Attn. Mods
Not saying this is the case, here. Just want folks to think about how things of this sort might work.
Very often, in any collectable, the "too good to be true" comes from either the scammer or the one who may have already been scammed. The one who has been scammed is looking for answers.
The scammers ... all they want is dialog ... they are looking for that one vulnerable person, who, in a moment of weakness thinks, "What if it's true ?" The one person who will respond OFF THREAD. A personal message or an email, or a phone call, etc. ... it gets handed off to a "handler".
"Gee, grandma, there's been little interest in this ... that's good, it just leaves you and me ... and since I can't deal with it currently ... that leaves you in a wonderful position to reap the riches."
It's not the chat, that they care about ... they just want it to continue. They don't care if it's nae-sayers.
If most chatters are skeptical, no problem ... just keep it going. It's that one person that goes outside the chat that they want. The weak one ... the one cut from the herd.
You'll find the stories are usually lacking ... additional information slyly absent. Until they have you alone. Then everything escalates. The riches compound ... the stories get "fascinating" ... your hopes get elevated.
The front men have no time to keep their stories straight because they are running "dozens" of items a day. Quick answers devoid of anything specific. They get their cut after the handlers bring home the bacon. Keep feeding the handlers, every now and then, one pays off ... the front men get a little of it.
The handlers are good ! They play the weak like a fish. Sometimes the payoffs can be huge for them. Does grandma tell the family she lost everything ? ... heck no ... most of these get lost in the humiliation ether.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ... never go off chat on things of this nature. If you do ... be very cautious of ANY escalation. Seek help, seek advice, before doing anything. There are folks who can search the net for you and point things out. There are police, etc ... who have seen it all before. The handlers will try to rush you. There is NO NEED TO RUSH ... ask around, get support, take your time, come back here and ask about things ... THERE IS NO NEED TO RUSH, in spite of what you may be told. Back up, and get lots of advice.
BEST ADVICE: Please do not go off-chat on things of this sort. We have a good community here on tnet ... but, if you leave it, things can go very wrong in a hurry.
However you came across this, sneakysquid, ... if you are concerned, be very skeptical ... get it tested, and don't go further without getting advice from reputable dealers, family, police, etc.
Attn. Mods : Feel free to delete if this is the wrong way ... I'm not sure how to get the word out, but the more folks are aware of this sort of thing, the safer the community will be.