Alrighty then sir, you have two choices,
one go buy a 30$ tile saw from harbor freight. It has a diamond blade on it and is dirt cheap to cut an end off of of your stone there. You want to cut a part that is not smooth,this is important because you don't want to mar the smooth side up, a thin sliver cut off the back side say 1/4inch thick will do wonderfully, you will know exactly what it is when you cut it it will look like a meteor google has 10000 plus pictures of many different types.
Or prospect #2 take it to your local geology department at any university, there is a problem i have with #2 you may not get your sample back, and sometimes if you give away the area it will be full of students from the guys class the next day.
Once you have the slice off of it you can send it to NASA for a full analysis ( there web page has a full explanation of whom what where) you will receive a printout of what they consider it to be. A general location will be wanted for this. Find out whom owns the land and what your rights to everything are before you go any further,.
This is why i say tile saw,then you know where when why, because I've seen meteor hunters loose there stuff on a new hunt. And with some reaching 5000 dollars a gram ( that is a whole other discussion), you'll want to keep a secret, document it right and set a deal with or clean an area before publishing anything. (and that is another discussion).
All in all if you cut it and it is not a meteor, then your only out a tile saw, and its always useful with cutting the next rock. Send me an email if you need any further help with it!
Ok i got this baby cut, here is the result.

P.s. I looked all over the nasa site i couldnt find any info on where to send my slice, or much of anything pertaining to that, all i could find was stuff about how to home id meteors
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