has montezumas tomb been found ...?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Gossy luv: hi, welcome back & a discrete ? smooch. What ever happend to the experiment?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Hello Don Jose! (discreet smooch back)
The experiment actually went well, but the person I worked with could not commit further, because his life barged in. LOL, he was the only one that went exactly according to protocol, which was interesting. I would have liked to pursue it further, but it takes a commitment to time. And who has that... lol.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

The RV I have studied is military in its execution. I know that unless you surrender and do exactly as the RV coach requests, you won't do well. It is also very time consuming.
So with that in mind, most didn't get past the first instructions.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

HIO Gossy Luv:
Does having the same dream three nights in a row as a teen age'r, then having all phases of it gradually come true count? Plus many, many other thingies equally unexplainable come true ? this includes some that were involved in the finding of Tayopa.

Don Jose de La Manchca

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

HIO Gossy Luv:
Does having the same dream three nights in a row as a teen age'r, then having all phases of it gradually come true count? Plus many, many other thingies equally unexplainable come true ? this includes some that were involved in the finding of Tayopa.

Don Jose de La Manchca

No, Don Jose it doesn't pertain to any of the psychic/dream/mystical practises at all. It was developed by the military and its execution is very regimented.
Having said that... I would love to hear about your dreams!

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

lamar said:
Dear CubFan64;
The dangers associated with mistranslations are great and it would certainly behoove the well rounded researcher to perform their own translations, as much as they are able to, that is. There exists countless examples of mistranslated works and I am sure there will be many more to come.

Please bear in mind that, using our current language, English, we are able to express over 10,000 different emotional states, whereas in Latin we can only express around 500 and in classical Greek a mere 100. This is where problems typically arise. One should never use an emotional state to translate a document where did not exist previously. For a good example, we can use the Lords' Prayer, which was originally written in Greek and later translated into Latin and studied by legions of Roman Catholic theologians. Then, in a fit of reform, the prayer was translated into English. It was mangled beyond belief during the Latin-to-English so well translation and I use this prayer as an example only because practically everyone knows it by heart:
Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur Nomen tuum.
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy name.
Our Father, who is in Heaven, sacred is Your Name(the name of God was so sacred that it could not be said aloud).
Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth and it is in Heaven.
Your kingdom shall come, and your will shall be done, even on Earth as it is done in Heaven(There will be heaven on Eath and the dead shall rise and walk the Earth again).
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
For giving us our daily food, and forgiving us our sins while we forgive those who have sinned aginst us.(For the bountiful gifts which You have given to us, for the forgiveness of our sins and for giving us each of us a conscious, thus allowing those who have mistreated us to be forgiven)
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil..(God does NOT lead us into temptation, that would be Satans' job. This mistranslation is a horrible butchery of the Latin text.)
And do not permit us to be tempted(by Satan), instead keep us free from evil(from Satan).

From the above bold faced translation, one can immediately read the untentional mockery of the Latin prayer, which was translated from Latin into English over the course of perhaps a week or so, by a handful of Protestant reformers. In their sincere attempt to provide an accurate translation, they did not take into consideration the context of the prayer, rather they attempted a word-for-word type of tranlsation. And because of their mistakes, for centuries countless English-speaking Christians have been reciting the prayer incorrectly.
Your friend;

I am amazed how you explained yourself, especially using the Lord's Prayer. I found that ironic for some reason? Can I ask your explanation of why it hasn't ever been corrected? I thought you were a priest, till I seen your post on exploitation of treasure sites. ha ha. can't say I think much differently, but I'm trying to be a, "christian", about it. Thank you for the interpretation, it was very enlightening. Look forward to hearing more.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Hi Oroblanco
Thank's for the greeting, I've been around, but don't post very often. I just like to read all the different threads and theories, but that interpretation by Lamar on the Lords prayer blew my socks off. The interpretation of it is so universal, everyone can understand the underlining point.


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Mr. Martin...how are things down south?
Haven't heard from you in a long while
and your web page is down i see?
Oil boom went bust up here...might be
headin your way shortly....from where
i came from in 2002...lol.


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Leones Corazon said:
Mr. Martin...how are things down south?
Haven't heard from you in a long while
and your web page is down i see?
Oil boom went bust up here...might be
headin your way shortly....from where
i came from in 2002...lol.


