Ha! the Meds Have kicked in!
What hell is the deal with smartphones? Everyone is expected to have smart phone these days. When did it become compulsory to have to be glued to them 24/7? I was in the park the other day everyone on their smart phones. One was watching a wildlife documentary oblivious to the wildlife around him. Even the wildlife had the shits.
There was even a dog with leg cocked up against a tree looking at his owners smartphone.

It was the smart phone zombie apocalypse! everyone in park was silently glued to their Phone . There was a family having lunch a picnic table not talking just silently glued to their phones. There was kids sitting on swing staring at a smart phone. An older couple walking down the footpath hand in hand without smartphones in hand.
I screamed OH my God Normal people! They laughed hysterically. I said its the smart phone apocalypse!

No wait perhaps they are all just trying to work out predictive text?