HELP Burlington Co NJ

DizzyDigger I should have that name Lol

There is an unknown amount of time. The owner has no family left & her home will go to the church when she passes.

She is elderly but healthy & I hope she stays with us but who knows?

The accurate locator pi detector is what we should be using. It goes deep & covers a large area fast. 3 feet x 3 feet (I think?) & will detect something the size of a jar of coins to more than 3 feet deep.

What I need now is another real treasure & the opportunity to help find it.

Do you know of any?

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Ever find anything on the property?

Ever find anything on the property?

She's telling us she found it.

"somehiker: Get back to me when you can comprehend what you read without making assumptions. Also, we found a whole lot of silver coins, gold and other valuables on the property in Burlington County. Did you see my post with the castings I made from gold? The gold came from lost mines! You should consider changing your name from somehiker to somestalker."

Find out as much info as you can on the guys that put down the caches, where they spent their time, etc. what they may have said in regards to the caches. Hope it all works out for you, good luck! Hope some one with experience and equipment can help you.

If what your neighbor states is accurate, many of the "jars" will have been shattered by the plow and coins strewn at multiple depths and locations. Any quality modern VDI machine will surely begin revealing this treasure. A jar full of coins will scream at you when close. ;) Good luck. Peace

Most such caches are not buried more than an arm's length deep, say two feet. I have a good PI with a fairly large coil, should be able to hit them. I am in lower N.Y. but could possibly travel to help you if you wish. Kind of funny that he didn't leave a map, most folks who bury such jars want to return and recover them at some time and if he buried a lot he would not be able to remember where they all were. Another thing is that most such jars are buried within sight of the main bedroom window.

You can probably just use the detector you have. I doubt whether he buried them where it was plowed. They would more likely be buried in a garden area, near a tree, near a rock , around the building or near an identifiable object. Frank...
hand print-2_edited-5.webp

I'm sure Chelsea will get back to you, as soon as she has finished telling us all she knows about lost mines, prospecting and mining gold, and her great uncle... Jacob Waltz/The Lost Dutchman.

Originally Posted by chlsbrns

I'm related to the lost Dutchman... Jacob was a great uncle according to our family history book. He never left a map, so I don't think he wanted ANYONE to know its location if it even existed. Bet it's an interesting book though...."

I wouldn't hold my breath.


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Sounds like it may take up a bit of time. I've had a bit of luck over the years and have made some really good deep finds. Right now I use an F75 but just ordered a 15" coil as well as a TDI. If interested I may be able to help. I live in Southern Ocean County and detect about 3 days a week. If interested please contact me. Dave

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