Having Fun Again

"The pattern he (Petter Amundsen) found is a square-and-compass celestial pattern that MIMICS some aspects as those of the Masons..."
AuthorStory: Petter Amundsen and the Oak Island Treasure Revealed in Hidden Codes in Shakespeare

*NOTICE the words :probably", "theorizes", "Most Likely" used in that article.
Most likely what Amundsen theorizes probably mimics various alleged aspects of "secret societies" without the benefit of actual hard fact or evidence.

Exactly! The only time "is" is used in regards to the actual alleged facts is usually in the form of a question, all else being "could be" or "possibly" or "maybe" etc., etc. We see this same thing on shows like Oak Island, Hitler Hunters, etc., play out time and time again, the objective to try to convince the audience that actual facts and clues are being discovered without ever actually directly calling them confirmed facts because they don't really have any actual confirmed facts. It's building drama and a continuing story line from complete unknowns. In recent years there have been a number of shows that have followed this same obvious scheme, pretty much the same exact theme and process that has generated so many sensationalized legends and conspiracy theories over the years. It worked back in the day and it still works today, keeps fooling the masses into believing in things that just don't exist, or can't actually be established to have ever existed. "Complete unknowns can be made into whatever someone desires them to be." :thumbsup:

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Bigscoop Look I do not care about the other shows or what others think or believe. I have seen Petter Amundsen's Work. I have watched his three youtubes and four each one hour documentaries and they are factual. There is no believing or probably or any of the doubter's words. I can see what he has done and he is RIGHT. He has taken 400 year old documents and verified everything. My God man give it a break. Go watch and learn instead of spewing the same thing out of your mind through your mouth. You have to listen to learn not keep talking gibberish.

Bigscoop Look I do not care about the other shows or what others think or believe. I have seen Petter Amundsen's Work. I have watched his three youtubes and four each one hour documentaries and they are factual. There is no believing or probably or any of the doubter's words. I can see what he has done and he is RIGHT. He has taken 400 year old documents and verified everything. My God man give it a break. Go watch and learn instead of spewing the same thing out of your mind through your mouth. You have to listen to learn not keep talking gibberish.

Franklin, and the actual grand discovery is.....where? Have you seen it? :laughing7: NO! Has anyone ever seen it? No! Has Amundsen seen it? No! Have others pushed the same type of agenda? Yes. Have any of them ever seen it? No! Will any of them ever see it? No! Has all of this become so routine that we can just about recite it word for word? Yes! Nothing new in any of it.....however, true believers in such things will always believe. Period! :thumbsup:

... I do not care about the other shows or what others think or believe.
I have seen Petter Amundsen's Work.
I have watched his three youtubes and four each one hour documentaries and they are factual...
I can see what he has done and he is RIGHT.
He has taken 400 year old documents and verified everything...
PETTER AMUNDSEN" is practicing the falsification of history...there is no substance to the theory and scholars could not take is seriously"- Inger Hobbelstad, journalist, Shakespearean Scholar/ April 16,2016

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PETTER AMUNDSEN" is practicing the falsification of history...there is no substance to the theory and scholars could not take is seriously"- Inger Hobbelstad, journalist, Shakespearean Scholar/ April 16,2016

You nailed it. It's the difference between dealing in facts and turning faith and speculation into imaginary facts. There is the real world and then there are those created worlds, those fantasy worlds. Apparently several here think they are going to discover the truth in those fantasy worlds.

PETTER AMUNDSEN" is practicing the falsification of history...there is no substance to the theory and scholars could not take is seriously"- Inger Hobbelstad, journalist, Shakespearean Scholar/ April 16,2016

As usual you always believe the skeptics. Believe what you will but you need to read and study you may just be dead wrong. And I am quite sure you are wrong on this one.

Franklin, and the actual grand discovery is.....where? Have you seen it? :laughing7: NO! Has anyone ever seen it? No! Has Amundsen seen it? No! Have others pushed the same type of agenda? Yes. Have any of them ever seen it? No! Will any of them ever see it? No! Has all of this become so routine that we can just about recite it word for word? Yes! Nothing new in any of it.....however, true believers in such things will always believe. Period! :thumbsup:

1) You're not being told.
2) Yes.
3) Correct
4) Truth is not an agenda.
5) Point is, as usual, you do not know anything about this find...therefore, you cannot speak of it.

I guess I'll just press on until it's time as you are a bot, Bigscoop.

