Happy Happy Gypsy PLUS Money Tree PICS

Re: Happy Happy Gypsy

Holy Mackeral!!!!!! Fantastic!!!!!!
Take some chicken wire with you when you go back. The kind with the little squares. You can use it to screen the dirt. Looks like you found someones stash.
There may be lots more. Get some sleep tonight (yeah right) and good luck in the morning. WTG!!!! HH

Re: Happy Happy Gypsy

GYPSY, It Just Doesn't Get Much Better Than That, Congrats On Your Great Finds. trk5capt... 8)

Re: Happy Happy Gypsy

You are totally amazing!!! Took me ten minutes to recover from the AWE. I just stared at the beautiful exonumia and coinage, fantastic! That's some nice treasure and probably loads more to come. Have you read up on bottle digging and sifting? I wonder if that mini coin cache was burried, $1.78ish was a lot of money in 1900. The swastika pitcher is probably the kinder gentler swastika that meant power and good luck before Hitler got a hold of it, any markings or hallmarks on it? Would be interesting to know if it's American or European. Great finds and I'm looking forward to more! HH, Mike PS, I always wear knee pads, the flattish kind work better than the rounded type, they also keep your knees warm in cold weather, LOL! HH

Re: Happy Happy Gypsy

Very nice You should sift the dirt under that tree for coin that may be fell out while being buried.


Re: Happy Happy Gypsy



Nice finds.
You really have my Spring Fever heating up now.

Re: Happy Happy Gypsy



Re: Happy Happy Gypsy

couldn't have happened to anyone more deserving -- good way to start the season -- best of luck on your return trip !!

Re: Happy Happy Gypsy

WE WANT MORE !WE WANT MORE! WE WANT MORE! I just had to do it....Those places are full of surprises....Dumps , houses being pushed over cliffs or what have you....you found it! looking forward to the next Post....Don't leave anything unturned and check those old table legs ....not far from here a guy in Ellicotville N.Y. found Gold Coins in the legs of a table....someone hid them there ,and like you he found them at a dump site ....have fun............... :o :o :o Seeker

Re: Happy Happy Gypsy

WTG Gypsy, and just down the road ::) I hope you can remember exactly where the coins were found? Im sure there must be some more there. Maybe a pot of gold also.

God bless

Re: Happy Happy Gypsy

Where was this at....uh....exactly? You suuuure you don't need any help?
C'mon fill us in. We hear you rustling around the PC there.

Re: Happy Happy Gypsy

Wowsa, I bet that happy dance last well into spring, great finds and I look forward to your post. Way to go girl you make us proud. :D

Re: Happy Happy Gypsy

Wow! Those are some great finds, and a totally awesome story, WTG!!!
Love that old iron, well actually, I love it all, what a site.... I have been thinking about taking my boat out this spring to hit some spots not accessable by land and was wondering if I would actually do any good... Not sure if it will pay off the way this site has for you,,, but I'm definitely going to be out there looking...
Good luck on the return trip, & Happy hunting~

Re: Happy Happy Gypsy

:o GYPSY!!!! :o

Nana is sooooo happy for Gypsy!!!

WoW!!! Just some awesome stuff!!!! Love it!

I'm so glad that you could get out. Keep warm!!

Nana ;)

Re: Happy Happy Gypsy

ive found a few spots like this but ..PFFFT..got me beat hands down..not bad for a cheesehead from a jealous flatlander...DOH..

Re: Happy Happy Gypsy

man oh man gypsygirl. those are some awesome finds and keep going back. theres surely more waiting to be found ( by you ). keep on digging...

Re: Happy Happy Gypsy

Someone mentioned a backward swastika meant good luck, yours is the good luck symbol, the Hitler symbol is turned 45 degees to the right. HH and what's new, LOL, Mike


Another frozen and windy day...but its still been sooooooooo fun...Went first to the old oak tree.....and decided to take a sand sifter (high tech one from my daughters beach toys ) ....began digging under that tree...because well...I dreamed about it last night and decided to follow my instincts ...LOL......found the red gem ring after the second scoop...then a couple of drawer pulls..after a few more empty scoops I went back up the embankment and began the 'prying tin from frozen soil game' again......after a half hour of sorting through metal,broken glass and rolls of barbwire...I finally found the Glass jar with the S on it...so cool..but no lid....was full of moss and dirt...then directly underneath the jar was the brown stoneware spittoon (Roseville) again full of dirt........not a crack in either of them..and I definitely learned my lesson yesterday by not dumping dirt out before I brought the stuff home..LOL......Yeehaw....I started finding alot of drawer pulls ,lock fronts and the glove stretcher .... the little cream color pitcher.... that brass blow torchy looking thing...and iron corn ear dryer.....During this time , I had been tossing a small rolled up oilcloth out of my way...didn't bother to look at it because it was oily and nasty...hahaha....finally when I sat down to catch my breath...there it was next to me again....I started to unroll it and much to my suprise , there were two straight razors in it....unreal....I had thrown that packet at least three times.....The girls were having a field day rolling down the embankment ,but mad because I wouldn't let them dig....I was afraid they would cut themselves on the metal and glass...so I told them to go sift more sand under that tree...in about five minutes they hollered that they found another ring....the little 6 diamond one.....I about killed myself sliding down the rubble to get to them....in about two more minutes we found the little pewter creamer and brass 'C'...now I knew it was a sign from the Dump Digger gods ...because thats my initial...hahaha....and it was...because in the next sift we found the two silver dollars....(1928 & 1929)...thats when mama passed out.....LOL....The girls were jumping up and down doing the Gypsy "we found seeeeeelver song and dance" and I had to shush them up, because I was afraid the entire lake of ice fisherman could hear us and Lord knows I didn't want company....LOL ....after digging another 45 minutes we had found the two little pocket knives , we decided that we were frozen enough,plus it had started snowing AGAIN and packed all of our finds up...Gypsys not so dumb...she brought the kids sled this time... I did a little more research and found that there had been a huge three story farmhouse and large barn and outbuildings near that spot.....But it wasn't the house that was bulldozed ...it was the barn and all out buildings....the house was moved in the early fifty's to a lot not far from me... there were also several little homestead spots along the river....I think someone buried that little stoneware jug under the oak and that the rings and coins were all in that jug together at one time ....I cant imagine it just rolling under there when they bulldozed....the youngest coin is the 1942 Liberty ........I wont be able to get back out there til next weekend.....and if the ice on the lake melts I have to figure a way to rappel down that embankment...going down wont be bad...its back up I am worried about.....LOL....I know that I was extremely lucky in finding this sight....I had canoed several times past this area...and saw the sunlight reflecting off objects ....but never took the time to explore it.....it was only out of sheer desperation and cabin fever that I went looking for it now....and this is one happy Happy Gypsy.......


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