we wait; DJ, cue the music... FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH by Buffalo Springfield.
Something's happening here...

Please lay it down for me on how Y'all think "Big Brother" is gunna get ya in relation to infringing on dem guns. This applies to everyone and every Country that "anyone" does so choose to elaborate on. Let's have a free discussion here with no convenient deletions in regards to the subject at hand? Let's keep any racism out of it please? Who would like to take the first bite?

I keep wondering the same thing. Not only what they are planning to do but how they plan to exicute their takeover

Please lay it down for me on how Y'all think "Big Brother" is gunna get ya in relation to infringing on dem guns. This applies to everyone and every Country that "anyone" does so choose to elaborate on. Let's have a free discussion here with no convenient deletions in regards to the subject at hand? Let's keep any racism out of it please? Who would like to take the first bite?
I don't understand why defending our gun rights means we think the government is going to take us over. I firmly demand, and defend my rights, as spelled out in the Constitution. At the present time, I don't see the government trying a takeover. That said, when defending yourself, you don't plan for what your opponent might do, you plan for what your opponent has the capability to do. Nuff said.

Please lay it down for me on how Y'all think "Big Brother" is gunna get ya in relation to infringing on dem guns. This applies to everyone and every Country that "anyone" does so choose to elaborate on. Let's have a free discussion here with no convenient deletions in regards to the subject at hand? Let's keep any racism out of it please? Who would like to take the first bite?
Let me ask you a question. Why do you find it strange that people want to defend their Constitutional rights?

Let me ask you a question. Why do you find it strange that people want to defend their Constitutional rights?

I agree. I assume you are a member of the ACLU also? If you want to defend all of your rights, you need to defend all of my rights too. That is the roll of the ACLU.

Please lay it down for me on how Y'all think "Big Brother" is gunna get ya in relation to infringing on dem guns. This applies to everyone and every Country that "anyone" does so choose to elaborate on. Let's have a free discussion here with no convenient deletions in regards to the subject at hand? Let's keep any racism out of it please? Who would like to take the first bite?

I don't know without any reasonable doubt that the government plans on taking us over necessarily but the signs are clearly pointing towards making people unable to defend themselves so why I ask,why? Common sense in watching news,documentaries all point towards some kind of unrest for sure so it's understandable that people are questioning why people who have done nothing wrong are feeling like they have by the government taking away our right to bear arms when we do it legally. We all know criminals do not register their guns nor do they buy their guns where they can be easily traced and the excuse of what happened in Connecticut for the crackdown is a bunch of hooey so yes,citizens are questioning.

Let me ask you a question. Why do you find it strange that people want to defend their Constitutional rights?

Well jim... If y'all carefully read the original question "Please lay it down for me on how Y'all think "Big Brother" is gunna get ya in relation to infringing on dem guns" It does not say anything about defending someones Constitutional rights. I'll restate the question in proper English for y'all. Why are some people worried about the ATF raiding their houses in regards to proposed regulations that are in the interest of public safety?

I agree. I assume you are a member of the ACLU also? If you want to defend all of your rights, you need to defend all of my rights too. That is the roll of the ACLU.
You shouldn't make any assumptions about me. You don't know me, or anything about me. And, I don't share everything about myself on public forums.

Well jim... If y'all carefully read the original question "Please lay it down for me on how Y'all think "Big Brother" is gunna get ya in relation to infringing on dem guns" It does not say anything about defending someones Constitutional rights. I'll restate the question in proper English for y'all. Why are some people worried about the ATF raiding their houses in regards to proposed regulations that are in the interest of public safety?
Interesting.....I guess my reading skills have gone to pot....I didn't see "public safety" mentioned in the original bad.

Interesting.....I guess my reading skills have gone to pot....I didn't see "public safety" mentioned in the original bad.

Actually Jim, it was my bad to begin with. I should have been clear with my original post and for that I apologize.

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Let's start over, shall we? Why are some people worried about the ATF raiding their houses in regards to proposed regulations that are in the interest of public safety?

Thanks for the tune Bill. While we wait for more posts.... I feel this tune off the album "Fear Of A Black Planet" by Public Enemy would be fitting since February is "Black History Month".

Thanks for the tune Bill. While we wait for more posts.... I feel this tune off the album "Fear Of A Black Planet" by Public Enemy would be fitting since February is "Black History Month".


I thought "black" was a big "no no" word over there? Shouldn't it be "African American history month"?

I thought "black" was a big "no no" word over there? Shouldn't it be "African American history month"?

It does have other names in other countries for sure. In England it is celebrated in October if I'm not mistaken? So I guess the proper term should be African/Canadian/American Month on this side of the pond and African/English Month on your side?

Let's start over, shall we? Why are some people worried about the ATF raiding their houses in regards to proposed regulations that are in the interest of public safety?

First, have you ever heard of Ruby Ridge or Waco. What the government did to those people was over guns and government lies. Those people hadn't done anything wrong until the ATF showed up. Have you heard about the gun running to Mexico. We still aren't at the bottom of that, it is being covered up with lies and distortions. All the while they were sending guns to Mexico, they were blaming guns stores saying the stores were selling to criminals, and there needed to be more controls and restrictions on the American stores and gun shows, and all the while the government was the crooks. Secondly, I don't want to live under the same laws that you have in Canada, I don't like your laws, and haven't ever visited Canada because of them. And Backbacon, I have a question for you. You live in Canada, why do you say y'all. You trying to be cute, or are you using it in a degrading way, talking down to us Yanks. You smugly think you are smarter than the people that say y'all, but you have never lived with true freedom, and I have, and my government is taking it away from me a bit at a time, and we are becoming more and more like Canada, and England and Sweden, and there are a lot of us, (and all y'all know who I'm talking about) don't like it. I really don't care what you think or say, you don't live here, render your allegiance to a foreign monarch, I'll live in a republic and do my best to keep it from becoming like Canada or England or Sweden.

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