Gonzales Mexican mine,notes from Barry Storm

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Gentlemen; relax, we need both of your opinions and thoughts since no-one has yet found it, so who is more correct?

Don Jose de La Mancha

"since no-one has yet found it"

"no one has made it public that that have found it "

Blindbowman said:
Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Gentlemen; relax, we need both of your opinions and thoughts since no-one has yet found it, so who is more correct?

Don Jose de La Mancha

"since no-one has yet found it"

"no one has made it public that that have found it "

You forgot two: "Nobody who has fantasized that they have found it, has been able to prove it yet."

And, "Nobody who has been spouting total BS, has stopped making excuses about why they don't want to prove it, yet, and never will."

I wouldn't want anyone to feel left out, ya know!


EE THr said:
Blindbowman said:
Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Gentlemen; relax, we need both of your opinions and thoughts since no-one has yet found it, so who is more correct?

Don Jose de La Mancha

"since no-one has yet found it"

"no one has made it public that that have found it "

You forgot two: "Nobody who has fantasized that they have found it, has been able to prove it yet."

And, "Nobody who has been spouting total BS, has stopped making excuses about why they don't want to prove it, yet, and never will."

I wouldn't want anyone to feel left out, ya know!


Gosh, I don't know who you could be talking about!!!! ::) hehe

You forgot two: "Nobody who has fantasized that they have found it, has been able to prove it yet."
And, "Nobody who has been spouting total BS, has stopped making excuses about why they don't want to prove it, yet, and never will."
I wouldn't want anyone to feel left out, ya know!
darn it - completely forgot about those two ...


Storm is not a bastion of truth when it comes to story telling.

Most of what I know about the Gonzales Family is in relation to a mine they owned in the Anza-Borrego Desert Area of Southern California. According to their family history, the Peraltas owned most of the mines in the Supers. They gave the Gonzales' a large interest in three of the gold mines there. The Peraltas controlled 100% of the other five. After the massacre, the Peraltas didn't have much interest in the Arizona Mines, and due to circumstances, they blamed the Gonzales' for the massacre. The families were never close after that.

Adolph Ruth's son Erwin, received several maps from a Gonzales Family descendant after saving him from a Mexican firing squad in about 1910-1912. He gave the maps to his father who had a avid interest in treasure hunting (which Erwin did not share). If you don't already know about Adolph Ruth, just GOOGLE his name.


gollum said:

Storm is not a bastion of truth when it comes to story telling.

Most of what I know about the Gonzales Family is in relation to a mine they owned in the Anza-Borrego Desert Area of Southern California. According to their family history, the Peraltas owned most of the mines in the Supers. They gave the Gonzales' a large interest in three of the gold mines there. The Peraltas controlled 100% of the other five. After the massacre, the Peraltas didn't have much interest in the Arizona Mines, and due to circumstances, they blamed the Gonzales' for the massacre. The families were never close after that.

Adolph Ruth's son Erwin, received several maps from a Gonzales Family descendant after saving him from a Mexican firing squad in about 1910-1912. He gave the maps to his father who had a avid interest in treasure hunting (which Erwin did not share). If you don't already know about Adolph Ruth, just GOOGLE his name.


mike i have question the parts about Erwin and how he got the maps .. , what you said was the excepted fact as they are . i still beleive they took crystall's map from him .. there is no prove other then what the map is ...just IMHO the father sent the son to talk to crystall and things got out of hand .. ether way Erwin came back with a map to give his father ,,...father was happy and Erwin was the good son then ...lol

no way to prove it yet .. but the story just dose not sound right to me ... it sounds to made up ..

but your data is just about the same as what i have on Erwin ..i just never beleive the story he gave of how he got the map..its almost the same time crystall was killed ..if i am wrong let me know ...

EE THr said:
Blindbowman said:
Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Gentlemen; relax, we need both of your opinions and thoughts since no-one has yet found it, so who is more correct?

Don Jose de La Mancha

"since no-one has yet found it"

"no one has made it public that that have found it "

You forgot two: "Nobody who has fantasized that they have found it, has been able to prove it yet."

And, "Nobody who has been spouting total BS, has stopped making excuses about why they don't want to prove it, yet, and never will."

