Havent seen this yet?? Whites Surf PI Dual Field Vs. Tesoro Sand Shark

any pulse you can a just like the p.I pro, and tdi , manually is a better than factory pre set micro processor and white's are number one when it comes to the owner adjusting the detector to ground change and continuity of the target they don't call it live or real time for no-then.

terry your lobo is a fake 5 inches at it max depth a white's would run circle around it
lobo is a coin collector and that is all it will ever amount too 17 khz isn't high enough to find any thing small tesoro should go back to the drawing board

I found that both the Whites DF and the Garrett Sea Hunter had a bit more depth than the Sand Shark, but the DF has a harder time on high black sand/salt beaches on the west coast. It's just too unstable. That's why I bought the Sea Hunter, it works better than either of the other two in the really high black sand, and goes deeper than the Sand Shark by 2-3" here. Florida may be different though. However, the Sand Shark runs a bit smoother than the other two, probably due to a lower signal strength. None of the three behave the same..

BTW, I didn't even give Detector Pro a second thought.. and the Sea Hunter is built like a Sherman tank, only a lot smaller, and it goes deeper than any multi or single freq detector I've ever owned..


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This is for you Terry........... one here Modded by The RatPhones builder...... GoodRat...


Back to the original question of Whites Vs. Sand Shark.... I have used the Whites and the Sand Shark, I no longer have the whites. The Sand Shark had much better performance and didn't leak. The Sand Shark also was very smooth on Northwest beaches of Oregon/Washington and California. The lifetime warranty is just a big plus.

Wow! That was a 15 round MMA Super-Heavyweight bout! I'm still greasy and sweaty from it all...:laughing7:

I found that both the Whites DF and the Garrett Sea Hunter had a bit more depth than the Sand Shark, but the DF has a harder time on high black sand/salt beaches on the west coast. It's just too unstable. That's why I bought the Sea Hunter, it works better than either of the other two in the really high black sand, and goes deeper than the Sand Shark by 2-3" here. Florida may be different though. However, the Sand Shark runs a bit smoother than the other two, probably due to a lower signal strength. None of the three behave the same..

BTW, I didn't even give Detector Pro a second thought.. and the Sea Hunter is built like a Sherman tank, only a lot smaller, and it goes deeper than any multi or single freq detector I've ever owned..



I know Steve H. is singing the praises of the Garrett Infinium as well. Larry, have you tried the Infinium in Oregon? What is your opinion between the Sea Hunter and Infinium on Oregon beaches? I am chomping at the bit to get a waterproof PI machine and want to get one that is durable, has good depth and can tackle Oregon's iron soils. I was hoping White's would come out with the waterproof TDI soon, but I'm not sure when or if that's gonna happen. Thanks.

I have not used the Infinium. In my world PI's have a limited use, mostly for big open areas such as fields and wet salt beaches. I know that the Sea Hunter is preferred over the Infinium on www.meteldetecttorreviews.net. That says a lot by itself. I have found more coins, more jewelry, more everything of value with my old and ancient Tesoro Silver Sabre on Oregon beaches than with anything else, even though the Sea Hunter searches deeper. The depth on the Silver Sabre was maxed out at a mere 8" for a clad quarter too. Sometimes "simple", yet old, works better than complex and new. Personally, I think the Sea Hunter is one of the best detectors made, along with the Whites Surfmasters. You can read my review of the Surfmaster in the above mentioned site. The SH is heavy, but so are most other PI's. Would I buy an Infinium? Well, no, but I wouldn't buy a TDI either, even though I can afford one. I prefer the light weight of the old Surfmasters over both of them, but the SH goes deeper than the Surfmaster so it is my preference. I mostly prefer the Sea Hunter because it is so well-mannered, not having to be watched or fooled with so much. I chose an atomic clock over one that has to be rewound daily too.. I don't hear people complaining about the Sea Hunter leaking, but I do about the TDI, the Infinium, and the Dual Field. The Sand Shark has few complaints except for lack of depth. Mostly people like it because it runs very smoothly.

Because people complain too much about the Infinium being unstable in wave action, I would rather have the safe and trustworthy Sea Hunter, even though I don't surf search. I like wet sand hunting better mostly because of our Oregon "sneaker waves" that can weigh us down with sand and kill us in less than 3 minutes, since we can quickly weigh 400 pounds with all the sand in our clothing. It's happened here several times, mostly to Californians and people from other countries. I never turn my back on the ocean here, and I always make sure that there is no cliff to climb if one of those waves comes up from below rushing in on me..

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I have not used the Infinium. In my world PI's have a limited use, mostly for big open areas such as fields and wet salt beaches. I know that the Sea Hunter is preferred over the Infinium on www.meteldetecttorreviews.net. That says a lot by itself. I have found more coins, more jewelry, more everything of value with my old and ancient Tesoro Silver Sabre on Oregon beaches than with anything else, even though the Sea Hunter searches deeper. The depth on the Silver Sabre was maxed out at a mere 8" for a clad quarter too. Sometimes "simple", yet old, works better than complex and new. Personally, I think the Sea Hunter is one of the best detectors made, along with the Whites Surfmasters. You can read my review of the Surfmaster in the above mentioned site. The SH is heavy, but so are most other PI's. Would I buy an Infinium? Well, no, but I wouldn't buy a TDI either, even though I can afford one. I prefer the light weight of the old Surfmasters over both of them, but the SH goes deeper than the Surfmaster so it is my preference. I mostly prefer the Sea Hunter because it is so well-mannered, not having to be watched or fooled with so much. I chose an atomic clock over one that has to be rewound daily too.. I don't hear people complaining about the Sea Hunter leaking, but I do about the TDI, the Infinium, and the Dual Field. The Sand Shark has few complaints except for lack of depth. Mostly people like it because it runs very smoothly.

