Hi everyone
First off, what an amazing post!, i wish everyone was so helpfull.
I have a large rock that i would like to identify, thanks !!!
I aquired it last summer, on prince edward island
On the north shore, at darnley point.
It was on the beach , in the middle of the sand,
All i saw was a peice of the rock sticking out.
Mostly you only see red rocks on pei,
I saw the green marble color and decided it was unique,
I dug it out of the sand, no similar rock nearby.
I spent like 2 hours ,rolling it and carrying it a few feet at a time, i even dented my car getting it into the back.
It must weigh over 50 pounds.
It was alot more polished, but i took a garden house to it, to clean it and alot of the surface flaked off
I can break peices off still with my hand in some spots,
I checked with a rare earth magnet for fun, its not magnetic, i see some white and pink crystals in it, very small.
So what is it? Should i smash it open, and should i look for more?
Also,does anyone know about valuable rocks on pei?
I enjoy all treasure hunting, but there aint much to metal detect in pei, lots of garbadge, and i think the soil is lowsy on pei for detecting,
Ive started reasearching rocks and fossils, i beleive i have a good location for fossils, so i may have some more rocks to post soon, anyone with tips or advice for Prince Edward Island
Such as fossil trees in red stone, i have found one just today without even looking that hard, are the fossil trees in red stone common, are they worth collecting?