Hero Member
ok severial questions:
1. the wagon was found approx. a half mile away from the Inn in a field the next morning
2. Reports say it was never found although over the past forty years several dollars have been found near streams known as the Salmon Brook
Was the location the wagon was found before or after the streams?
If after the streams then possibly the wagon was racing though the streams in there attempted getaway and due to roughness some were jostled out into the stream.
If before the stream, possibly the stream holds the key, depending on how many and how close together the ones found were in relationship to each other.Wagon goes to area near stream items buried wagon returns to area away from cache site.
3. wagons were slow esp carring wooded boxes or casks of gold, a time frame if u could find one would help between when holdup was and wagon was found
4. wagon was found 1/2 mile from Inn, how far is the stream from that location
If the stream is futher from the inn then the location the wagon was found, possibly cache was hidden wagon was returned to location to throw off finding.
Alot of varibles here, take one varation plot it out research it if it fails plot out another reasearch so on and so on wash rinse repeat.
Without knowing the lay of the land or any other research: is stolen, wagon and team head out fast pace, due to speed in getaway bouncing on road etc, possibly one cask, box either rattles open or is broke, crossing stream at speed some is dumped into stream. is stolen, wagon and team head to stream bank cache is bured nearby team is driven back to location and left away from drop site.
Other varibles:
1. Was the wagon and team the orginal team used to haul the gold, if it was they would be tired and not able to run along distance.
2. Were they persued, hard to believe a gold shipment could be taken and not persued.
3. Wagons with gold loaded were heavy, they leave tracks.
4. The area the wagon was found were there additional tracks found: meaning cache split up onto severial different mounts or another wagon waiting.
Alot of different varibles alot of researching, have fun and good luck.
1. the wagon was found approx. a half mile away from the Inn in a field the next morning
2. Reports say it was never found although over the past forty years several dollars have been found near streams known as the Salmon Brook
Was the location the wagon was found before or after the streams?
If after the streams then possibly the wagon was racing though the streams in there attempted getaway and due to roughness some were jostled out into the stream.
If before the stream, possibly the stream holds the key, depending on how many and how close together the ones found were in relationship to each other.Wagon goes to area near stream items buried wagon returns to area away from cache site.
3. wagons were slow esp carring wooded boxes or casks of gold, a time frame if u could find one would help between when holdup was and wagon was found
4. wagon was found 1/2 mile from Inn, how far is the stream from that location
If the stream is futher from the inn then the location the wagon was found, possibly cache was hidden wagon was returned to location to throw off finding.
Alot of varibles here, take one varation plot it out research it if it fails plot out another reasearch so on and so on wash rinse repeat.
Without knowing the lay of the land or any other research: is stolen, wagon and team head out fast pace, due to speed in getaway bouncing on road etc, possibly one cask, box either rattles open or is broke, crossing stream at speed some is dumped into stream. is stolen, wagon and team head to stream bank cache is bured nearby team is driven back to location and left away from drop site.
Other varibles:
1. Was the wagon and team the orginal team used to haul the gold, if it was they would be tired and not able to run along distance.
2. Were they persued, hard to believe a gold shipment could be taken and not persued.
3. Wagons with gold loaded were heavy, they leave tracks.
4. The area the wagon was found were there additional tracks found: meaning cache split up onto severial different mounts or another wagon waiting.
Alot of different varibles alot of researching, have fun and good luck.