Bigscoop, as you know, I hold the belief that Ward incorporated various events and family lore from the extended Risqué family bloodline (Hutter, Kennerly, Hancock), and his wife, Harriet's (Buford, Otey, Mitchell/Morris), and the Beale Papers was created from compiling these "connexions" and stories.
Ward and his Hutter cousins did have Confederate cipher and code experience, as well as spending time in St Louis (the Kennerlys had a mercantile business in St Louis and Julia Hancock, subject of the Risqué/Beale duel, married William Clark of Lewis & Clark.
The Shakespeare references came from Ward's father and cousin John William Sherman (printer of the Beale Papers who wrote a review of the dime novel as sub-editor of the LYNCHBURG VIRGINIAN), both members of the LYNCHBURG THESPIAN GROUP, and Poe's THE GOLD BUG, which would have been available at WARD & DIGGS BOOKSELLERS as well as other works.
...and the previous mention of Beale organizing a company as Captain for the perilous adventure of fighting the British in New Orleans, and Ward's great uncle being killed two years before the publication of the Beale Papers by Indians while inspecting gold and silver mines in Arizona.
Far two many connections to be mere coincidence.
"It don't take a weatherman to know which way the wind blows"- Bob Dylan