Gotcha, you might want to try the Pyramid Pan Pro for area's that you are only allowed to pan in as some area's would bar the hog pan because of the classification that it does, but since you already have it I would just run it till someone says otherwise.
For loads of black sands you will have to clean the bazooka out more often, you will have to feel this one out.
The Miner is best suited to deal with huge cobbles and loads of cons.
The only problems that I can think of for the Miner is that it is not hiking friendly unless you strap it to your backpack somehow.
Also, it is so wide at the end that it requires a tub to clean out in, too large for a 5gal bucket.
Your next best option is the long deck Prospector model with the heavy design to handle the larger, heavier cobbles.
Being that you are only finding fine gold I would stick with the stock grizzlies and not worry about getting the large ones.
To wash the rocks on the standard sluice screen mod just splash some water on the rocks and then flip the screen to get rid of the rocks.
As for the cons in the Gold Hog pan, if they are really fine then I can see how it would take much longer to fill a 5gal bucket, as you said, Super Cons.
The Pyramid Pro Pan also makes super cons.
Though being that you already have the GH pan I would not bother spending more money to switch things up.
It does a fine job too, the earlier argument was pertaining more to price and what else is out there for less $$$ to do the same thing.
Take care.