Hello Corazon
It's good to hear from ya again. I'm sorry about your job. But we'll have another Zoner in the Zone again. Welcome back DW. We should get together for coffee when you get down hear.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Hello Lamar,

I don't post very often in fact it is a long while since i posted at all but i do have a query regarding your translation, from latin into english, i've put any changes from your translation in capitals, knowing nothing of latin i have no problems with accepting your translation, but only your old english into modern english.

you quote hallowed by thy name, we were always taught it as hallowed BE thy name, so can you confirm that BY is the correct latin to english translation,,

also next line on earth and it is in heaven,
once again we were taught on earth AS it is in heaven,
can you confirm that also,

Regarding the word hallowed, i think you will find in old english that it does not mean that it cannot be said aloud but simply the name is to be held in awe or venerated, not that it cannot be used or said aloud,

regarding lead us not into temptation, that is a double negative and is correct for old english, rather like agreeing with someone and saying to them you are not wrong,
they are saying if you see us being tempted please guide us away from the temptation, remove the word not and you would be correct but the word not makes all the diffrence to what is actually meant,

also thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,
can you explain where there is any refrence in the original latin or the translation to the dead walking again ?
i read it simply as god will return there will be peace and his teachings and wishes will be done on earth as they are now being done in heaven,

many thanks for your reply


My Grandpa told me this treasure hunting bidness would drive me crazy.

Most fun you will ever have!!!!!! I wish I could be there!!!!!

No it has not been found but when it is found it will be discovered at Aztalan the homeland of the Aztec

Now lets get this put in the right order ... you ever bow hunt .. you start to track the game by sticking a arrow in the ground where you find first blood then as you go ,you put a arrow every time the blood starts to get then and hard to find .. this way you can look back and see the trail of blood and see the path of flight ... this is the same thing that's is talking ... that's why I ended up back at the seven caves ...if I was from the seven caves would I let the trail end there .. No .and the fact is they sent a small amount of treasure to each of the outer caves ... let me explain what I know from my research so far . there is a gather site called the Seven caves . this has seven caves one for each of the 6 tribes and one for the over seer .and a center area where the gathering took place . but for each of those seven caves the is a location they went to . like Utah and the grand canyon and Mexico and south America think about what I am saying .. if all the tribes from north and south America came from the seven caves catacombs they would have been cave dwellers and some would have been hunters and gatherers .. so when the seven caves let them out to find their own cities and cultures they looked for what they knew . caves .... some remain hunters and gatherers like the Inca ,North America is Aztlan , Atlantis is in the center of the north Atlantic Ocean about 1700 ft down .. I pointed it out years ago when I found it ...here is a picture of where Atlantis really is ... and if you look at codex this came from you will see they came from Aztlan /North America .think about it when your in North America it is all round you . that's what they were trying to tell you . Aztlan is all around when your standing in it ...DA!


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you see that last picture .at first I believed it was a city . but then I realized what it really was a stone quarry ,where the stones were made for the Pyramids and they were build there at Atlantis and then moved to where they are now .. I found this site many years ago and reported it and found it was Atlantis .the problem was the Earth shifted on its axis the same way it will soon again . its how the Earth keeps its shape and rotational balance ...I posted a whole discovery thread about finding this and more people have posted it as a mystery site and list me as the finder of this site ...a few of those threads are still out there and its been almost 15 years from the time I found the site ...the Link between Aztlan and the modern world was Atlantis ...and see how the Egypt card plays into the cultures the way it should ... when I said I found the seven caves I am 100% sure of what I am saying is true ...

I am a seer I have been around longer then the Earth has ....believe what you want . that's up to you but looking the other way will not stop me from being who I am ... I threw time as well as I pass threw it ...good luck to you humans I hope you realize your past defines your future ..look and see and know who you are ... !

look at Atlantis it broke in half because it was built on a volcano and half the island was a slump and slid into the Ocean when Atlantis was on top of a mountain , the same way Hawaii is now ! you have been warned ...see your fate !

do you see what they call the bee hive that codex drawing . see the little curls on the out side skin they have two heads but only one bend in the snake . remember the Montezuma neck piece and the Chicomoztoc codex that had the two snake heads and two bends in the snakes body the ones at Atlantis only have one bend , that means that tribes in Aztlan came from Atlantis ...if your world fell into ocean where would you hide ? the Seven caves ... we are all one tribe the sooner you realize it the smarter you will be ...

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