1) You're not being told.
2) Yes.
3) Correct
4) Truth is not an agenda.
5) Point is, as usual, you do not know anything about this find...therefore, you cannot speak of it.

:laughing7:....boy are you wrong. You seem to think that your circle is a lot tighter then it really is. Are you really that naive in regards to today's social networking, the internet, etc.? How is it that folks know, and can predict, when you'll be coming forward again? Like I said, true discoveries announce that actual discovery first, all others just make the claim and then want to tell people how it was done first. :thumbsup:

I guess I'll just press on until it's time as you are a bot, Bigscoop.

I don't know pal, I'm not over ten-years into my grand reveal without said grand reveal. You are. :icon_thumleft:
PS: I was aware a long-long time ago that it would never be seen. :laughing7:

As usual you always believe the skeptics. Believe what you will but you need to read and study you may just be dead wrong. And I am quite sure you are wrong on this one.

Don't you find it curious that those you refer to as "skeptics" are the professional degreed academic scholars whose lifework is devoted to these studies, and those you find credible are amateurs, unrelated to the chosen field in which they created a theory for the purpose of selling books?
Amundsen is just another in a long list of others promoting an opinion for profit that lacks true professional provenance.

Don't you find it curious that those you refer to as "skeptics" are the professional degreed academic scholars whose lifework is devoted to these studies, and those you find credible are amateurs, unrelated to the chosen field in which they created a theory for the purpose of selling books?
Amundsen is just another in a long list of others promoting an opinion for profit that lacks true professional provenance.

Sorry but you are wrong on this one and you may be wrong on others. If you do not believe in this or anything else on these threads why don't you go find something you can believe. If there is anything you can believe in.

I know and I have proven myself that the historians and the experts in their fields are wrong. And I know they are wrong in Peter Amundsen's finds also. And you are wrong to throw off on others research without studying them. If you lived thousands of years ago you would have been one of the flat land believers. Don't do that you will fall off the edge of the Earth.

Franklin, and the actual grand discovery is.....where? Have you seen it? :laughing7: NO! Has anyone ever seen it? No! Has Amundsen seen it? No! Have others pushed the same type of agenda? Yes. Have any of them ever seen it? No! Will any of them ever see it? No! Has all of this become so routine that we can just about recite it word for word? Yes! Nothing new in any of it.....however, true believers in such things will always believe. Period! :thumbsup:
WRONG! "It" was used to rebuild Lexington, Va. AND! the TREASURE of VIRGINIA... VMI! Now it is part of US Military... YET! I LOVE those GREY/GRAY Uniforms, AND! The governor of VIRGINIA, is a VMI Grad. & WAS a US ARMY DOCTOR... can YOU "dig it"....?

Sorry, Franklin, but what historians and experts in what fields have you, WRONG?
You have been proven wrong on faulty information you have posted on these threads, so what point are you making?
You seem to believe in every legend, myth, lore, and anything else that lacks solid proof. Is there anything you don't believe in?
And you are wrong to throw off on the research of professionals in their fields or others on these threads.
If I lived thousands of years ago, I'd be stoned by flat Earth believers as a heretic for questioning their faulty beliefs.

I am going to continue my research into the Beale Treasure Mystery in Bedford and Campbell County Virginia. These newcomers can keep moving millions of tons of rock looking for stone carvings. What a waste of time and money?

One of the six or seven Doctors that attended Robert Morriss before he died at the home of Anzoletta Saunders' home went on a trip of business in 1875. No business is specified but he borrowed $50 from his brother to pay for expenditures to get to Missouri. Also the brother, he borrowed the $50 from had already made this trip in 1861 or 1862 on business. Again business is not specified. But anyway it was only two or three years after 1875, that the Doctor died and that is about the same time that the manuscript or story was given to James Beverly Ward. I still believe there is a glimmer of hope of finding documents or letters to verify the Beale Treasure Story or at least find the source of the story. I have not went to the homesite where Robert Morriss died to check out anything or with it's neighbors. Soon.

I am still trying to figure out why the surrounding landscape around "Hunter's Hill" was changed and incorporated to tell someone where the old home once stood. Why would they encode this into the landscape in the early 1960's. Is something still hidden at the old home of James Beverly Risque known as "Hunter's Hill?"

I am still trying to figure out why the surrounding landscape around "Hunter's Hill" was changed and incorporated to tell someone where the old home once stood. Why would they encode this into the landscape in the early 1960's. Is something still hidden at the old home of James Beverly Risque known as "Hunter's Hill?"

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