Got A Rock you Want Identified? Post it here! gimme a good picture or 3 or 4!

Alrighty then sir, you have two choices,
one go buy a 30$ tile saw from harbor freight. It has a diamond blade on it and is dirt cheap to cut an end off of of your stone there. You want to cut a part that is not smooth,this is important because you don't want to mar the smooth side up, a thin sliver cut off the back side say 1/4inch thick will do wonderfully, you will know exactly what it is when you cut it it will look like a meteor google has 10000 plus pictures of many different types.
Or prospect #2 take it to your local geology department at any university, there is a problem i have with #2 you may not get your sample back, and sometimes if you give away the area it will be full of students from the guys class the next day.
Once you have the slice off of it you can send it to NASA for a full analysis ( there web page has a full explanation of whom what where) you will receive a printout of what they consider it to be. A general location will be wanted for this. Find out whom owns the land and what your rights to everything are before you go any further,.
This is why i say tile saw,then you know where when why, because I've seen meteor hunters loose there stuff on a new hunt. And with some reaching 5000 dollars a gram ( that is a whole other discussion), you'll want to keep a secret, document it right and set a deal with or clean an area before publishing anything. (and that is another discussion).
All in all if you cut it and it is not a meteor, then your only out a tile saw, and its always useful with cutting the next rock. Send me an email if you need any further help with it!

Ok i got this baby cut, here is the result. image.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webp after cuting the sample, the spray from my saw was full of non magnetic metal, filings it looked like, they are deff metal, they bend, and were strong enough to be tiled sawed off, also, hard to get the cam to capture it but, the sample looks like its spoted with gold and silver

P.s. I looked all over the nasa site i couldnt find any info on where to send my slice, or much of anything pertaining to that, all i could find was stuff about how to home id meteors

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I have a few items I found in NorCalifornia on a hike. 20160305_125213.webp20160305_125347.webp20160305_125247.webp20160305_125239.webp Thank for the help

No really, I'm actually sitting here chuckling, I've never seen a toilet seat used then the smell questioned. Lmao so literally yes but the smell actually makes some sense, sulfur dioxide hints to it possibly being graphite, witch can be very soft to a mohs of 2 with the addition of sulfur. Soft and would streak just that way, would have a metalic sheen to it grey to golden.
Large deposits of graphite are very interesting , and have yielded to silver gold and even emerald flutes.i would research it and let me know what you think!

Not graphite. Not dolomite. Most likely arsenopyrite. Fyi.

Not graphite. Not dolomite. Most likely arsenopyrite. Fyi.

Yes, arsenopyrite is a candidate. Often smells like garlic (no, I'm serious!) when whacked with something.
Marcasite & Pyrite can also give off a sulphur-like smell on a rare occasion.

Chalcopyrite is a wrong, since the knife did not scratch it.

Hi guys I was wondering if anyone could help me out on an ID. I've never seen anything around here that looks like this so I'm curious.

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Nappy, interesting piece! Can a knife scratch it?

I can think of three possibilities: Serpentine (knife scratches it), Dunite (Olivine, knife will not scratch), Epidote (knife will not scratch)

The image isn't clear enough; try taking a pic outside in daylight.


Those look promising! Quite possibly gold; to blurry of a picture to say with certainty. (that small stuff is tricky to photograph!)

Was tilling up my front yard for a new flower bed yesterday when one of these bluish green rocks flew out. Then another, and another. I think they were obviously put there at some point, dont think they were naturally occuring here. They seem very light weight. Btw im in eastern oregon at aprox. 3300 ft. Thanks!!


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Found on the Illinois side of Lake Michigan. Host rock was black , with a lil scrubbing, the brassy rocks began to appear. Does not scratch or flake. Does not react to vinegar.

Hi guys I was wondering if anyone could help me out on an ID. I've never seen anything around here that looks like this so I'm curious.

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Could be anterlite

Thought this was cool looking. Pretty wierd looking. Treated it as leverite. About the size of a football.


  • 1458612959855.webp
    148.4 KB · Views: 172
ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1458629672.703292.webpImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1458629703.624512.webpImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1458629721.225205.webp nice chunk I found up in San Bernardino mountains. Super heavy and base some kind of pinkish vein going through it

Jupitore, chalcedony?

Nappy, agates & jaspers?

Chris, To blurry to tell. Gold? Chalcopyrite?

Likely pyrite.

thanks Eu.. I assume there is not much money value on agates and Jaspers huh? even if I have them in every color..

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