Because people complain too much about the Infinium being unstable in wave action, I would rather have the safe and trustworthy Sea Hunter, even though I don't surf search. I like wet sand hunting better mostly because of our Oregon "sneaker waves" that can weigh us down with sand and kill us in less than 3 minutes, since we can quickly weigh 400 pounds with all the sand in our clothing. It's happened here several times, mostly to Californians and people from other countries. I never turn my back on the ocean here, and I always make sure that there is no cliff to climb if one of those waves comes up from below rushing in on me..


Thanks again. I now have another machine to consider. Thanks for your experience and refreshing objective input, especially as it relates directly to Oregon. I think it takes a special machine to work well in Oregon. Not all of the popular ones do; I know that from frustrating experiences. I wish I could find an original White's Surfmaster PI. I will keep my eyes open for one. Anybody have one they want to sell?

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Compass Goldscanner Pro's and Relic & Coin detectors (same detector, different decal) work well here too. They are the best discriminators I've found in the dry salt beach sand, and inland too. Compass invented the DD (AKA widescan) search coil, and increased depth for all earlier detectors. If you find two of the (original) Surfmasters, please give me a shout. Thanks db. Larry:icon_thumright:

I highly doubt that Any of those PI's can match the Depth of the Infinium if it's running well, including the Excalibur. Not everyone wants to Dig 30" down in the Surf (with the big Mono) Though :)

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I use the infinium in the mid atlantic surf, the salt content of the location can really make it a SOB to run, now in the bay were the water is brackish she purrs like a kitten and delight to use. Plus the calmness of the water one can dig some very deep targets. Just got an 8 inch for her, very excited in trying this in the bay...in some of the old locations....

OBN ~ I'll bet it Rips for You & You wont take it off there once Installed. I cant get myself to unhook the 10/14M. to even try my 8" (brand new for months) but it's not going Anywhere & wont (cept maybe on the Finny sometime : ) Ken

One vote each for the Infinium and the Compass Gold Scanner Pro. Off topic slightly, but I believe that both are superior nugget
machines to either the Dual field or the Sand Shark

terry your super trax by tesoro
give me a break
tesoro is a first Texas instrument along with fisher bounty hunter and tecnektics...
it doe's operate high enough to fine the good stuff a true gold detector will find

terry your super trax by tesoro
give me a break
tesoro is a first Texas instrument along with fisher bounty hunter and tecnektics...
it doe's operate high enough to fine the good stuff a true gold detector will find

LMAO. Tell that to the hundreds of pieces of gold, found by the Sand Shark, shown on the Fan Page in my signature.

Detector Comparison

First, welcome to TNet. :hello:

I have used the Sand Shark and the other Whites PI's but not the Dual Field at a saltwater beach yet. I can tell you that I much prefer the Tesoro Sand Shark for a couple reasons. Unless the Dual Field has the orange O ring, it will leak down the road. I've never even heard of the Tiger or Sand Shark leaking. Batteries seem to last forever in the Tesoro.

Biggest thing you need to worry about is the Coil on the Whites. Whites water machines coils are light weight for the majority of hunters that hunt the dry sand and they float like a cork in the wet. Doesn't matter if Freshwater where it wouldn't float as much or salt water where it will float more. They are advertised as "near Neutral Buoyant" but they all float unless you have the sinking model coil installed. Other manufactures like Fisher, Minelab or Tesoro don't seem to have coils that float and I can't understand why Whites still has this problem.

Bottom line, the Dual Field is nice, but if you have to work at holding down the coil it isn't worth the money. Sorry.....
I own several machines and the deepest land Detector is my Minelab Sovereign GT..I have dug 16"+ using the 15" WOT Coil to bring up a sparkler wire..Also the Whites PI Dual Field,,it's a deep Pulse machine with average depth of 16" to 18" deep...There are NO coil problems floating up away from the target as mentioned,several aftermarket sell a clip on piece to keep the coil down ,also Anderson Shafts sells the piece..Tesoro Tiger Shark...It's just an All Out Great machine,,fully waterproof to 200FT and lifetime warranty..It is not as deep as my Sovereign or Whites PI but I've dug a quarter at 14" in sand..I mainly hunt beach here in Canada and fresh water...I would recommend any of these 3 machines but All do their own thing and it depends what you want the detector for,,everyone is different ..

Detector Depth

I own several machines and can reply on a few mentioned here..I have a Minelab Sovereign GT and have dug 16"+ using a 15" WOT Coil to bring up a sparkler wire..This is one of the Best Beach Machines made..I also have a Whites Dual Field PI and it's great for salt water and beaches..There are NO coil problems as in the coil floating up away from your target,,there is an aftermarket piece for the coil and Anderson Shafts sells them..I am Always digging targets at 16" to 18" Always..A great Pulse to work with..I have a Tesoro Tiger Shark also that I use for fresh water.This is a super detector that works great,,the price is crazy cheap and an unheard of Lifetime Warranty,,and NO U.K. the Tesoro company is not paying me..You guys are worse than two kids...Anyway I have told the truth about all depths and all the machines work different with different sounds and uses..These 3 Detectors usually always go with me..

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