Help IDn a find


Jr. Member
Feb 26, 2014
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Help ID'n a find

Hi folks. I am brand new to metal detecting but after a long time researching the area I live... I came to the conclusion that my chances of finding old relics were better than average if I was smart enough to keep my mouth shut long enough to pick up the metal detecting basics. I think I may be on to something because after only a week of really beating the bushes I've found more than I had ever imagined. I don't wanna be the guy who metal detects for a week and comes to this site acting like I know what I'm talking about....but I've found a lot of old buttons with the number 14 on em and one with the number 29....both British regiments were stationed in my area leading me to believe I'm in a revolutionary era. But I also found this super thin stamped piece of metal that looks like it capped something. It looks silver to me and has the Nobel order of the garter belt symbol and motto but I can't find anything that would help my positively ID this thing. After scouting the forums on the Internet it would seem you guys are the best out there....if someone here doesn't know no one will! I took a picture of the front and back beside a dime so you could get an idea of the size and the other pic is the piece itself up close so you can see the details. Sorry for the long winded into. Just want to fill you guys in. Thanks in advance for your input!




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I assume just a large cast pewter civilian button.... but still, not something we see too often. I really like the time frame of the sites you are digging.

Iron patch I can't say enough how much I appreciate ya taking the time to post comments to my questions. That's good to hear about the musket pieces. After I found the butt plate and other pieces of the musket I was hoping I would find other brass parts!

Iron patch I can't say enough how much I appreciate ya taking the time to post comments to my questions. That's good to hear about the musket pieces. After I found the butt plate and other pieces of the musket I was hoping I would find other brass parts!

Do you know there is marked regimental gun parts? Rare to find, but when you're in an area with many early numbered buttons it's possible.

The Rev War era is my favorite period for sites, so always like to see what others find from the same time frame.

Do you know there is marked regimental gun parts? Rare to find, but when you're in an area with many early numbered buttons it's possible. The Rev War era is my favorite period for sites, so always like to see what others find from the same time frame.

Yea I'm with you on the revolutionary period it's my favorite too. What do you mean about marked regimental gun parts....some parts are stamped with regiment numbers? Kind of like the buttons? The brass parts I found are kind of dirty but being new to relic hunting/collecting I'm not sure the best way to clean the brass finds or how far to take the cleaning. From what I hear there's a fine line in cleaning it enough to see details or markings and cleaning it too much losing the patina and age. So as of now I haven't went any further than wiping it with a rag.

Iron patch I'm apologize I'm bombarding you with so many questions. You seem to be the only one replying and I have so many questions about my finds. If it's to much feel free to tell me to shut up! Hahaha. I found this brass ring....I was thinking it my be a trim ring from a sword scabbard. Or maybe a trim ring from a musket but they are just a Stab in the dark for me. What's your thoughts?




Yea I'm with you on the revolutionary period it's my favorite too. What do you mean about marked regimental gun parts....some parts are stamped with regiment numbers? Kind of like the buttons? The brass parts I found are kind of dirty but being new to relic hunting/collecting I'm not sure the best way to clean the brass finds or how far to take the cleaning. From what I hear there's a fine line in cleaning it enough to see details or markings and cleaning it too much losing the patina and age. So as of now I haven't went any further than wiping it with a rag.

Here's a post with a nice 19th Regiment musket escutcheon. It wouldn't surprise me if you had a plain looking similar one, given you are finding some gun parts.

Cleaning is a case by case basis and best not to do anything until you know what you have... both for condition and the identification of the item.

Not sure what the ring is from.... nothing I've found or seen posted.

Here's a post with a nice 19th Regiment musket escutcheon. It wouldn't surprise me if you had a plain looking similar one, given you are finding some gun parts. Cleaning is a case by case basis and best not to do anything until you know what you have... both for condition and the identification of the item. Not sure what the ring is from.... nothing I've found or seen posted.

Iron patch you are the man...once again thanks for all your help. I'm gonna check out that link right now.

I checked out that link...I see what you are talking about now. I am gonna hunt high and low and see if I can luck up and find that piece of the gun! As if I was obsessed enough before seeing that link!! Hahahaha

Hey enjoy some bragging rights as you deserve them with these button finds. My first post on TN but been a relic hunter for over 25 years. The 29th , looks like a coat size(25mm) is pre war pre war(1771-1773) when that unit was stationed in St Augustine. The 60th is Rev WAr circa 1776 also from Florida and rare missing the back but otherwise great condition. I collect them and just a treat seeing them in great condition. Florida soil is very kind to relics and buttons. seeing them in this forum. Congrats and keep swinging that coil. Am sure more posts yet to come. Gary

Hi Tacki
I will chime in on your button finds. The 14s pewters are pre REv WAr 1771-1773 and same for the 29th but it is not a Sergeant's one but the early pewter enlisted and pre war 1771-1773. However your 6oth is not post war but Circ 1776 of this 60th 3rd Bn. They were stationed in East Florida where I assume you found this what is called a "skin" Rare button and desirerable. Congrats and keep swinging the coil. I may be a "tenderfoot" on TN but relic hunting now over 20 years. It's a great hobby and meet some nice folks more yet to come.

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