Half a bar of something


Jul 14, 2017
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All Treasure Hunting
Hey, wondering if someone could help me with this thing. It´s a bar that´s been cut in half. I´d say it weighs about 100 grams.
The inscriptions say: LINGOEIGO (the word gets cut off here), ISCC, 200 (guessing that´s the weight in grams if the thing was whole), GM.

I´ve had it since I was a kid, and always wondered if it could be gold, but it´s definitely too hard to be pure. Anyone recognize the markings?
Btw, the pink color on the front is from a permanent marker.


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Thanks for the replies, I´ll have it tested and post the results.

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That looks like gold. When I was kid my friend took me to his grandad's house. His granddad brought out and showed us his cool stuff. One item was a WW1 German helmet he said he took off a dead German and the other was a heavy little gold bar that I can still recall the weight to size ratio as it was very heavy for the size of it. I also remember the story he said about why he has it. He said he hid it away when FDR took us off the gold standard and he decided he was gonna keep the bar. It looked very much like what you have if memory serves me. That would have been over 50 years now since I saw that gold bar.

Screw that scallywag FDR !!! :cussing:

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J ai exactement le meme , est ce que vous avez reussi a l identifier ?IMG_20180822_100658.webp

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Welcome to Tnet.

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in all your pics, you did not post a good picture of the cut area of the bar, the "inside" of it. From the pictures you posted it looks like a gold colored iron novelty bar of some kind to me. Just like to see a pic of the inside of the bar on the cutoff end.

And the seconds guy who posted a pic of one....it says "i have one just like yours" or something similar. Yours says 200 GM and his says 400 GM and yet yours looks bigger? kinda odd to me you would both be holding a gold bar worth between 8000 and 15000 and neither of you know that its gold....sorry to be skeptical

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If I am not mistaken didn't the Nazis hide a bunch of gold in Norway? Anyhow, I would take it to your local jeweler and have it tested and see what he/she says it is to be for certain of the assumed metal.

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Hello,we have alsow the same bar. Dus you find out what iT is? Greats from Belgium6B266900-EC1D-4495-9CEA-B3CD2B08AC70.webp

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I would have left skid marks on the way to get it tested the second I found it

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Google insight - possibly Beryllium Bronze? I have no idea what that is - but it came up on a Russian language site - note that the translation is google based so something may have been lost:ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1567825079.522075.webp

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Lingo seigo.webp

" We found one too!! "

How lucky ! Is that the whole story? Sorry to say, but these don't usually turn out well, sneakysquid.


"A week does not go buy when we receive offers from some gold dealer in some African country. Typically these offers to sell gold dust or gold Dore bars come from some dealer located in Kenya, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Republic of Mali, Senegal and Ivory Coast."

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Wow. Great article. Scams seem so obvious, unless you choose to believe.
Be vigilant, be aware, be paranoid.

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Great stuff - the mystery of it all, huh?
Good luck in identifying it, but be sure to let us know more about this interesting item...!
welcome to TNet!

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great solve, Plug N Play
i'm interested in where sneakysquid,Tom2607,
Cedrick,found theirs dug or like sqeal in a
house or building
if i was sqeal i would be searching for a stash
since whoever bought the scam bar, had $$ to spend

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