Help IDn a find


Jr. Member
Feb 26, 2014
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Help ID'n a find

Hi folks. I am brand new to metal detecting but after a long time researching the area I live... I came to the conclusion that my chances of finding old relics were better than average if I was smart enough to keep my mouth shut long enough to pick up the metal detecting basics. I think I may be on to something because after only a week of really beating the bushes I've found more than I had ever imagined. I don't wanna be the guy who metal detects for a week and comes to this site acting like I know what I'm talking about....but I've found a lot of old buttons with the number 14 on em and one with the number 29....both British regiments were stationed in my area leading me to believe I'm in a revolutionary era. But I also found this super thin stamped piece of metal that looks like it capped something. It looks silver to me and has the Nobel order of the garter belt symbol and motto but I can't find anything that would help my positively ID this thing. After scouting the forums on the Internet it would seem you guys are the best out there....if someone here doesn't know no one will! I took a picture of the front and back beside a dime so you could get an idea of the size and the other pic is the piece itself up close so you can see the details. Sorry for the long winded into. Just want to fill you guys in. Thanks in advance for your input!




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very cool find, someone will chime in soon. you are off to a good start, and with good thought.very cool in my book!not my field here ,but it looks to me to be a button or pin cap,the way the backside looks rolled like it was stamped to a fastener of sorts.

Thanks loco....yea thats kinda what I was thinking with the rolled back. But like I said with the amount of experience and knowledge on this site the best thing a guy like me can do is keep quiet and listen! hahaha!

What you have is the face/silver copper repousse that once had a bone back... a British 60th Officer - 3rd Battalion bone back button. My book lists a 2nd Battalion as 1787-1803 so yours would date the same. Post war but probably quite rare. It's very uncommon for bone back British military buttons to date that late, at least from everything I've seen.

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Iron patch thank you for taking the time to look into that for me. That is really cool info! I appreciate the reply! I have only been MD'n for a short time but with finds like this I'm hooked all the way!!

I assume your 14th and 29th buttons are pewter? I'd say they probably are Rev War period, and you are definitely on some good sites.

I'm pretty sure the 29th I found is pewter but I don't think the 14th ones are...just from what I see looking at em side by side. I could post some pics so you can take a look. Also the 14's I found had a decorative border but the 29th had only the number. I believe the 14's came from an old trash pile.....I found a lot of oyster shells and clam shells and small pieces of charcoal and other random items...a lot of nails an old clay pipe and a small ring....closest image I could find on the net to the ring I found was called a posy ring. It was in a British museum and it said it was from the 17th or 18th centuries. But again I'm just quoting what I read on the net. I'm not sure myself.

Thanks for that link Don. I checked it out but didn't see a location anywhere close to my area that they were stationed between those dates. So I looked to see if they may have been in my area before that time period. It said the 60th regiment came about around 1755 but they have never been stationed in my area (North East Florida) from what I can tell. Could it be something a soldier from a regiment stationed in my area carried as a memento?

I'm pretty sure the 29th I found is pewter but I don't think the 14th ones are...just from what I see looking at em side by side. I could post some pics so you can take a look. Also the 14's I found had a decorative border but the 29th had only the number. I believe the 14's came from an old trash pile.....I found a lot of oyster shells and clam shells and small pieces of charcoal and other random items...a lot of nails an old clay pipe and a small ring....closest image I could find on the net to the ring I found was called a posy ring. It was in a British museum and it said it was from the 17th or 18th centuries. But again I'm just quoting what I read on the net. I'm not sure myself.

Sure post em up and I'll tell you what they date. Also add in any old coppers or anything that's interesting too. Being new you'd probably be very surprised the potential there is hunting an early site like that, and how certain finds can float under the radar if they're not identified correctly.

Sure post em up and I'll tell you what they date. Also add in any old coppers or anything that's interesting too. Being new you'd probably be very surprised the potential there is hunting an early site like that, and how certain finds can float under the radar if they're not identified correctly.

Iron patch thanks so much for the help. And any advice is greatly appreciated! Sorry if the pics aren't the best...they were taken with my phone.

The first pic is of the 14 buttons some are hard to read but they do all say 14


This pic is of the 29...this is the one I "think" is pewter


This one is an E I C tin double pice. Atleast that's what it said under the pic I found of one on the net haha!



I believe this is a queen ann shilling the date on it is 1711


Here's a clay pipe bowl I was lucky enough to find while digging a metal target


I'm not sure what this is. I'm pretty sure its brass and the numbers look stamped....maybe a piece of sum kind of measuring device?


Here's the little ring I found in the same area I found the 14 buttons. Closest likeness I could find on the net was called a posy ring.



Lastly I found this brass butt plate...could this be from a Brown Bess musket? I know there's a few different versions of this musket but I saw one with a plate that resembled the one I found....if it were in one piece


If ya have any input on any of these I surely would appreciate it! Like I said I really love the history of this stuff but I'm brand new to detecting and relic hunting so any advice would be great!

You're finding some great stuff. The 14th buttons are Rev War and date 1768-1773, and the 29th is listed as a Sergeant's pattern dating 1775-1787. Often times a button dating that many years post war hurts it some, but not really in this case being an American find and dug with other early buttons.... so I would also consider it a Rev War button.

wow,great stuff man!!!

Hey Iron Patch I have another button I found today I'd like ya to check out and give me your thoughts on....


Its 7/8" in diameter.

I also found a few other things today and have no earthly idea what they could be....maybe you guys would have a clue. All three things are brass



Sorry guys I messed up and posted the message twice but the second one had all three pics

Hey Iron Patch I have another button I found today I'd like ya to check out and give me your thoughts on.... View attachment 954757 Its 7/8" in diameter.

I assume just a large cast pewter civilian button.... but still, not something we see too often. I really like the time frame of the sites you are digging.

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