I wouldn't want anyone to feel left out, ya know!


sounds more like quality of your and Cubs replies .. grow up .. !i exspect it from Cub .. he still has a good veiw or over sight .. but your just acting like a troll...

i hate to tell you this , but if you think the LDM is going to be easy you should stay home and read about it on the computer ...
i work around the clock at times trying to get things ready for expedition 5 .. it well be my last chance to prove it .. and i will if there is enough evidence left at the sight to do so .. but i hate to tell you this but just because someone finds it dose not mean they will be able to prove it ,, and in my case ...the mine it self is very dangerous under the conditions it is in now ... so any of the BS your dishing out is only showing how little you really know about the mine or how to expolore old mines ...

for one the quality of rock structure is dangerously lose .. and the holds are not to say the lest dangerous ....
the mine was once apone a time a simple open shaft .. but those days are long ago .. and whats there now is not funny at all..

i would like nothing more then to shut you and CUB up permentally .. but i dont focus on confused ...

if you guys acted your age it would like much better on the topics ...

its not about you or me .. this always been about the mine it self ..

you guys just dont do the research the same way .. it dosent mean your right or i am right .. it means you have nothing better to do then act like childern .. ..

and dont worry your little minds .. i can and will prove that i have found the real LDM ..

and as far as i know there is a small list of people that have come out of those mts with wire gold .. i being one of them ...
my sample is fine hair wire gold and was found close to the mine ..but its purity was 73% pure metal ...

so untill you recover a sample of wire gold .. ,you should wait to pass judgement you could really look like a fool if your wrong ..

if i can make the Rendenous this year and i have no idea at this point in time if i can or not .. i will bring that sample with me ...

but i have other things in my life that need me more then a old gold mine .. my friend is sick and i refuse to have her end up in a nursing home ...
so grow up and act your age you two ,... it waste time and effert and shows just how much you dont know ...

I am liveing in a motel right now and I use their internet. It is not very stable and bleeps out quite often, I will try and post what imfo I have on Ruth and maps after midnight when the conection seems more stable. :read2: :thumbsup: :coffee2:

Ok, a few quick notes on the Ruths and their map. Gonzales who worked for the Mexican Consulate gave his friend Edwin C.Ruth his Peralta heirloom family map to mines once worked in Arizona,in exchange for his familys safty out of Mexico,in the year 1912. Gonzales was excuted in Mexico for his part in the revolution. A Mrs.xxxxxxx of Chandler ,Arizona helped Storm with this part of his investigations.
Edwin Ruth made a copy of the map before giveing it to his father Adolf, and did down the road give a copy to Storm. I have a copy of Storms map{gotten by Pure Chance,many years ago}which of course I will not publish,or release imformation from.Adolf Ruths remains were found Janurary 8,1932,by a possee of 6,and his skull was identified at the Smithsonian by a Dr. Ales Hrdlicha, now believe what you like as I have no horse in this race.

Alright BB, what I understand is that Gonzales not only gave E.Ruth the Peraltas mine map , but other old Spanish documents as well. I dont know how many copies were made by anyone in possession, I do believe that Adolf most likely used copy a when he went searching. Based on what imfo I have read,I think Edwin had more common sense than Adolf,although Adolf at at least made 1 earlier treasure find useing old maps. Moveing in another direction I believe Julia was given incorrect imformation by the Dutchmen on purpose,as I dont think he ever intended to let anyone find his gold source. :coffee2:

oldergoate said:
Ok, a few quick notes on the Ruths and their map. Gonzales who worked for the Mexican Consulate gave his friend Edwin C.Ruth his Peralta heirloom family map to mines once worked in Arizona,in exchange for his familys safty out of Mexico,in the year 1912. Gonzales was excuted in Mexico for his part in the revolution. A Mrs.xxxxxxx of Chandler ,Arizona helped Storm with this part of his investigations.
Edwin Ruth made a copy of the map before giveing it to his father Adolf, and did down the road give a copy to Storm. I have a copy of Storms map{gotten by Pure Chance,many years ago}which of course I will not publish,or release imformation from.Adolf Ruths remains were found Janurary 8,1932,by a possee of 6,and his skull was identified at the Smithsonian by a Dr. Ales Hrdlicha, now believe what you like as I have no horse in this race.

Any chance you can provide documentation to prove any of the things you stated above? There are numerous stories about how Erwin (not Edwin) got the maps and passed them along to his father, but everything I've read is strictly word of mouth and hearsay.

