Gold Bug Pro, Gold-N-Sand X-Stream Pro, super mini, super prospector bazooka gold trap sluice's, Thompson 12v Drywasher, royal highbanker, and blue bowl.
ya they threatened to charge me with assault I was only 17 at the time, it's times like that you find out real quick about your fight or flight instinct. the funny part was with all the adrenalin I called my mom at work to tell her while I had the guy pinned to the ground in a head lock lol
I read that in the paper sometime back and we pulled our cash out because it wasn't earning much if any anyway! pay the bills down and be out of debt! FEELS REAL GOOD!
Bury your stash and a detector will easily find. NOT safe as miners run with miners and it's a friend of a friend you must worry about...or a neighbor as my buddy Bobs' case. Silence is indeed golden-John
I agree John! back when I had my welding shop (years back) a young guy came over with a quarter panel to be put onto his 55 Chev. and he brought about 4 other guys with him that I didn't know. I DIDNT LIKE THAT PART! and because of that I told him that he would have to leave the car and ill get to it the next day. and I asked him to please NOT to bring a group again. Not long after that I got ripped off for $1600. worth of tools. then to top it off ,my insurance adjuster came out and he didn't say it outright that I had this done but he came very close to IMPLYING IT!
Nokta FoRs Gold, a Gold Cube, 2 Keene Sluices and Lord only knows how many pans....not to mention a load of other gear my wife still doesn't know about!
Way back in the days of wife #1 (1984) we lived in a townhouse
in Long Beach Ca, near Signal Hill. Nice townhouses but the area
was a bit rough.
At the time I worked for an electronics manufacturer/importer,
and one product we had that was a miserable fail was a AM/FM
receiver designed for elevator music. They came in
from Taiwan with bad transformers, and after about 15 min. of
use the transformer would blow and burn up (as in flames!)
I had a stack of them in my garage, and had replaced the fuses
with nails so the transformer wouldn't blow for 20 min. I'd switch
from one to the other so they never blew up.
Walked into the garage one day (door was open), and a black fellow
had 4 of these big receivers in his arms and was hauling ass down the
alley....I just let him go.
Called the cops and told them of the theft, and also how to find the
Sure enough, next day there was a small fire in an apt. about a mile away,
started by...what else? The new stereo he had just stolen!
Dude got busted, lost his stuff in the fire and hopefully never stole