gollum said:
Just keep one thing in mind about Harvey Snow:
He was murdered, as was his 14 year old daughter. His son posts here occasionally (ROGER). He used to tell the story about how his father was called one evening and told the exact locations of his wife, daughter, and son. He said they were threatened if he didn't leave the Victorio Peak thing alone. He didn't, and his 14 year old daughter was shot in the head. The killer was never found.
Roger is kind of out there, but he can tell you the story.
I didn't know Harvey Snow, but I know someone who did. Dr. Lambert Dolphin introduced me to a guy named Dr. Oren Swearingen from Texas. He says that Snow didn't even have the correct mountain in his tunnel story.
Well, lets straighten out the facts folks
First, Mike is right to say i am out there,, Crazy in fact,,,, CRAZY LIKE A FOX THAT IS.
Now, on the threats,
Dad ( Harvey Snow) answered the phone one night during the goldfinder#1 operation by that old Hag Ova,, ( this the one in 1972,, NOT the one of 1977 that Dave chandler wrote in 100 tons,, and like Dr. Oren Swearingen,, Dave Chandler was all up inside my Dads a$$ prying for information,, right as my Father was busy placing his daughter Leda in the ground,, if these pricks without the least civility had pulled that sh_t on my ass, i'd of slammed their eyes through the back of their moronic skulls)
the male voice stated exact co-ords where my little brothers ship was at that moment, he was in the Navy and out to Sea at the time ( Government agent ?) yes indeed, not even Admirals have that info on a ship that is not theirown.
The Voice on the phone went on to give exact locations of each and every one of Dads kids,
all five that he raised at home
and the three from his first Marraige which he was devorced from ( My Mother my two sisters and myself)
He was told to stay off the Base and out of the mountains all over the base, or he would be buying more Coffins for his Kids ( he had just buried his murdered Daughter Eleda, who was NOT shot in the head but the chest by Government agents who broke into the house seeking any EVIDENCE OF TREASURE ON THE BASE,, photographic or otherwise)
The call began :
Dad: Hello
voice: Harvey, do you remember a purchase you made last October?
Dad: What, excuse me, remember what?
Voice: Harvey, last Oct. you purchased a Coffin,,, pay attention to me Harvey or you'll be buying more of them,
The Voice then went on to give locations of the Kids of Harvey.
Now, given the fact that this is the SH_T my father was forced to live with, and every freak from Authors writting books to dreamers and Dentist and even folks from as far away as Germany, constantly bothering him without the least sensitivities towards the man,, One rational thought i have to throw down here is: If you act like a spoiled self focused idiotic child with self andgrandizement as your motives for your actions in life,, then,, If you are mislead, and only that,,, well Biscuit Breath, you got off easy,, NOW SHUT THE FU_K UP CLOWN, and go bite a Rock.
i am dead seriuouly sick and tired of MORONIC Imbeciles who question my sanity.
You fuc_kin;' piece of Neathandric skull fu_k, go lie with the rest of the dogs, raise your leg and lick your short Di_k ,
and stay the hell out of Soledad Canyon ass wipe
you are being monitored and rightly so.
i am serious
they are watching you. think not?
well Bud,,, so did i at first
and the De-Fibulator they taped to my head to tortured me with, was a wake up call that erased all doubt of what they'll do to keep ass wipes out of treasure on that base.
get it now clown?