Cubfan64 said:
oldergoate said:
Ok, a few quick notes on the Ruths and their map. Gonzales who worked for the Mexican Consulate gave his friend Edwin C.Ruth his Peralta heirloom family map to mines once worked in Arizona,in exchange for his familys safty out of Mexico,in the year 1912. Gonzales was excuted in Mexico for his part in the revolution. A Mrs.xxxxxxx of Chandler ,Arizona helped Storm with this part of his investigations.
Edwin Ruth made a copy of the map before giveing it to his father Adolf, and did down the road give a copy to Storm. I have a copy of Storms map{gotten by Pure Chance,many years ago}which of course I will not publish,or release imformation from.Adolf Ruths remains were found Janurary 8,1932,by a possee of 6,and his skull was identified at the Smithsonian by a Dr. Ales Hrdlicha, now believe what you like as I have no horse in this race.

Any chance you can provide documentation to prove any of the things you stated above? There are numerous stories about how Erwin (not Edwin) got the maps and passed them along to his father, but everything I've read is strictly word of mouth and hearsay.

cub is correct is name was dr. Erwin c . RUTH , i dont really known to much about this other then what was stated in the killer mts...

if you want my 2 cents ,i would be very interesting to see if anyone had seen crystalls map and was it one of the 3 maps ruth had ,,...?
no thats a good question ..

Chicago,BB ,my thread on this subject is at a end here for me ,yall can dissprove it then tell everyone your findings right here. As mentioned before by me , believe as you will,my horse is at the watertroph next to a very old ice cream store and doesnt wanna move.

oldergoate said:
Chicago,BB ,my thread on this subject is at a end here for me ,yall can dissprove it then tell everyone your findings right here. As mentioned before by me , believe as you will,my horse is at the watertroph next to a very old ice cream store and doesnt wanna move.


Put a Rocky Road ice cream cone under his nose, and he will follow you anywhere.

Good luck,


oldergoate said:
Chicago,BB ,my thread on this subject is at a end here for me ,yall can dissprove it then tell everyone your findings right here. As mentioned before by me , believe as you will,my horse is at the watertroph next to a very old ice cream store and doesnt wanna move.

sorry i was not trying to debate with you i was only replying what i knew in the lines of your reply . your reply was well worth the read ...

i like the fug twist my self ... soft ice cream reminds me of my passion for tastity women ...lol

lick them if you got them ...lol :laughing9: :thumbsup:

oldergoate said:
Chicago,BB ,my thread on this subject is at a end here for me ,yall can dissprove it then tell everyone your findings right here. As mentioned before by me , believe as you will,my horse is at the watertroph next to a very old ice cream store and doesnt wanna move.

It's not a matter of me believing or not believing - a story is a story is a story. Without credible documentation as proof of one thing or another it's really hard to discuss specific things. I get the feeling you think I'm "challenging" you - all I was doing is asking questions to try to find out if there's something NEW out there documentation-wise that we haven't seen before. I'm always just as interested in proving something as I am in disproving things.

Anyways - thanks for your input.

i have not replied to the statements made above ....

i found the part about the canyon fresco interesting .because it may have been named that because the mine in questioin could in fact be the fransico mine , (not sure of the true spelling of the mines real name ) as well as the part about the 3 sons of the , this is second time i have hurd the mine called fransico or fransican mine from dirent sorces ...
as for the 3 sons , i also have research these people in details as far as their link to the mine it self .. another name is link to the mine and is Jose Y de Peralta .. so i am not sure what part his roll is at this point ,but the Tayopa letter refer it was in fact his name on the mine . as the Jesus maria y jose mine directly linking the mine it self with Jose y de peralta ....at this point i do not know how this jose y de peralta was related to these other peralta family members , i do know he was schooled in Itlay and did speak valugar latin and was of a portguese childhood ,, i have found very little about him so little is known at this point ..

i also beleive the other spainish document was trhe directions found on Ruth at the time of his death ..

i also agree with gollum .. good reply mike ...

i beleive the peralta keep the 3 richist mines and gave the other 5 to the Gonzales and thats what started the masscre ...the peralta sealed and hide the 3 mines ,the y jose mine , the tayopa mine and the Remedios mine
as well as leaveing the almost played out EL paramo placer...


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